Spiritual Manna for Spiritual Warfare Series - Intro to Crow Healing ...

Spiritual Manna for Spiritual Warfare Series - Intro to Crow Healing ...

Spiritual Manna for Spiritual Warfare Series - Intro to Crow Healing ...

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constantly,that those who have believed in God should be careful <strong>to</strong> maintain goodworks.These things are good and profitable <strong>to</strong> men."BUT, it seems that the Spirit anticipated our times <strong>for</strong> it warns, ".in thelast days perilous times will come.[when there are people who are]brutal,DESPISERS OF GOOD [that's right, they dislike good, hence, doingthatgood].lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a <strong>for</strong>m ofgodlinessbut denying its power. And from such people turn away!" 2 TIM 3:1-5 Theseare people who don't sincerely believe God's promises, they like <strong>to</strong> lookreligious, but they will not reach out & do-good where they can,because theydeny the power of God <strong>to</strong> work in a practical way. This un<strong>for</strong>tunately iswhereprobably most denominations are at. I've watched them turn away thehomeless &hungry. When I <strong>to</strong>ok a homeless couple <strong>to</strong> my house, the church Iattended tried<strong>to</strong> talk me out of it. Failing that, the church sent their elders over <strong>to</strong>immediately take control & micromanage the affair. They had wanted<strong>to</strong> sendthem away unhelped, but my stubbornness wouldn't let it happen. Thisis onlyone s<strong>to</strong>ry of many, that reflects a pattern across Christendom. Quite acontrast <strong>to</strong> the Word which asks us <strong>to</strong> "be rich in good works, ready <strong>to</strong>give,willing <strong>to</strong> share." The Word asks us <strong>to</strong> prepare ahead of time ".that theman ofGod may be complete, thoroughly equipped <strong>for</strong> every good work."Once I s<strong>to</strong>pped on the interstate <strong>to</strong> help some stranded mo<strong>to</strong>rists. Theyhadbeen s<strong>to</strong>pped <strong>for</strong> a while in the heat and had unsuccessfully fiddledundertheir car's hood. They thought I was an angel when they first saw me. Iwas

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