Spiritual Manna for Spiritual Warfare Series - Intro to Crow Healing ...

Spiritual Manna for Spiritual Warfare Series - Intro to Crow Healing ...

Spiritual Manna for Spiritual Warfare Series - Intro to Crow Healing ...

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trustworthiness."Most people have never been taught a crucial fact of his<strong>to</strong>ry concerningtheUnited States; it was clearly unequivocally founded as a Christianrepublic,not a pluralistic democracy. During the 18th and 19th century there wasneverany legal doubt that this nation was "a Christian nation" (the words ofJustice David J. Brewer in 1905). It was largely Christian ideas offreedom &liberty that gave rise <strong>to</strong> America's ideals. The Christian founders of thisnation did not want America <strong>to</strong> have a Caesar who passed his rule down<strong>to</strong> hisson. However, not everyone in America has wanted Americans <strong>to</strong> freelycontroltheir own destiny. As in Rome, we have new Caesars whose good genesare alittle thinned with the passing of generations.While the fierce Christian haters rant & rave about Bush being aChristian,and how dangerous it is <strong>to</strong> have a Christian in the White House, --"whyhemight do something Christian, and we all know Christians are wildeyed,small-minded, homophobic, hate-mongers without any character"-I amconcernedabout something else.What is President Bush competent in doing other than watchingfootball? DoesBush know more about God's will than he does about the 3 branches ofgovernment? Can I depend upon this "Christian" president knowing thedeeperthings of God, when as leader of our nation, he doesn't know thedifferencebetween Slovakia and Slovenia? Rather than being concerned abouthim turningAmerica in<strong>to</strong> a Theocracy (which would require him knowing what atheocracy

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