Spiritual Manna for Spiritual Warfare Series - Intro to Crow Healing ...

Spiritual Manna for Spiritual Warfare Series - Intro to Crow Healing ...

Spiritual Manna for Spiritual Warfare Series - Intro to Crow Healing ...

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America,and so it is no surprise the show "America's Most Wanted" is sopopular. Ourgovernment has always found some "war" <strong>to</strong> justify recruiting lots ofin<strong>for</strong>mants. In 1940, prior <strong>to</strong> W.W.II, the FBI started recruiting 23,746confidential in<strong>for</strong>mants in fac<strong>to</strong>ries."If you haven't done anything wrong you don't have anything <strong>to</strong> beafraid of."Anyone who repeats this popular line is brainwashed. It is such sickpropaganda and so far removed from the truth, Americans should pukewhen theyhear it. Why don't Americans vomit up this propaganda line? Becausethey arelike the German people around the concentration camps-they don't want<strong>to</strong> knowthe truth.I'd like <strong>to</strong> tell you the tens of thousands of heart wrenching true s<strong>to</strong>riesofinnocent victims of our neo-Gestapo: the s<strong>to</strong>ry of a man who was shot &paralyzed because an low-life criminal paid <strong>to</strong> be a police in<strong>for</strong>mergave bogusin<strong>for</strong>mation about him being a drug dealer <strong>to</strong> police so the in<strong>for</strong>mercould makea quick buck, the s<strong>to</strong>ry of good Christian family who lost their childrenandtheir reputations because their daughter got the flu and a snitch lied <strong>to</strong>thestate that they were abusing their child by dehydration, the s<strong>to</strong>ry of anelderly woman who lost all her money (life savings) <strong>to</strong> the police whenshetried <strong>to</strong> fly (why? Because anyone can be robbed under the disguise ofthe drug& terrorist wars without cause), and thousands of other sad s<strong>to</strong>ries.Everyday our American neo-Gestapo in their neo-Nazi uni<strong>for</strong>ms areshootinginnocent people <strong>to</strong> death, stealing their life savings, ruining theirreputations and businesses, and framing innocent people. It ishappening all

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