Spiritual Manna for Spiritual Warfare Series - Intro to Crow Healing ...

Spiritual Manna for Spiritual Warfare Series - Intro to Crow Healing ...

Spiritual Manna for Spiritual Warfare Series - Intro to Crow Healing ...

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I wanted <strong>to</strong> point out that the Word of God says these things weresecretsbe<strong>for</strong>e it goes in<strong>to</strong> Christ's explanation of the parable. You may wonderwhywould the common understanding of this parable be kept secret?Because, as Ijust said in the last paragraph, the deeper meaning of it gets in<strong>to</strong> thedarkest & nastiest secrets of Satanism! We don't have <strong>to</strong> understandSatanism<strong>to</strong> understand the bot<strong>to</strong>m line, IF we accept Christ's words at face value.Christ doesn't want <strong>to</strong> drag his disciples through all that Satanism. Hehashardly explained the Kingdom of God; it isn't the right place <strong>to</strong> teachmenlike these fishermen the deeper secrets of Satanism. He chose the simpleordinary things of life <strong>to</strong> teach us. He was showing us that the smallthingsin life could teach us & bring us joy. Truth can be found in a lily or abirdor a field of wheat with weeds. Christ says the Kingdom of Heaven islike awheat field that has been contaminated by the enemy who sowed taresin amongstthe wheat. The adulteration of the good crop was intentional & hostile.AndChrist blames this on the sons of Satan. Not only is another seed (whichis anasty poisonous weed) sown in<strong>to</strong> the field, this weed (tares, aka darnelaka inreference books as lolium temulentum) resembles wheat exactly until itfinallysprouts its poisonous black fruit, in contrast <strong>to</strong> wheat's golden head.In the parable Satan's followers do their work in secret. From theparable wecan learn many things, including the following. Where good seed issown, Satanworks <strong>to</strong> secretly scatter his seed the thickest. We must realize that falseapostles, false prophets, false Christs, and false Christians are hid amongthe Christians and resemble us Christians in outward appearance. They

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