Issue 54 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 54 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 54 - Tse Qigong Centre

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to an emotion and the emotion forkidneys is fear. The five major internalorgans are also called the hollow organsas they are the storehouses for energy.The kidneys are the holders of Jing whichis first type of energy produced when wedo <strong>Qigong</strong> exercises. If we deplete ourJing, working too hard, having too muchsexual intercourse, then our kidneys willbe weakened and the body will then showsuch emotional symptoms as fear andinsecurity and such physical symptoms aslower back pain, aching in the joints, hairand hearing loss.<strong>Qigong</strong> is very good because itnot only works on one organ but thewhole body. So not only will the kidneysbe strengthened, also your heart andlungs. When the heart is strong, you willknow your direction and when the lungsare strong, you will not be depressed andyour outlook will be postive. When we dothe <strong>Qigong</strong> movements and connect themwith breathing and relaxation, we arebalancing the blood and Qi in the body.The channels will be smoothed andacupuncture points opened so we canreceive more Qi from nature. Because youalso worry a lot, this can also affect thespleen. All of the body is like a universeand what affects one thing, will affect therest. The <strong>Qigong</strong> meditation will helpcalm your mind and so you will worry lessand less and begin to see thingsdifferently.You can try the movements in thebook, like the Balancing Gong, for whichthere is also a video tape. Youcan also try the Horse Stancemeditation described in aprevious letter in this PO Boxof Qi Magazine and also inthe book. Please feel free tocontact me if you have anyfurther questions.Yours sincerely,Michael <strong>Tse</strong>“When the heartis strong, you willknow your direction”High KickingDear Master <strong>Tse</strong>,I would like to thankyou for producing awonderful magazine which isboth informative andinteresting. I also have aquestion for you. I have beenlearning Yang Style Taijiquanfor about one year now but Ihave problems regardingkicking, especially when we must kick tothe side with a 90 degree angle betweenboth legs and the arms going out as ifopening a curtain. Can you help? I wouldmuch appreciate any assistanceyou could offer.CJ, MiddlesexDear CJ,Everyonehas differentways in whichtheir body isflexible. Somepeople find it veryeasy to reach over and touch their toeswhile some can only touch their knees.But maybe that same person who can onlytouch their knees bending over, can dothe splits without any trouble. I see in myown students the different ways in whichpeople are flexible. Taijiquan emphasisesrelaxation in the body, but there are alsosome kicks, maybe to the side or even toXie Xie...I would like to say thank you to everyonewho has sent me a card or letter recently. I havereceived many Christmas, New Year, ChineseNew Year and birthday cards. I find that I amvery lucky to have so many students and friends.Thanks each and everyone of you.the front need flexibility. Actually, forfighting, a kick should not be very high.It is only through Wushu completitionsthat greater and greater emphasis hasbeen placed on high kicking in Taijiquan.For me the most important is tofollow the principle. If you find you cannotmanage a kick all the way, then do whatyou are comfortable with. Then at home,you can work on doing some simplestretches, like sitting facing a wall withthe legs stretched out in a v-shape, theinside of the ankles as close to the wallas possible. Slowly, you can move yourbody closer to the wall and your legscloser trying so that they can be parallelwith the wall as much as possible. Youcan even practise the kicking as arepetition exercise, say 6-8 times a day,once you are warmed up. First make surethe waist is loose and then the upper bodyand then do the kicking. In this way youcan avoid putting stress on your muscles.Yours sincerely, Michael <strong>Tse</strong>Everyday we receive many letters from people all over the world, sometimes asking for advice, sometimes just sharing their experience. Unless specificallyasked otherwise, we will consider these letters for possible publication in Qi Magazine. In this way, we all come together like a family and share and helpeach other. That is the reason I began Qi Magazine and particularly the PO Box. - Michael <strong>Tse</strong>If there is anything you wish to share with others, any news or any announcements you would like to make, send them to us. We also welcome articles(800 - 1000 words in length) on topics appropriate.UKQi MagazinePO Box 59,Altrincham WA15 8FS. UK.email tse@qimagazine.comPlease write to:USA<strong>Tse</strong> <strong>Qigong</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>PO Box 15807,Honolulu, HI 96830. USA.email tse@wildgooseqigong.com

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