Issue 54 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 54 - Tse Qigong Centre Issue 54 - Tse Qigong Centre
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POBox POBox POBox...VeryExcitingNews…This New Year has brought with it a bigchange for the Tse Qigong Centre!Wild Goose Qigong was givenby Jessica Blackwell beforeOn 24 th January 2001, the Tse several hundred spectators atQigong Centre relocated to Hawaii.There are actually several HawaiianIslands, but this one is called Oahu. It isone of the most famous of all theHawaiian Islands. Hawaii is a specialplace and one in which cultural andfamily traditions are still very strong,which reflects and reinforces the valuesof the Tse Qigong Centre. People herehave made us feel very welcome andhave been more than helpful in assistingus to set things up.The office was officially opened onChinese New Year. During the followingweekend, a special demonstration ofthe Chinatown Cultural Plaza.This was a great opportunity to introducethe people of Hawaii to the Tse QigongCentre and our skill and to celebrate ournew move. We hope that next year someof you can join in.Already classes have begun at theYMCA near the University of Hawaii andnew students have been welcomed to theTse Qigong Centre family. There areplans for several more classes around theisland and also a Qigong residentialcourse for the year 2002 on one of theneighbouring islands. So plan ahead ifyou want to enjoy a relaxing atmosphereof learning under SifuTse in some of the mostspectacular surroundingsyou can imagine.For those of you whoknow the familytradition of joiningtogether for meals afterseminars, not to worry,there is lots of goodChinese food availablehere, even a specialvegetarian onlyrestaurant for all youveggies. Of course,there are also lots ofsunshine, fresh air and beautiful beachesfor practice. We hope that there will bemany, many new visitors to us here inHawaii and welcome you all. Aloha!Tse Qigong CentrePO Box 15807Honolulu HI 96830Tel. (808) 528 8501.Fax (520) 441 6578tse@wildgooseqigong.comNew Taiji Class inBirminghamFrom the 3rd ofMay the TseQigong Centrewill be beginningstarting a newChen Taijiquanclass in Birmingham.The classwill be held at theFriends Institute,22 Mosely Road, Highgate,Birmingham and will start at 8.30pmevery Thursday.Chen Style Taijiquan is a veryprofound exercise that is not only goodfor your health, but also a very dynamicform of self defence. For moreinformation about this new class andany of the classes already establishedin Birmingham, please contact the TseQigong Centre on 0161 929 4485.Co-ordinating WellDear Mr Tse,Many years ago I was diagnosed ashaving dyslexia. I had very bad problemswith co-ordination and at the age offourteen I had a visual sequential memoryof an eight year old. On some of my oldschool reports there are many referencesto me not even being able to catch a ball. Iwas very left handed and had a dominantleft eye and ear.I tried different martial arts but wasunable to keep up with the forms, butabout 15 years ago, I moved to GreatYarmouth and met a teacher of T’ien TiTao and I started to train hard. For thefirst few years we were just stepping andpunching and learning a proper root. Sometime later I learned my first form. This wasvery difficult and took a number of years.Unfortunately, the club closed andmoved away, but I still continued topractise the form. Later, however, I movedon to study Wing Chun and Choy Li Fut.I now know about nine forms. Althoughthey are all only basic-medium skill forms,I do know them all and the applicationsboth left and right sided, long and short,hard and soft. My co-ordination hasimproved so much that I work in a factoryon a packing machine. The job is quitedifficult but again I can do this using bothmy right and left hand, something thatpeople were actually saying was impossibleall those years ago.I am convinced that this has onlypossible through my practise of Kung Fu.I am also a lot more confident than before.I still train hard and always intend to.Thanks.Yours sincerely,AJ, NorfolkDear AJ,Thank you for your letter. I thinkthat it will inspire many people and helpthem to overcome their own difficulties.We all have something in life that we mustwork at and it is how we handle thesedifficulties that develops who we are asindividuals. I am happy to see martial artskill helping people. From my ownQi Magazine 3

Damp InvasionDear Sifu,I hope you will not mind me asking some questions. A couple of weeks ago my husband spent some time cleaning thefish pond in the garden. The weather was cold and damp. The following day he suffered a lot of pain at his back on the righthandside around his kidney area. The pain went on for three days and the GP thought it was a gallstone. He remembered youmentioned before that we can heal by putting our hands where it hurts. So I put my right hand on his back for about half anhour and all the time he felt as if a very warm force was pushing something. I had a funny sensation on my lower arm but I didnot know what I was supposed to do. He felt as if something was being pushed out and the pain was gone. When he went forultra-sound in the hospital nothing showed up on the monitor. He was convinced that the Qigong I practice everyday hashelped him. I am still puzzled by the whole experience especially why I felt so physically drained the following day and had tospend the day in bed.Sifu, if a similar situation arises in the future, what should I do? Is there a procedure that one must learn or follow ornot do ? I apologise to have taken up your time.Yours sincerely, K, LondonDear K,Regarding your letter, this is very common and many people have the same experience that after healing somebody,they feel tired, with all their energy having been drained away.Our Qi is based on how much we get from our parents. Any communication with others will cause you to lose yourQi. Therefore, how can somebody heal another person without using their own Qi? When someone is healing a person, theyare making contact, either physically or close by and you are also communicating with the person who needs to be healedon many different levels.Many of these people say that you can just channel the Qi from heaven and so it is really heaven that heals theperson. However, I disagree with this. Once the Qi has to pass through a healer’s body, it must relate with that person, so itis communication and contact. The healer still uses their own Qi. Even though we gather Qi from nature (or heaven), it stillhas to come into our bodies. If the glass is clean, the water in the glass will be clean. If the glass is dirty, will the water still beclean when it is poured out?Of course, they still will deny this and I do not think it is good to keep arguing about it. Perhaps everybody has theirown knowledge. However, when I look at many of these healers, their faces and their health says more than their words evercan. I see that most of these healers are not healthy and this is because they are always transmitting and giving their Qi away.Many of these people wonder why they are always so tired but still deny that they are giving their own Qi away. Yet they oftenlook older even when they are still quite young, with dry, sometimes yellowish looking skin. Their hands may even be verythin and cold with lots of lines and maybe yellow or white. This is because they are using theirkidney and liver Qi.As a healer, we can not always think that we are helping somebody by doing healing.“When I havheadache, I mI reach for thWhy? Because if we ourselves are not healthy, how can we help others be healthier? Cansomeone who does not know how to read teach reading to someone who is illiterate? Cansomeone who is not wise teach true wisdom? Sometimes I find they just keep healing others,thinking they are helping other people. They forget their own health, instead of taking care oftheir own health first. My teacher always said, before healing others, be healthy yourself.Even in Qigong hospitals where they are healing many people in a day, they practise Qigongfor many hours a day to rid themselves of the patient’s negative Qi and also to gather positiveor extra Qi. If we do not gather more Qi through Qigong practice, we are using Qi on credit.In the end, we will have to pay the interest on the debits from that account if we do not haveenough money to pay off the bill when it comes. However, there are still some people who do notconsider that using credit is using their own money. Because they do not see the money going out, they think that it is notusing your own money.So when you need to heal others, you must think about whether you have enough Qi and whether you know howto recharge your Qi, instead of just making yourself tired. Particularly for beginners, they usually do not know how to controltheir Qi, particularly once they start to heal. If we do have some experience and want to try and help, afterwards we shouldalways practise more Qigong to help us to clear the negative energy from the body and to help us restore the energy we haveused. Then we will not feel exhausted.If you will remember, Sigong Yang Meijun did not teach anyone her skill until she was over seventy years old. Thatrule is what has helped her to live to be over 100 years, because she built up her Qi for many decades before using it to healothers.Yours sincerelyMichael Tse

Damp InvasionDear Sifu,I hope you will not mind me asking some questions. A couple of weeks ago my husband spent some time cleaning thefish pond in the garden. The weather was cold and damp. The following day he suffered a lot of pain at his back on the righthandside around his kidney area. The pain went on for three days and the GP thought it was a gallstone. He remembered youmentioned before that we can heal by putting our hands where it hurts. So I put my right hand on his back for about half anhour and all the time he felt as if a very warm force was pushing something. I had a funny sensation on my lower arm but I didnot know what I was supposed to do. He felt as if something was being pushed out and the pain was gone. When he went forultra-sound in the hospital nothing showed up on the monitor. He was convinced that the <strong>Qigong</strong> I practice everyday hashelped him. I am still puzzled by the whole experience especially why I felt so physically drained the following day and had tospend the day in bed.Sifu, if a similar situation arises in the future, what should I do? Is there a procedure that one must learn or follow ornot do ? I apologise to have taken up your time.Yours sincerely, K, LondonDear K,Regarding your letter, this is very common and many people have the same experience that after healing somebody,they feel tired, with all their energy having been drained away.Our Qi is based on how much we get from our parents. Any communication with others will cause you to lose yourQi. Therefore, how can somebody heal another person without using their own Qi? When someone is healing a person, theyare making contact, either physically or close by and you are also communicating with the person who needs to be healedon many different levels.Many of these people say that you can just channel the Qi from heaven and so it is really heaven that heals theperson. However, I disagree with this. Once the Qi has to pass through a healer’s body, it must relate with that person, so itis communication and contact. The healer still uses their own Qi. Even though we gather Qi from nature (or heaven), it stillhas to come into our bodies. If the glass is clean, the water in the glass will be clean. If the glass is dirty, will the water still beclean when it is poured out?Of course, they still will deny this and I do not think it is good to keep arguing about it. Perhaps everybody has theirown knowledge. However, when I look at many of these healers, their faces and their health says more than their words evercan. I see that most of these healers are not healthy and this is because they are always transmitting and giving their Qi away.Many of these people wonder why they are always so tired but still deny that they are giving their own Qi away. Yet they oftenlook older even when they are still quite young, with dry, sometimes yellowish looking skin. Their hands may even be verythin and cold with lots of lines and maybe yellow or white. This is because they are using theirkidney and liver Qi.As a healer, we can not always think that we are helping somebody by doing healing.“When I havheadache, I mI reach for thWhy? Because if we ourselves are not healthy, how can we help others be healthier? Cansomeone who does not know how to read teach reading to someone who is illiterate? Cansomeone who is not wise teach true wisdom? Sometimes I find they just keep healing others,thinking they are helping other people. They forget their own health, instead of taking care oftheir own health first. My teacher always said, before healing others, be healthy yourself.Even in <strong>Qigong</strong> hospitals where they are healing many people in a day, they practise <strong>Qigong</strong>for many hours a day to rid themselves of the patient’s negative Qi and also to gather positiveor extra Qi. If we do not gather more Qi through <strong>Qigong</strong> practice, we are using Qi on credit.In the end, we will have to pay the interest on the debits from that account if we do not haveenough money to pay off the bill when it comes. However, there are still some people who do notconsider that using credit is using their own money. Because they do not see the money going out, they think that it is notusing your own money.So when you need to heal others, you must think about whether you have enough Qi and whether you know howto recharge your Qi, instead of just making yourself tired. Particularly for beginners, they usually do not know how to controltheir Qi, particularly once they start to heal. If we do have some experience and want to try and help, afterwards we shouldalways practise more <strong>Qigong</strong> to help us to clear the negative energy from the body and to help us restore the energy we haveused. Then we will not feel exhausted.If you will remember, Sigong Yang Meijun did not teach anyone her skill until she was over seventy years old. Thatrule is what has helped her to live to be over 100 years, because she built up her Qi for many decades before using it to healothers.Yours sincerelyMichael <strong>Tse</strong>

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