Issue 54 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 54 - Tse Qigong Centre Issue 54 - Tse Qigong Centre
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The entrance to your house is one of the most important aspects of your FengShui since this is where all your energy comes in. Therefore if you want good FengShui, you need to know what makes your entrance good or bad.Feng Shui and the MainEntrance of a House part 2Continuing from last time, we lookat the things to avoid at the mainentrance of your home. The mainentrance is very important and youshould never allow it to affect your life,so you may need to alter it or redecorateit. The main entrance is like your mouth,so for your house it is very important andwill affect your income. You should neverallow it to become damaged. In thebeginning the problems might not beobvious, but they will come sooner orlater. If you don’t believe it, when youmove into a house write down whetherthe entrance is good or bad. Keep a diaryof your life and after a year you will seehow much your life has changed.6. When you walk through your frontdoor never let any corner face (point) atyou. A corner is like a knife or spearattacking you, so it is not good to havesome thing like that facing you everydayas you come in and out. If it is somethinglike a table or bookcase, then you canmove it or put a pot plant there to blockthe corner. You can also put some otherfurniture there to smooth out the corner,and then it will not harm you any more.(fig. 1)It is the same outside your house,you should not have any corners of wallsor buildings pointing at your entrance. Ifyou do, get two stone lions or dogs andput them either side of you of your doorto guard your entrance, or you can putup a Bagua mirror to face the corner andreflect it back.7. Never have your entrance at the samelevel as your neighbour’s entrance. If youdo, then it means every time you dosomething, you will share the benefits. Italso means that those living there willhave more than one partner. (fig. 2)fig. 1Sharp corners can affect yourfuture prospects“The mainentrance islike yourmouth, soit is veryimportant”Never have your entrance at the same level as your neighboursfig. 2Feng ShuiQi Magazine 45

fig. 3The entrance leads to a narrow hallway, which should be avoided. Not a good entrance.10. When you walk outside, youshould not see lampposts or otherstraight objects facing your entrance.This is like a stick hitting you everytime you walk outside, so you cantell how lucky you will be. You willhave accidents more easily and hurtyourself. If you do have some thinglike this, then you need to put ametal bar above the entrance. Thiswill block the stick from hitting you.The stronger you make the bar thebetter as if it is strong then the stickhitting you will bounce back and youwill be safe.11. A large window or glass doorfacing the main entrance will allowthe Qi to go straight through andescape and so you will never keepany money. However much youmake, you will spend it all. If you dohave this, then you need to put somefurniture in the middle to break upthe space and stop the energy fromflowing through. This will make yourfinances better. (fig. 5)by Michael Tse“Never let the main entrance bebigger than the space it opens into”8. Never let the main entrance be biggerthan the space (e.g. room or hallway) itopens into. Being wider at the front andnarrow inside means that in thebeginning things will be good, but theywill turn bad in the end. (fig. 3)If you own the house I suggest youchange one of the walls to make theroom bigger, or make the doorwaysmaller. Usually in a house, the entranceis narrower than the space behind it, sobe careful.9. When you walk in through theentrance, you should not face any scarypaintings or posters, or pictures with toomany patterns. If you see these thingsstraight away, then they will make youdizzy and confused. They may evencreate mental problems. The best thingto do is change the picture to one of nicescenery or something natural. This willmake you calmer and you mind clearerwhich can help your future career.(see fig. 4)fig. 4This entrance leads straight on to lots ofdistracting pictures, which should beavoidedWith openings directly across from eachother, the energy runs straight throughthe house.fig. 5Qi Magazine 46

The entrance to your house is one of the most important aspects of your FengShui since this is where all your energy comes in. Therefore if you want good FengShui, you need to know what makes your entrance good or bad.Feng Shui and the MainEntrance of a House part 2Continuing from last time, we lookat the things to avoid at the mainentrance of your home. The mainentrance is very important and youshould never allow it to affect your life,so you may need to alter it or redecorateit. The main entrance is like your mouth,so for your house it is very important andwill affect your income. You should neverallow it to become damaged. In thebeginning the problems might not beobvious, but they will come sooner orlater. If you don’t believe it, when youmove into a house write down whetherthe entrance is good or bad. Keep a diaryof your life and after a year you will seehow much your life has changed.6. When you walk through your frontdoor never let any corner face (point) atyou. A corner is like a knife or spearattacking you, so it is not good to havesome thing like that facing you everydayas you come in and out. If it is somethinglike a table or bookcase, then you canmove it or put a pot plant there to blockthe corner. You can also put some otherfurniture there to smooth out the corner,and then it will not harm you any more.(fig. 1)It is the same outside your house,you should not have any corners of wallsor buildings pointing at your entrance. Ifyou do, get two stone lions or dogs andput them either side of you of your doorto guard your entrance, or you can putup a Bagua mirror to face the corner andreflect it back.7. Never have your entrance at the samelevel as your neighbour’s entrance. If youdo, then it means every time you dosomething, you will share the benefits. Italso means that those living there willhave more than one partner. (fig. 2)fig. 1Sharp corners can affect yourfuture prospects“The mainentrance islike yourmouth, soit is veryimportant”Never have your entrance at the same level as your neighboursfig. 2Feng ShuiQi Magazine 45

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