Cameroon Criminal Procedure Code 2005 - On TRACK against ...

Cameroon Criminal Procedure Code 2005 - On TRACK against ...

Cameroon Criminal Procedure Code 2005 - On TRACK against ...


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Section 64:(1) The Procureur General of a Court of Appeal may, by express authority of the Ministry incharge of Justice, enter a nolle prosequi, at any stage before judgement on the merits is delivered,if such proceedings could seriously imperil social interest or public order.(2) In the case completed in sub-section (1) above, the Examining Magistrate or the court shallrecord the fact of the discontinuance of the criminal action, and order if need be, the cancellationof any warrant <strong>against</strong> the suspect or the accused.(3) W11e:1 the criminal action has been discontinued pursuant to sub-section (1) above, the EX(4) The discontinuance of criminal proceedings shall be without prejudice to their reinstitutionwhen this becomes necessary.(5) Except for the cases contemplated in subsection (I) above and in section 62 (I) h),prosecution regularly instituted, shall not in anyway be discontinued or suspended, without therisk of a civil action for damages <strong>against</strong> the magistrate who so does.Section 65:(1) Prescription shall be t barring of prosecution following the failure to commence action withinthe prescribed limitation period.(2) In the case of a felony, criminal proceedings shall be time-barred after the years have elapsedfrom the day following the day of commission of the felony, if 1 thin the interval no step is takenwithin 1 meaning of section 66.(3) Where a step has been taken 1 thin that interval, prosecution can only time-barred after tenyears have elapsed from the day following the date of such step.(4) In the case of a misdemeanour except where there are special provision in relation to certainoffences, the period of prescription shall be three years. It shall be calculated according to thecircumstances specified in sub-sections (2) and (3).(5) In the case of a simple offence period of prescription shall be one year shall be calculatedaccording to the circumstances specified in sub-sections 1 and (3).(6) In the case of prosecution for several related offences, the delay for prescription to be takeninto consideration shall be that of the offence with the most severe punishment.

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