Rover 75 Owner's Handbook - 3rd Edition - Eng - RoverClub-BG.com

Rover 75 Owner's Handbook - 3rd Edition - Eng - RoverClub-BG.com

Rover 75 Owner's Handbook - 3rd Edition - Eng - RoverClub-BG.com

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Airbag SRSTo ensure correct deployment of the airbags, it is essential thatobstructions are not allowed to intervene between an airbagand the occupant. The following are examples of the type ofobstructions that could either, impede correct operation ofthe airbags, or jeopardise personal safety in the event of anairbag deployment:• Accessories attached to or obscuring an airbag cover,including the roof lining, front pillar and ‘B’ post finishersand the part of the front seat containing the side airbag orthe pillar between front and rear doors.• Items of hand luggage, or other objects placed on an airbagcover.• Feet, knees or any other part of the anatomy in contactwith, or in close proximity to, a front airbag cover.• Items on the shelf below the front passenger airbag that arelikely to impede airbag operation in the event of animpact.• Head, arms or any part of the anatomy in contact with, orin close proximity to, a side airbag.• Items of clothing or cushions draped over the part of thefront seat containing the airbag or hanging from the grabhandle attached to the roof.• Non-approved seat covers fitted over a front seat (inparticular, be aware that seat covers approved for other carswill NOT be suitable for <strong>Rover</strong> <strong>75</strong>). If in doubt, seekadvice from a <strong>Rover</strong> dealer.Seating positionsIn order to provide optimum protection in the event of asevere impact, it is necessary for the airbags to deploy withconsiderable speed.An inflating airbag can cause facial abrasions and other injuriesif the occupant is too close to the airbag at the time of itsdeployment.1DO NOT attach or positionitems on, or close to theroof lining or front pillar and ‘B’post finishers, or to an airbagcover (steering wheel centrepad or fascia panel), whichcould interfere with the inflationof the airbag or, if the airbaginflates, be propelled inside thecar causing injury to theoccupants.To minimise the risk ofaccidental injury frominflating airbags, seat beltsshould be correctly worn at alltimes. In addition, both driverand front seat passenger shouldadjust their seat to provide themaximum practical distancefrom the front airbags, and alsoensure that a gap is maintainedbetween the upper torso and theside of the vehicle, to enableunobstructed inflation of theside airbags.31

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