Rover 75 Owner's Handbook - 3rd Edition - Eng - RoverClub-BG.com

Rover 75 Owner's Handbook - 3rd Edition - Eng - RoverClub-BG.com

Rover 75 Owner's Handbook - 3rd Edition - Eng - RoverClub-BG.com

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Emergency Starting4ABH28602.0 & 2.5 petrol enginesIf the battery from a donor vehicle is to be used, the vehiclesshould be parked with their battery locations adjacent to oneanother. Ensure that the two vehicles do not touch.Apply the handbrakes and ensure that the gear levers on bothvehicles are in neutral (‘P’ - Park for vehicles with automatictransmission).Starting the carTurn off the starter switch and ALL electrical equipment ofBOTH vehicles, then follow the instructions that follow:1. Connect the RED booster cable between the positive(+) terminals of both batteries.2. Connect the BLACK booster cable from the negative (-)terminal of the donor battery (A) to a good earth point(an engine mounting or other unpainted surface, forexample), at least 0.5 m from the battery and well awayfrom fuel and brake lines on the disabled vehicle (B) (seeillustrations).3. Check that the cables are clear of moving parts of bothengines, then start the engine of the donor vehicle andallow it to idle for a few minutes.4. Now start the engine of the vehicle with the dischargedbattery (DO NOT crank the engine for more than 15seconds).DO NOT disconnect thedischarged battery. Makesure that BOTH batteries are ofthe same voltage (12 volts), andthat the booster cables areapproved for use with 12 volt carbatteries.Ensure that each boostercable connection issecurely made and that there isno risk of the clips accidentallyslipping from the batteryterminals (as a result of enginevibration, for example)- thiscould cause sparking, whichcould lead to fire or explosion.169

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