Rover 75 Owner's Handbook - 3rd Edition - Eng - RoverClub-BG.com

Rover 75 Owner's Handbook - 3rd Edition - Eng - RoverClub-BG.com

Rover 75 Owner's Handbook - 3rd Edition - Eng - RoverClub-BG.com

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BrakesBraking in an emergencyIf an emergency situation occurs, the driver should apply fullbraking effort even when the road surface is slippery. Theanti-lock braking system will constantly monitor therotational speed of the wheels and vary braking pressure toeach according to the amount of traction available. This willensure that the wheels do not lock and that the car is broughtto a halt in the shortest possible distance for the prevailingroad surface conditions.No matter how hard you brake, you should be able tocontinue steering the vehicle as NORMAL.However, always remember that anti-lock braking operatesonly AFTER the driver has already lost control. ABS cannotreliably <strong>com</strong>pensate for driver error or inexperience.ABS Warning lightThe ABS incorporates a monitoring system, whichchecks that all the electrical <strong>com</strong>ponents are inworking order as soon as the starter switch is turned on, andalso at frequent intervals during a journey.The warning light on the instrument panel is an importantpart of this system. The light should illuminate forapproximately 2 seconds when the starter switch is turned tothe second position and then extinguish.If the warning light fails to extinguish or illuminates whiledriving, a fault has been detected by the self-monitoringsystem and full ABS control may not be available. If thisoccurs, consult your dealer at the earliest opportunity.2DO NOT pump the brakepedal at any time; this willinterrupt operation of the ABSand may increase brakingdistance.NOTE: On soft surfaces such aspowdery snow, sand or gravel,the braking distance required bythe anti-lock braking system maybe greater than for non-ABSbraking, even though improvedsteering would be experienced.This is because the natural actionof locked wheels on soft surfacesis to build up a wedge of surfacematerial in front which assists thecar to stop.NOTE: The normal (non-ABS)braking system remains fullyoperational and is not affected bypartial or full loss of the ABS.However, braking distances mayincrease.129

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