Rover 75 Owner's Handbook - 3rd Edition - Eng - RoverClub-BG.com

Rover 75 Owner's Handbook - 3rd Edition - Eng - RoverClub-BG.com

Rover 75 Owner's Handbook - 3rd Edition - Eng - RoverClub-BG.com

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Environmental Driving2Environmental DrivingPROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENTEnvironmental issues are increasingly influencing our lives,and the motor car is sometimes seen as a major source of airpollution.In a great many respects, however, criticism of the car and itsmanufacturer is misplaced, for few industries have done moreto reduce pollution than the motor industry. <strong>Rover</strong> is noexception. Your new <strong>Rover</strong> <strong>75</strong> has been designed with thelatest technology in order to minimise the environmentalimpact of exhaust emissions. Even so, any further reductionin emissions is in everyone’s interest and, to this end, there area number of ways in which you, the owner, can also make acontribution.Starting the engineAlthough it is a <strong>com</strong>mon perception that cars should be‘warmed up’ before being driven, this is not the case.The majority of poisonous emissions are producedimmediately following a cold start and in the period while theengine is warming up. Because the car warms up much fasterwhile it is being driven, it is less harmful to the environmentto drive away immediately after starting rather than to allowthe engine to idle.Driving styleThe way in which you drive your car has a significant bearingon environment pollution, as well as affecting the amount offuel you use:• Avoid full throttle accelerationSteady, rather than rapid, acceleration uses considerablyless fuel, reduces exhaust pollutants and also minimises thewear to mechanical <strong>com</strong>ponents.• Avoid driving at maximum speedFuel consumption, exhaust emissions and noise levels allincrease significantly at high speeds. For example,travelling at 60 mph (100 km/h) uses up to 20 per cent lessfuel than driving at 70 mph (112 km/h).99

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