Nature & Animals….. -

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Animal Crusaders • Commemorative Issue • October 2010Compassionate PoetA Private ViewBy Ruchi KohliA short summary of myprivate views on each of thepoems in “A Private View”Sightseeing - Finding happinesswithin is the true pleasure achievedby giving away what we seek for us.Him - When one loves, sense of selfis replaced with the sense of love forthe person.Desperate - Hope of being unitedwith your lover within the limitedtime of life creates desperation andconflict.Worth remembering - Even afterlife deserts us, there is a Voice to listento in the silence of Death.A Time to Stand - There is nodelaying the moments of positivethoughts in the life passing by fast.Such thoughts are eternal.Life - ‘I’ and ‘Me’ limit the self fromexploring the true knowledge.Beauty - Beauty may not be noticedbut the beauty of love is universallyvisible.Empty - Desires can never be fulfilledtill the mind is free from them andwe begin to live freely.Positivity - Seek a source whoknows it all to become an energythat does it all.Justify - Almighty is perceived indimensions not permitted to theconscious mind where judgmentresides.Freedom of Speech - An intenselycompassionate communicationdescribing misery of the sufferersWisdom - The only wisdom is to seekthe eternal. The wise seeks it.Illusion - Our life is a movie wherewe dress up to play our parts. Motivesare known only at the end.Look - Look at real who wants to beseen. Live with real to possess it all.Service - We came here to serve andthis is the only action that definesone.Imagination - Remaining soft andcalm like a rabbit in adversity is truetest of one’s nature.Love - God’s will is not to sacrifice alamb but to give it life.Prayer - An expression of mydevotion to a religion of truthAnswer - Answer her call by livingher message. It is heard in pin dropsilence!Last call - Death is the ultimate callof God to test the faith in us of Hispresence.Prayer - A list of my desiresBeautiful - Beauty reveals her secretsto those who know her depthintimately.Prayer - Ego dies as Self emerges.Day Dreams - Awareness radiatesfrom one who experiences to theobserver, the latter becoming a partof the process.Youth - Forever Young!Inaudible - Listen to animals whosesilence breaks my heart.Told - We should not be afraid of thesights and sounds of the sufferingpeople and animals for they teachus a lot.Mummy - A portrait of my beautifulmotherVoice - Actions speak louder thanwords.Religion - God has no religion. Godis love. – GandhiHide and seek - Awareness finds outhidden pain and suffering.Truth - Truth being transparent issimple and clear holding a power toset one free.Tears - Our grieving memories makeup for the physical absence.Snow - Future – who knows?Time - I am formless!Farewell - His soul lives forever, notlimited by time. I miss you more thanyou ever imagined.Love - I love you!Time - Waiting at the gates ofeternity to reunite me with my fatherSound - The Almighty blesses withvision when our self emerges afterdeath of ego.Insight - Insight brings vision to seethat life of spirit begins and endswith love.Life - Seeded with grace this life ofmineSong - Uni-Verse – One song.Animals have a voice inaudible to uscreating a tune that’s symphony ofsound -love.Nibbles Goes Green: SummaryIn the book, a bunny rabbit namedNibbles learning the magical powerof his thoughts explores a wonderfulworld where Nature comes alive toshow the importance of a healthyenvironment. Her adventures takeher to another part of the worldwhere things aren’t right withoutanybody knowing what is missing.This journey of discovery beginsbecause of a special attachmentNibbles has with a tree, her bestfriend. Nibbles and her friends showa child how to live happily and makea better world.73

Animal Crusaders • Commemorative Issue • October 2010SunderbansTiger straying into villages….. some stray thoughts !The Sundarbans forest is theworld’s only mangrove forest withtigers, popularly known as BengalTiger and Sunderbans NationalPark is featured as one of theUnesco- World Heritage Site.Since last couple of years theinvasion of tiger in villages ofSunderbans grew rapidly. Reasonsare diverse, shrinking habitat dueto climate change and cyclonesSidr and Aila, which left behind atrail of devastation since 2007,forced many a Royal Bengal tigerto migrate from Bangladesh intothe Indian side of the Sundarbansisland. Wildlife experts say a goodnumber of tigers might havecome into the Indian forests insearch of food. The number ofdocumented tiger attacks hassoared. According to villagers,there have been 15 already thisyear, six of them fatal. The ranksof the tiger widows are swelling,and the horrifying tales aremultiplying. In the village ofDeulbari in Kultali, everyoneknows someone who has beenattacked by a tiger. Until now,humans and tigers have coexisteduneasily in this outpost in theSundarbans area of West Bengal.This year has been different. Thetigers, having been uprootedfrom its usual terrain, hasdeveloped a taste for humanflesh. In a nutshell, the reasons ofthe invasion is shortage of foodand shrinkage of their corehabitat.74Villagers are now more aware ofTiger conservation and theVillagers’ view are also no lessdiverse. ‘There is a lot of mentalpressure trying to tackle thissituation, ‘We have always livedwith tigers. It is part and parcel oflife here,’ ‘This conflict willcontinue because the man-eatersare looking for humans. ‘Oncethey have the taste of humanflesh, they will always look for it.’‘We love tigers, we can’t hatethem. They are unavoidable, theyare part of the place. There are alot of tigers around now, butwithout the tigers it would not bethe same jungle.’ “We’ve not seensuch a rise in the past 25 years.”Better late than never, the year2009 started with a positive inputfrom the authorities; an expertcommittee comprising seniorofficials from the related statedepartments, several wildlifeexperts, especially those who dealwith tiger-related issues, expertsfrom the Zoological Survey ofIndia, representatives from theWildlife Institute of India andfaculty members of CalcuttaUniversity’s zoologicaldepartment, is to be set up tomonitor the activities of maneaters, as such big cats are called.It will try to find out why the tigersare attacking villagers - officially,there have been at least six suchcases in the past year, but manymore are suspected to have goneunrecorded. It will also suggeststeps to prevent such crises. Letus hope for the best !13521. Two Wild Boars in the sweet-waterpond. Ajmalmari # 7.SBR2. Track mark of Spotted Deer. KalashIsland.SBR3. Peerkhali. Red cloth (locally called“Jhamti”) indicating the Humancasualty. STR4. In search for the Pugmark. ForestGuard Pradip. Kalash Island. SBR5. A Checkered Keelbak hunting a LyathaFish. Kalash.SBR4

Animal Crusaders • Commemorative Issue • October 2010SunderbansTiger straying into villages….. some stray thoughts !The Sundarbans forest is theworld’s only mangrove forest withtigers, popularly known as BengalTiger and Sunderbans NationalPark is featured as one of theUnesco- World Heritage Site.Since last couple of years theinvasion of tiger in villages ofSunderbans grew rapidly. Reasonsare diverse, shrinking habitat dueto climate change and cyclonesSidr and Aila, which left behind atrail of devastation since 2007,forced many a Royal Bengal tigerto migrate from Bangladesh intothe Indian side of the Sundarbansisland. Wildlife experts say a goodnumber of tigers might havecome into the Indian forests insearch of food. The number ofdocumented tiger attacks hassoared. According to villagers,there have been 15 already thisyear, six of them fatal. The ranksof the tiger widows are swelling,and the horrifying tales aremultiplying. In the village ofDeulbari in Kultali, everyoneknows someone who has beenattacked by a tiger. Until now,humans and tigers have coexisteduneasily in this outpost in theSundarbans area of West Bengal.This year has been different. Thetigers, having been uprootedfrom its usual terrain, hasdeveloped a taste for humanflesh. In a nutshell, the reasons ofthe invasion is shortage of foodand shrinkage of their corehabitat.74Villagers are now more aware ofTiger conservation and theVillagers’ view are also no lessdiverse. ‘There is a lot of mentalpressure trying to tackle thissituation, ‘We have always livedwith tigers. It is part and parcel oflife here,’ ‘This conflict willcontinue because the man-eatersare looking for humans. ‘Oncethey have the taste of humanflesh, they will always look for it.’‘We love tigers, we can’t hatethem. They are unavoidable, theyare part of the place. There are alot of tigers around now, butwithout the tigers it would not bethe same jungle.’ “We’ve not seensuch a rise in the past 25 years.”Better late than never, the year2009 started with a positive inputfrom the authorities; an expertcommittee comprising seniorofficials from the related statedepartments, several wildlifeexperts, especially those who dealwith tiger-related issues, expertsfrom the Zoological Survey ofIndia, representatives from theWildlife Institute of India andfaculty members of CalcuttaUniversity’s zoologicaldepartment, is to be set up tomonitor the activities of maneaters, as such big cats are called.It will try to find out why the tigersare attacking villagers - officially,there have been at least six suchcases in the past year, but manymore are suspected to have goneunrecorded. It will also suggeststeps to prevent such crises. Letus hope for the best !13521. Two Wild Boars in the sweet-waterpond. Ajmalmari # 7.SBR2. Track mark of Spotted Deer. KalashIsland.SBR3. Peerkhali. Red cloth (locally called“Jhamti”) indicating the Humancasualty. STR4. In search for the Pugmark. ForestGuard Pradip. Kalash Island. SBR5. A Checkered Keelbak hunting a LyathaFish. Kalash.SBR4

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