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Nature & Animals….. - HereNow4U.net

Nature & Animals….. - HereNow4U.net


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Animal Crusaders • Commemorative Issue • October 2010Remembering SunilAnd that was Sunil“Your meal is not yet ready dear”,this is how I answered hisscratching the door. Sunil wouldgo down quietly, but came upagain as he spotted Reba in thegarden, expecting something toeat in the meal time.Sunil was a country dog, born inthe premises of our housingsociety to his mother Moti, whowas also a pet of the house. Sunilhad other names. But thisparticular name was given to himby my brother once when hevisited us from Canada.Sunil grew up in the householdof the society. He played with thechildren, loved them and perhapswas loved by them too. Sunilindeed had a very loving nature.He did not want anybody to leavethe house even for sometime,would run after him, push himwith his head from the back toprotest, or stand in front of theirvehicles, unrelenting to moveeven as the vehicles started andhe would be the first one to greetat the gate on coming back.Sunil was very sensitive, had adeep sense of self-respect. If everadmonished by somebody, orspoken to with unpalatablewords, Sunil would not visit hisplace for days together, noranswer his call.And he was also quite consciousof his own presence. If I talkedabout him, about some feat ormischief, Sunil would sit at adistance with apparentindifference, yet attentive to beingtalked about.Sunil supervised the work of themechanics who came to work. Hewould make the security menalert of their duties, chase asuspect. But generally liked to sitcomfortably on the platform atthe centre of the garden, whilehis loud masculine bark made hispresence known.However, a few things our pretty(yes, he was) dog did not like. Hewould awaken the entirehousehold with his cry wheneverwe tried to give him a leash. Theother was taking medicine. Yetanother was putting on warmclothes, especially the sweaterthat was knit for him. He wouldwhish away the moment weapproached him with the thingand often disappear from oursight for some time.That was Sunil.Sunil is no more, but we miss him,indeed we do miss him everymoment !~ Apala Chakravarti43

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