Nature & Animals….. - HereNow4U.net

Nature & Animals….. - HereNow4U.net

Nature & Animals….. - HereNow4U.net


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Animal Crusaders • Commemorative Issue • October 2010Human-Nonhuman BondCatch them youngOur children go to the zoo forpicnic –Their idea about the Tigeris the one that is panting at acorner in the cage. They can notvisualize this magnificent animalin action nor do they know thatthey have become almost extinct.The little kids know nothingabout poaching and how thecities are making in-roads into thejungle unless they know the factsand figures; their minds arediverted to other topics likemovies and fashion and the worldof romance.They all love animals but alasmom buys a cute puppy and themaid takes care of it, thus theirknowledge about animal care isreduced to a nil. Children shouldknow about unconventionalexotic animals and how to takecare of them. Going on a holidaytrip need not mean anysophisticated place. CorbettNational Park with the jungle loreis a fascinating idea. So isKaziranga game sanctuary. Whilein town the children can visitanimal friendly organizations andhave a most enjoyable day. Theycan become volunteer or helpinghands which will come veryhandy in later life. Gardening is awonderful hobby for children,since we live in a concrete jungle;window boxes spilling over withflowers can be a source of joy andpride. However children shouldbe taught the ‘Do it yourself ’motto rather than dependingon help.Eco friendly subject should be anintegral part of the schoolcurriculum. Those who excel in itshould get a special mention.If children are encouraged to keepan eye on the neighbourhood sothat trees are not cut down,animals not abused; they will havesense of responsibility, they willbe useful members of the society.They should be encouraged totake out the garbage. One taskthey would love to take on, forexample, to see to it that mummywears eco-friendly clothes likecotton and linen instead of fur orleather. Thus they will grow upcompassionate towards animals,green fingered with a vision of abetter earth.~Anita NagOne of the most obvious factsabout grown-ups, to a child,is that they have forgottenwhat it is like to be a child.Randall Jarrell31

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