Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) - the City of Lompoc!

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) - the City of Lompoc! Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) - the City of Lompoc!
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TABLE OF CONTENTSI. FINDINGS ...................................................................................................................................... 1II. CONDITIONS FOR PERMIT COVERAGE............................................................................ 14III. DISCHARGE PROHIBITIONS................................................................................................. 20IV. SPECIAL PROVISIONS............................................................................................................. 22V. EFFLUENT STANDARDS ......................................................................................................... 29VI. RECEIVING WATER LIMITATIONS .................................................................................... 32VII. TRAINING QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS................... 33VIII. RISK DETERMINATION.......................................................................................................... 34IX. RISK LEVEL 1 REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................... 35X. RISK LEVEL 2 REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................... 35XI. RISK LEVEL 3 REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................... 35XII. ACTIVE TREATMENT SYSTEMS (ATS)............................................................................... 35XIII. POST-CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS .................................................................................. 36XIV. SWPPP REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 38XV. REGIONAL WATER BOARD AUTHORITIES...................................................................... 39XVI. ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS............................................................................ 40LIST OF ATTACHMENTSAttachment A – Linear Underground/Overhead RequirementsAttachment A.1 – LUP Type DeterminationAttachment A.2 – LUP Permit Registration DocumentsAttachment B – Permit Registration DocumentsAttachment C – Risk Level 1 RequirementsAttachment D – Risk Level 2 RequirementsAttachment E – Risk Level 3 RequirementsAttachment F – Active Treatment System (ATS) RequirementsLIST OF APPENDICESAppendix 1 – Risk Determination WorksheetAppendix 2 – Post-Construction Water Balance Performance StandardAppendix 2.1 – Post-Construction Water Balance Performance Standard SpreadsheetAppendix 3 – Bioassessment Monitoring GuidelinesAppendix 4 – Adopted/Implemented Sediment TMDLsAppendix 5 – GlossaryAppendix 6 – AcronymsAppendix 7 – State and Regional Water Resources Control Board Contactsi

OrderSTATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARDORDER NO. 2009-0009-DWQNATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEMGENERAL PERMIT NO. CAS000002WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTSFORDISCHARGES OF STORM WATER RUNOFF ASSOCIATED WITHCONSTRUCTION AND LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIESI. FINDINGSA. General FindingsThe State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) finds that:1. The federal Clean Water Act (CWA) prohibits certain discharges ofstorm water containing pollutants except in compliance with a NationalPollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit (Title 33United States Code (U.S.C.) §§ 1311 and 1342(p); also referred to asClean Water Act (CWA) §§ 301 and 402(p)). The U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency (U.S. EPA) promulgates federal regulations toimplement the CWA’s mandate to control pollutants in storm waterrunoff discharges. (Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.)Parts 122, 123, and 124). The federal statutes and regulations requiredischarges to surface waters comprised of storm water associated withconstruction activity, including demolition, clearing, grading, andexcavation, and other land disturbance activities (except operationsthat result in disturbance of less than one acre of total land area andwhich are not part of a larger common plan of development or sale), toobtain coverage under an NPDES permit. The NPDES permit mustrequire implementation of Best Available Technology EconomicallyAchievable (BAT) and Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology(BCT) to reduce or eliminate pollutants in storm water runoff. TheNPDES permit must also include additional requirements necessary toimplement applicable water quality standards.2. This General Permit authorizes discharges of storm water associatedwith construction activity so long as the dischargers comply with allrequirements, provisions, limitations and prohibitions in the permit. Inaddition, this General Permit regulates the discharges of storm waterassociated with construction activities from all LinearUnderground/Overhead Projects resulting in the disturbance of greaterthan or equal to one acre (Attachment A).2009-0009-DWQ 1 September 02, 2009

OrderSTATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARDORDER NO. 2009-0009-DWQNATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEMGENERAL PERMIT NO. CAS000002WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTSFORDISCHARGES OF STORM WATER RUNOFF ASSOCIATED WITHCONSTRUCTION AND LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIESI. FINDINGSA. General FindingsThe State <strong>Water</strong> Resources Control Board (State <strong>Water</strong> Board) finds that:1. The federal Clean <strong>Water</strong> Act (CWA) prohibits certain discharges <strong>of</strong>storm water containing pollutants except in compliance with a NationalPollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit (Title 33United States Code (U.S.C.) §§ 1311 and 1342(p); also referred to asClean <strong>Water</strong> Act (CWA) §§ 301 and 402(p)). The U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency (U.S. EPA) promulgates federal regulations toimplement <strong>the</strong> CWA’s mandate to control pollutants in storm waterrun<strong>of</strong>f discharges. (Title 40 Code <strong>of</strong> Federal Regulations (C.F.R.)Parts 122, 123, and 124). The federal statutes and regulations requiredischarges to surface waters comprised <strong>of</strong> storm water associated withconstruction activity, including demolition, clearing, grading, andexcavation, and o<strong>the</strong>r land disturbance activities (except operationsthat result in disturbance <strong>of</strong> less than one acre <strong>of</strong> total land area andwhich are not part <strong>of</strong> a larger common plan <strong>of</strong> development or sale), toobtain coverage under an NPDES permit. The NPDES permit mustrequire implementation <strong>of</strong> Best Available Technology EconomicallyAchievable (BAT) and Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology(BCT) to reduce or eliminate pollutants in storm water run<strong>of</strong>f. TheNPDES permit must also include additional requirements necessary toimplement applicable water quality standards.2. This General Permit authorizes discharges <strong>of</strong> storm water associatedwith construction activity so long as <strong>the</strong> dischargers comply with allrequirements, provisions, limitations and prohibitions in <strong>the</strong> permit. Inaddition, this General Permit regulates <strong>the</strong> discharges <strong>of</strong> storm waterassociated with construction activities from all LinearUnderground/Overhead Projects resulting in <strong>the</strong> disturbance <strong>of</strong> greaterthan or equal to one acre (Attachment A).2009-0009-DWQ 1 September 02, 2009

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