Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) - the City of Lompoc!

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) - the City of Lompoc! Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) - the City of Lompoc!
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Maintenance, Inspection and Repair ProgramThe contractor shall use the following guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and repair of BMPs identified in the SWPPP incombination with the Field Log Sheets.All BMPs must be inspected in accordance with the General Permit requirements for the associated project type andrisk level 2. In the event of a BMP failure or shortcoming, design changes to the BMP must be madeto avoid a potential violation.BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES INSPECTION FREQUENCYMAINTENANCE/REPAIR PROGRAM(BMPs)(all controls)SE05: Fiber RollsSE10: Storm Drain Inlet ProtectionPrior to forecasted rain, daily duringextended rain events, after rainevents, and weekly.Prior to forecasted rain, daily duringextended rain events, after rainevents, and weekly.• Ensure the rolls remain anchored in placeand are not damaged or weathered.• Repair or replace ripped, split, unraveled, orweathered fiber rolls within 24 hours ofdiscovery.• Remove sediment when accumulationreaches 1/3 of the rolls height. Sedimentremoved may be spread into the earthworkof the site or be disposed of at anappropriate location. Do not place collectedsediment in a place where it will wash intoditches, channels, or streams.• Fiber rolls can be removed or left in placeafter vegetation is established. Over timethey decompose into mulch and the nettingbreaks into smaller pieces.• Remove accumulated sediment when thesediment reaches ½ of the barrier height.• Replace or repair protection as needed.WE01: Wind Erosion ControlSE07: Vacuum Type SweeperWIND EROSION CONTROL BMPsPrior to commencement ofassociated activities, verify thatBMPs are in place and weekly.TRACKING CONTROL BMPsDaily during non‐hauling events,hourly during hauling events andweekly.• Observe air quality to ensure BMPs areadequate.• Observe traffic speed limits and enforcespeed limits on‐site.• Inspect site to ensure minimal soil surfacesare exposed; employ temporary cover BMPsas needed.• Inspect soil surfaces and ensure surfaces arescarified.• Scrape and sweep within 24 hours ofdetecting sediment tracking.• Properly dispose of vacuumed materialsaccording to local regulations.• Sweep multiple times per day, if necessaryduring continuous or frequent haulingactivities.

Maintenance, Inspection and Repair ProgramThe contractor shall use the following guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and repair of BMPs identified in the SWPPP incombination with the Field Log Sheets.All BMPs must be inspected in accordance with the General Permit requirements for the associated project type andrisk level 2. In the event of a BMP failure or shortcoming, design changes to the BMP must be madeto avoid a potential violation.BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES INSPECTION FREQUENCYMAINTENANCE/REPAIR PROGRAM(BMPs)(all controls)TC01: Stabilized ConstructionEntranceVerify that BMPs are in place priorto commencement of associatedactivities. Inspect weekly.• Routinely top dress using nominal sizeaggregate, or replace rock if it is full ofsediment.• Sweep the street to remove sediment that isnot caught by exit pad.• Inspect adjacent road ditches and othervegetated areas for erosion andsedimentation.• Inspect adjacent streets and roadways toensure soil tracking is being controlled, andthe exit is being used by all vehicles leavingthe site.NS01: Water Conservation PracticesNS03: Paving and GrindingOperationsNS06: Illicit Connection/ DischargeNON‐STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BMPsInspect prior to thecommencement of relatedactivities.Inspect prior to thecommencement of relatedactivities. While activitiesassociated with the BMP are underway, inspect once a week duringthe rainy season and every twoweeks during non‐rainy season toverify continued implementation.Verify that BMPs are in place priorto commencement of associatedactivities. While activities areunderway, inspect weekly.• Repair water equipment as needed toprevent unintended discharges.• Inspect BMPs subject to non‐storm waterdischarges daily.• Sample storm water runoff as necessary.• Inspect and maintain machinery regularly tominimize leaks and drips. Keep amplesupplies of drip pans/absorbent materials onsite.• Inspect the site regularly to check for anyillegal dumping or discharge.• Prohibit employees and subcontractorsfrom disposing of on‐job related debris ormaterials at the construction site.• Notify the owner of any illicit connectionsand illegal dumping or discharge incidentsat the time of discovery.

Maintenance, Inspection and Repair ProgramThe contractor shall use <strong>the</strong> following guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and repair <strong>of</strong> BMPs identified in <strong>the</strong> <strong>SWPPP</strong> incombination with <strong>the</strong> Field Log Sheets.All BMPs must be inspected in accordance with <strong>the</strong> General Permit requirements for <strong>the</strong> associated project type andrisk level 2. In <strong>the</strong> event <strong>of</strong> a BMP failure or shortcoming, design changes to <strong>the</strong> BMP must be madeto avoid a potential violation.BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES INSPECTION FREQUENCYMAINTENANCE/REPAIR PROGRAM(BMPs)(all controls)TC01: Stabilized ConstructionEntranceVerify that BMPs are in place priorto commencement <strong>of</strong> associatedactivities. Inspect weekly.• Routinely top dress using nominal sizeaggregate, or replace rock if it is full <strong>of</strong>sediment.• Sweep <strong>the</strong> street to remove sediment that isnot caught by exit pad.• Inspect adjacent road ditches and o<strong>the</strong>rvegetated areas for erosion andsedimentation.• Inspect adjacent streets and roadways toensure soil tracking is being controlled, and<strong>the</strong> exit is being used by all vehicles leaving<strong>the</strong> site.NS01: <strong>Water</strong> Conservation PracticesNS03: Paving and GrindingOperationsNS06: Illicit Connection/ DischargeNON‐STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BMPsInspect prior to <strong>the</strong>commencement <strong>of</strong> relatedactivities.Inspect prior to <strong>the</strong>commencement <strong>of</strong> relatedactivities. While activitiesassociated with <strong>the</strong> BMP are underway, inspect once a week during<strong>the</strong> rainy season and every twoweeks during non‐rainy season toverify continued implementation.Verify that BMPs are in place priorto commencement <strong>of</strong> associatedactivities. While activities areunderway, inspect weekly.• Repair water equipment as needed toprevent unintended discharges.• Inspect BMPs subject to non‐storm waterdischarges daily.• Sample storm water run<strong>of</strong>f as necessary.• Inspect and maintain machinery regularly tominimize leaks and drips. Keep amplesupplies <strong>of</strong> drip pans/absorbent materials onsite.• Inspect <strong>the</strong> site regularly to check for anyillegal dumping or discharge.• Prohibit employees and subcontractorsfrom disposing <strong>of</strong> on‐job related debris ormaterials at <strong>the</strong> construction site.• Notify <strong>the</strong> owner <strong>of</strong> any illicit connectionsand illegal dumping or discharge incidentsat <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> discovery.

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