Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) - the City of Lompoc!

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) - the City of Lompoc! Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) - the City of Lompoc!
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WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste ManagementVehicle and Equipment Cleaning is prohibited from occurring on-site. Fueling and maintenance of equipmentand vehicles shall take place in designated areas only. Materials storage on–site will be minimized.3.4 Post-Construction Best Management PracticesThis SWPPP contains Post-Construction BMPs, which are designated to reduce or eliminate pollutants afterconstruction is completed.BMPs serving dual purpose roles (construction and post-construction protection) include:EC-6 Straw Mulch/Hydroseed/Tackifier/Soil AmendmentEC-7 Geotextiles & Mats (biodegradable option)EC-10 Velocity Dissipation DevicesBMP for post-construction include:FloGard FilterMunicipal Water Well No. 11 and Transmission Water Main – SWPPP July 20, 2010Page 12

Section 4 Construction Site Monitoring ProgramThe General Permit requires the following types of monitoring for Risk Level 2 projects:• Visual inspections of Best Management Practices (BMPs);• Visual monitoring of the site related to qualifying storm events;• Visual monitoring of the site for non-stormwater discharges;• Sampling and analysis of construction site runoff;• Sampling and analysis of non-stormwater discharges;Storm event monitoring should be conducted during business hours; and when the National Oceanographicand Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ( forecasts a rain event with a 50%or greater probability of producing a ½-inch or more of rain.Table 3 -1 Summary of MonitoringType of Monitoring What When Where**Visual InspectionBMP#1-9Storm waterPre-stormPost-stormNon-storm waterSampling & AnalysisStorm water runoff(effluent)BMP failure/spill(non-visible)Non-storm waterPresence andeffectiveness of all BMPsAll drainage areas andBMPs.All drainage areas andBMPs.Operations and BMPsidentified in Section 2.3pH and turbidity of stormwater runoffrepresentative of site.Runoff affected and notaffected by thedischarge/spill. UseAppendix H as a guide.Operations and BMPsidentified in Section 2.3** Sample locations are shown in Appendix C.Weekly (Well site), daily (watermain site) andEvery 24 hours during anextended storm event.Within 2 business days beforeeach qualifying storm event.Within 2 business days aftereach qualifying storm event.QuarterlyWithin 2 business days of eachqualifying storm event, and at aminimum 3 samples per day.Within first 2 hours of dischargefrom site.If non-storm water is dischargedoff site.#1-9#1-9Location ofdischarge.#1Location ofdischarge.Location ofdischarge.Rain events and resulting monitoring periods should be separated into qualifying rain events. A qualifying rainevent is defined as any event producing precipitation of ½ inch or more within a 48 hour or greater period. Arain gage should be installed on-site, if possible.Monitoring locations provide clear views of BMPs, disturbed areas and extend through the entire site.Dischargers must maintain on-site records of all visual observations, personnel performing the observations,observation dates, weather conditions, locations observed, and corrective actions taken in response to theobservations. The Construction Site Monitoring Checklists (Appendix F) should be used to track all monitoringactivities.At the water main site only, inspections may be discontinued in non-active construction areas where soildisturbingactivities are completed and final soil stabilization is achieved.Municipal Water Well No. 11 and Transmission Water Main – SWPPP July 20, 2010Page 13

WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste ManagementVehicle and Equipment Cleaning is prohibited from occurring on-site. Fueling and maintenance <strong>of</strong> equipmentand vehicles shall take place in designated areas only. Materials storage on–site will be minimized.3.4 Post-Construction Best Management PracticesThis <strong>SWPPP</strong> contains Post-Construction BMPs, which are designated to reduce or eliminate pollutants afterconstruction is completed.BMPs serving dual purpose roles (construction and post-construction protection) include:EC-6 Straw Mulch/Hydroseed/Tackifier/Soil AmendmentEC-7 Geotextiles & Mats (biodegradable option)EC-10 Velocity Dissipation DevicesBMP for post-construction include:FloGard FilterMunicipal <strong>Water</strong> Well No. 11 and Transmission <strong>Water</strong> Main – <strong>SWPPP</strong> July 20, 2010Page 12

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