English Language Teaching in its Social Context

English Language Teaching in its Social Context

English Language Teaching in its Social Context


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3INDEX 351sampl<strong>in</strong>g 323 4Sapir, E. 126, 138scaffold<strong>in</strong>g 96, 103, 254, 265, 267, 308schematic knowledge 77-8schematic structure 204-5Schlemmer, L. 227Schmidt, R. 34, 84, 109Schon, D. 56school failure 234- 5Schumann, J. 50Sebba, M. 338, 339second language acquisition (SLA) 12; appliedl<strong>in</strong>guists’ perspective 64-8 ; classroom asexperimental laboratory 123 5; <strong>in</strong> context308 9; educational perspectives 53~ 60;expla<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 306 8; <strong>in</strong>novationist pcrspective604; and language socialisation 4, 108-21 ;lim<strong>its</strong> to a social perspective 109-10;metaphors for 191 2; research and languagepedagogy 44-74; researchers’ perspectiveand pedagogy 48-53; sociol<strong>in</strong>guisticperspective on 1 10second language learn<strong>in</strong>g see language learn<strong>in</strong>gsecond language socialisation (SLS) 4,108-21 ; contextualisation and wider socialprocesses 1 16-19; methodologicalimplications 1 19; problems with the model113-16segregated education 235 -6; see also apartheidSeliger, H. 31 2semantic strategies 77sentence judgement 40sequenc<strong>in</strong>g 267shared experience 126-7, 248, 254-5significance 134Significant Bil<strong>in</strong>gual Instructional Features (SRIF)study 172silent way 152 ~S<strong>in</strong>clair, J. 15situational language teach<strong>in</strong>g 149, 150Sk<strong>in</strong>ner, B.F. 16, 151Slimani, A. 313, 314small-group learn<strong>in</strong>g 26 1-2, 264-5Snow, C. 3941social be<strong>in</strong>g, learner as 25social context I, 4, 122-44; classroom as coralgardens see classroom as culture metaphor;classroom as discoursc 125-8; classroom asexperimental laboratory 123-5social identity 110social <strong>in</strong>equalities 7, 271 86social <strong>in</strong>teraction model of <strong>in</strong>novation 62social practiccs: language practice and ideology1 15-- 16; navigat<strong>in</strong>g discourse <strong>in</strong> theclassroom 310, 314-16; second languagelearn<strong>in</strong>g theory and 2 5‘social troublc’ 315socialisation see second language socialisationsocio-cultural context 1-2socio-cultural perspective 254 5, 260sociol<strong>in</strong>guistic perspective 1 10socio-pragmatic failure 1 12solidarity politeness 228South Africa 22740; macro context ofschool<strong>in</strong>g for black people 235- 7specifications 60spoken language see discourse, <strong>in</strong>teractionSpolsky, R. 13-14Sri Lankan classroom 6, 208-26standard layout transcripts 331-3stave layout transcripts 334, 335Stenhouse, L. 51-2, 60Stern, H. 57Stoller, F. 64strategic competence 824strategies 4-6, 24, 75 89; classroom asexperimental laboratory 124-5;comprehension strategies 76-8; learner173-6; problems with communicationstrategies 84 7; teacher 169-72Strong, M. 312structural l<strong>in</strong>guistics 149structures, bureaucratic 235 7, 237 8structur<strong>in</strong>g 170Stubbs, M. 14, 15students see learnerssubjective experience 126~-7Suggcstopedia 153 4summaries of research f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs 66Swaffar, J.K. 168Swa<strong>in</strong>,M. 76, 80, 83, 84, 312; cornprehensiblcoutput 21, 79, 260Swcct, H. 148syllabus: as reality and as plan 296symbolic violence 272-3, 273 4; <strong>in</strong>terrogat<strong>in</strong>g285symmetry 97 8synchrony 2 33syntactic process<strong>in</strong>g 80syntactic strategies 76-7systematic knowledge 78systematicity 18 19systemic-functional grammar 162 3taciturnity 228; student 231 2talk see discourse, <strong>in</strong>teractionTamil students 208- 26; midcourseresistance 2 16 20; postcoursecontradiction 220 2; precoursedeterm<strong>in</strong>ation 2 14 16Tarone, E. 48-9task-based language teach<strong>in</strong>g (TBLT) 162task based learn<strong>in</strong>g (TBL) 159-62tasks 170-1teacher education 57teacher-guided report<strong>in</strong>g 261, 262-3, 265-6

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