English Language Teaching in its Social Context

English Language Teaching in its Social Context

English Language Teaching in its Social Context


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DO1 NG-E NG LIS H - LESS0 N S 279helped them to remember the difference by say<strong>in</strong>g ‘‘little’’ has more letters than “few” andso is uncountable and “few” has not so many letters and so is “countable”. The students saidthey found this mnemonic tip very helpful to them. They also sounded positive about theirstudies and their future. They said that they thought they could learn <strong>English</strong> well becausethey could see themselves do<strong>in</strong>g better and better <strong>in</strong> their <strong>English</strong> dictations, exercises andtests.The teacher had kept a personal progress chart for the students so that they knew howthey were do<strong>in</strong>g over time, and the teacher would give prizes for the best-perform<strong>in</strong>gstudents. They felt that they could succeed <strong>in</strong> their studies and would have a good chanceof further<strong>in</strong>g their studies (e.g., enter<strong>in</strong>g university) <strong>in</strong> the future.Teacher D used Cantonese to expla<strong>in</strong> vocabulary, give directions, make the <strong>English</strong>story texts come alive, expla<strong>in</strong> grammatical po<strong>in</strong>ts, and <strong>in</strong>teract with students most ofthe time. She was the teacher who used the most Cantonese among the eight teachers<strong>in</strong> my study. She believed that s<strong>in</strong>ce the students were still Form 1 students and werenot up to a level for us<strong>in</strong>g <strong>English</strong> all the time, us<strong>in</strong>g Cantonese could help them becomemore <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> the lessons and understand the lessons better. She also found that herstudents had made good progress over the academic year, for <strong>in</strong>stance, as reflected <strong>in</strong> their<strong>in</strong>creased motivation to learn <strong>English</strong>, and their improved scores <strong>in</strong> school tests andexam<strong>in</strong>ations.Teacher D was the form teacher of this class. She spent most of her recess, lunch, andafter-school hours talk<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>in</strong>dividual students who had various problems, for example,forgett<strong>in</strong>g to br<strong>in</strong>g books to school, noisy <strong>in</strong> other teachers’ lessons, scor<strong>in</strong>g poorly <strong>in</strong>dictations or tests. I got a sense that the good relationships she had with her students (ascould be reflected <strong>in</strong> their eager responses to her questions, and their co-operative responsesto her directives) might have someth<strong>in</strong>g to do with the amount of <strong>in</strong>dividual attention shegave to each student <strong>in</strong> her class. Every day, she had her lunch with a student together. Inthis way, she ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed both a classroom and a personal relationship with her students.However, that also seemed to make her school days fully packed and busy from earlymorn<strong>in</strong>g till late <strong>in</strong>to the afternoon. She seemed to be an energetic teacher who did notm<strong>in</strong>d do<strong>in</strong>g extra work and spend<strong>in</strong>g extra time with her students. The reader can get asense of the atmosphere <strong>in</strong> her classroom by look<strong>in</strong>g at the follow<strong>in</strong>g lesson excerpt.A read<strong>in</strong>g lesson <strong>in</strong> Classroom DThe lcsson excerpt below is taken from the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the read<strong>in</strong>g lesson. The teacherannounces that she is go<strong>in</strong>g to ask them questions about the part of the <strong>English</strong> storybookthat they have read <strong>in</strong> a previous lesson:46947 8478.5 T:T: ?{A girl raises her hand;T turns to her and says} Yes,Girl 1 {stands up and speaks}: !?! No:::,

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