English Language Teaching in its Social Context

English Language Teaching in its Social Context

English Language Teaching in its Social Context


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~ (1976)~ (1982b)~~~~~ (1979)SAFE-TALI< 239dismantl<strong>in</strong>g of apartheid structures and the assembl<strong>in</strong>g of alternative structures. Hopefully,the latter will makc it less necessary for teachers and students to engage <strong>in</strong> ‘safe-talk’.AcknowledgementI wish to acknowledge the contribution of Marianne Claude, who recorded the <strong>in</strong>teractionaldata and assisted <strong>in</strong> the analysis of it, and that of my colleagues Ralph Adcndorff and NicolcGesl<strong>in</strong> for their <strong>in</strong>sightful comments and suggestions.ReferencesCazden, C. (1 979) ‘<strong>Language</strong> <strong>in</strong> education: variation <strong>in</strong> the teacher-talk register’, <strong>in</strong> J.E. Alatisand G.R. Tucker (eds) <strong>Language</strong> <strong>in</strong> Public Ltfe, 144-62. Wash<strong>in</strong>gton D.C.: GeorgetownUniversity Press.Chick, J.K. (1 985) ‘The <strong>in</strong>teractional accomplishment of discrim<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>in</strong> South Africa.<strong>Language</strong> <strong>in</strong> Society 14(3): 229-326.Chick, J.K., and Claude, M. (1985) ‘The Valley Trust <strong>English</strong> <strong>Language</strong> Project: research <strong>in</strong>progress’. Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of the Fourth National Conference of the Southern African AppliedL<strong>in</strong>guistics Association. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand.Coll<strong>in</strong>s, J. (1 987) ‘Conversation and knowledge <strong>in</strong> bureaucratic sett<strong>in</strong>gs’. Discourse Processes 10:303-19.Condon, W. (1 977) ‘The relation of <strong>in</strong>teractional synchrony to cognitive and emotionalprocesses’, <strong>in</strong> M. Key (cd .) The Relationship of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication, 50--65.The Hague: Mouton.Du Plessis, A,, Du Pisani, T. and Plekker, S. (1989) Education and Manpower Development.Bloemfonte<strong>in</strong>: Research Institute for Education Plann<strong>in</strong>g.Ellis, R. (1987) ‘Us<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>English</strong> medium <strong>in</strong> African Schools’, <strong>in</strong> D.Young (ed.) Bridgjng theGap between Theory and Practice <strong>in</strong> <strong>English</strong> Second <strong>Language</strong> <strong>Teach<strong>in</strong>g</strong>, 82-99. Cape Town:Maskew Miller Longman.Erickson, F. (1975) ‘ Gatekeep<strong>in</strong>g and the melt<strong>in</strong>g pot: <strong>in</strong>teraction <strong>in</strong> counsell<strong>in</strong>g encounters’.Harvard Educational Review 45 (1): 44-70.‘Gatekeep<strong>in</strong>g encounters: A social selection process’, <strong>in</strong> P.R. Sanday (cd.)Anthropology and the Public Interest: Fieldwork andTheory, 111-45. NewYork: Academic Press.Gumperz, J. (19824 Discourse Strategies (Studies <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>teractional sociol<strong>in</strong>guistics 1).Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.<strong>Language</strong> and <strong>Social</strong> Identity (Studies <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>teractional sociol<strong>in</strong>guistics 2).cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Hartshorne, K. ( 1987) ‘<strong>Language</strong> policy <strong>in</strong> African education <strong>in</strong> South Africa 1910--1985, withparticular reference to the issue of medium of <strong>in</strong>struction’, <strong>in</strong> D. Young (ed.) <strong>Language</strong>:Plann<strong>in</strong>g and Medium .f Education. Rondebosch: <strong>Language</strong> Education Unit and SAALA.Karabel, J. anti Halsey, A.H. (Eds) (1977) Power and Ideology <strong>in</strong> Education. New York: OxfordUniversity Press.Kendon, A. (1973) ‘Thc role of visible behaviour <strong>in</strong> the organization of social <strong>in</strong>teraction’, <strong>in</strong>M. Von Cranach and I. V<strong>in</strong>e (cds) <strong>Social</strong> Communication and Movement, 3-74. New York:Academic Press.‘Some theoretical and methodological aspects of the use of film <strong>in</strong> thc study ofsocial <strong>in</strong>teraction’, <strong>in</strong> G. G<strong>in</strong>sberg (ed.) Emerg<strong>in</strong>g Strategies <strong>in</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Pychological Research,67- -91. NewYork: John Wiley.

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