The Art of Waldorf Education - Rudolf Steiner College

The Art of Waldorf Education - Rudolf Steiner College The Art of Waldorf Education - Rudolf Steiner College
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<strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>occasional weekend intensives held Fridayevening and all day Saturday. Students havethe opportunity to participate in classes inthe Foundation Year, Teacher <strong>Education</strong> andConsciousness Studies Programs.Students who would like to immersethemselves in eurythmy for personalgrowth and rejuvenation are welcome tojoin for the first two years <strong>of</strong> the program.Twice a year, students share their work withthe college community. <strong>The</strong>se beautifulevenings help the students hone their skillsas performing artists. All are welcome toour performances and graduations.Consciousness StudiesNext course September 9-December 12, 2009.This 15-week morning programintegrates scientific exploration, artisticwork, and meditative practice. Usinga phenomenological approach as aspringboard for self-development andtransformation, students practice rigorousobservation <strong>of</strong> nature, engage in a variety<strong>of</strong> the arts, and hone capacities for inwardlypicturing sequences <strong>of</strong> natural phenomena.<strong>The</strong> program fuses the natural sciences withalchemy, psychology, and esoteric studies.Meets Monday-Friday, 8:15 am to 12:30 pm.LifeWays ChildcareProvider TrainingNew class begins Fall 2009.<strong>The</strong> focus <strong>of</strong> the LifeWays approach tochildcare—from infancy through agesix—is to provide, as closely as possible, thebest elements <strong>of</strong> care found within a healthyfamily. A mixed-age family-style model isused, based on healthy sense development;continuity <strong>of</strong> care; development <strong>of</strong> mindand body; domestic nurturing and creativearts; and the development <strong>of</strong> socialinteractions. <strong>The</strong>se activities are inspiredby the work <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> and theexperience <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong> education, which aresupported by contemporary early childhoodresearch along with the experience <strong>of</strong>parents and families.This is a one-year, part-time training thatmeets for three intensive sessions: fall,spring, and summer. This course provides12 core ECE units for childcare providers inhomes or private centers.For more information about the LifeWaysChildcare Provider Training contactCynthia Aldinger, program director,at lifeways@steinercollege.eduRemedial Teacher <strong>Education</strong>New class begins Fall 2010.This program meets three times a year forthree years; most sessions are held at <strong>Rudolf</strong><strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>. <strong>The</strong> spring and fall sessionsmeet for four days; the summer sessionsmeet for two weeks. A new cycle beginsevery two years.This is an ideal course for teachers who wishto expand their understanding <strong>of</strong> learningand/or behavior challenged students.Many valuable supportive approaches willbe given for use in the classroom and forindividual work with these students.Program participants will learn assessmentprocedures as well as developmental, ExtraLesson, and other pedagogical exercisesand approaches. <strong>Art</strong>istic classes includespeech, painting therapy, music therapy,clay modeling, and form drawing. Classesin Chirophonetics, <strong>The</strong>rapeutic Eurythmy,Rhythmical Massage and Spacial Dynamicsare also included.During years two and three <strong>of</strong> the course,program participants work with individualstudents under the supervision <strong>of</strong> a mentor.Experienced educational support teachers,therapeutic eurythmists, speech therapists,anthroposophical school doctors, and otherexperts in their fields continue to contributeto this valuable program that helps teachersmeet the developmental needs <strong>of</strong> today’schildren. Completion <strong>of</strong> Foundation Studies7

<strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>and ideally <strong>Waldorf</strong> Teacher Training is aprerequisite.For more information contact IngunSchneider, program director,<strong>Waldorf</strong> AdministrationNew class begins Spring 2010.A two year, part-time certificate program for<strong>Waldorf</strong> administrators and administrativestaff. <strong>The</strong> program meets four weeks eachyear—one week in the spring, two weeksin summer and one week in the fall. <strong>The</strong>program integrates both on-site and <strong>of</strong>fsitelearning, networking, mentoring plan,practicum and personal development.<strong>Waldorf</strong> Teacher <strong>Education</strong>For Subject Teachersin HandworkNew class begins June 20, 2009.For <strong>Waldorf</strong> grades teachers, this programmeets in three-week sessions for threesummers, plus one week in spring for threeyears. Included are continuing independentstudy and observation in <strong>Waldorf</strong> schoolsduring the school year. Foundation Studiesis a prerequisite and is <strong>of</strong>fered the firstweek <strong>of</strong> the three-week intensive studyeach summer. Those who have alreadycompleted Foundation Studies may applyfor exemption from the first week <strong>of</strong> thesummer portion <strong>of</strong> the training.<strong>The</strong> handwork specialty course focuses onthe philosophical foundations <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong>education, age-appropriate lessons for thegrades curriculum, practical skills, andmentoring with master teachers. Otherareas may include therapeutic applications,collegial relationships, classroommanagement, and parent education. (Forthe high school handwork course, requesta Summer High School <strong>Waldorf</strong> Teacher<strong>Education</strong> flier.)Specialty Intensivesand WorkshopsWe <strong>of</strong>fer numerous intensives andworkshops during the year for personalenrichment and pr<strong>of</strong>essional training.Biodynamic <strong>Education</strong><strong>The</strong> Saturday Biodynamic Farming andGardening Workshop Series combinesclassroom work with hands-on activityin the gardens, and is held monthlythroughout the school year culminating ina week-long intensive in June. <strong>The</strong>re is anadditional Workshop Series for backyardgardening and beekeeping. <strong>The</strong> full-timeApprenticeship Program <strong>of</strong>fers fourapprentices a year <strong>of</strong> hands-on work on thefarm. Outdoor Classroom Farm Visits forboth elementary and high school classes areavailable.Visit for ourbiodynamic events calendar, additionalcourse <strong>of</strong>ferings and program descriptions.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong> ApproachApplied in thePublic School ClassroomHeld every summer for two weeks. Thisinstitute gives K–8 public school teachersa joyful and empowering hands-onexperience <strong>of</strong> fully integrating the artsand active learning into the academiccurriculum.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong> Approachfor At-Risk YouthFor educators in alternative schoolsworking with at-risk youth. <strong>The</strong> focus is oninfusing a standards-based curriculum withthe arts and <strong>Waldorf</strong> methodology resultingin a successful, transformative educationalexperience for both teachers and students.8

<strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>Schedule <strong>of</strong> Programs at <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>Enroll now in one <strong>of</strong> our Full-Time or Part-Time Programs!Scholarships and <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong> Loans are available.Applications for programs and financial aid can be downloaded from our website (click on Admissions) or by calling 916-961-8727 x0. For furtherinformation please contact our Admissions Office by e-mailing admissions@steinercollege.eduor calling 916-961-8727 x0.Summer 2009 Programs<strong>Waldorf</strong> Teacher <strong>Education</strong> june 28-July 31, 2009(Grades and Early Childhood)<strong>Waldorf</strong> Teacher <strong>Education</strong> june 28–July 17, 2009(High School)<strong>Waldorf</strong> Subject Teachers june 20–July 10, 2009(Handwork)Early Childhood In-Service Program july 5-24, 2009Fall 2009 Programs<strong>Waldorf</strong> Teacher <strong>Education</strong> fall Semester: Sept. 9-Dec. 18, 2009(Foundation Year) spring Semester: Jan. 12-May 18, 2010<strong>Waldorf</strong> Teacher <strong>Education</strong> fall Semester: Sept. 9-Dec. 18, 2009(Grades and Early Childhood) spring Semester: Jan. 12-May 18, 2010<strong>Waldorf</strong> Teacher <strong>Education</strong>, Weekend/Summer September 18-May, 2010San Francisco CampusLifeWays Childcare Provider Training Begins Fall 2009Consciousness Studies Program september 9-December 18, 20092010 ProgramsEurythmy Training Program Begins September 2010<strong>Waldorf</strong> Remedial <strong>Education</strong> Program Begins Fall 2010<strong>Waldorf</strong> Administration Program Begins Spring 20109

Registration and HousingRegistrationRegistration is now available online. Please go to to access the onlineregistration form. For those who cannot register online, please use the registration form in thecenter <strong>of</strong> this catalog to register by mail or by fax. Note the early registration discount and thecancellation/change fee. Registration will not be taken by telephone. For more information,please call the Registration Office at 916-864-4864 or send a FAX to 916-864-4860. Registrationcheck-in, where information packets are obtained, generally occurs ONE HOUR before yourfirst class begins unless otherwise noted in your confirmation notice. Courses may be cancelleddue to insufficient enrollment. You will be notified immediately if this occurs.*Schools sending/paying multiple registrations may do so online at www.steinercollege.eduHousingPhone: 916-864-4816 Y E-mail: housing@steinercollege.eduWe can make housing arrangements for you in our dormitory on campus or in a room in aprivate home. Please use the Summer Housing Request form in the center <strong>of</strong> this booklet torequest housing by mail or fax. Housing requests will not be taken by phone. Please understandthat housing is not guaranteed—if we do not have your first choice and you want us to cancelyour housing, you MUST check the ‘cancel my housing’ box on the form or you will becharged a fee.We will begin accepting summer housing requests starting on APRIL 1. You will receive yourconfirmation 2-3 weeks before your first housing date. If you send a fax it is your responsibilityto confirm receipt by phone or e-mail.No camping is allowed at <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong> or Sacramento <strong>Waldorf</strong> School.Dormitory at <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>The</strong> dorms generally fill at least 6-8 weeks ahead. Please get your form in early.Each air-conditioned dorm unit has six private bedrooms, two shared bathrooms, and a sharedkitchen/living room area. Linens and towels are provided and the kitchens are equipped withbasic cookware and utensils.Check in will be at the Dorm <strong>of</strong>fice. Dorm rooms will be available by 4:00 pm. Check in will befrom 4–5:30pm on your check-in day. You will receive further check in information with yourconfirmation—please read all materials received.Children in the dorm: If you plan to bring a child, please call for our new dorm policy. Wehave a special rate for one adult paying the single occupancy rate coming with one child (seehousing form for rate). You do not need to send a separate form for your child, but you MUSTput their name and age on the roommate line. This option is limited. Please call for availability.Your child must be at least 3 years old and potty-trained. Also, you must have childcarearrangements made before you arrive.Housing in Private HomesRooms in private homes that are in walking distance fill up early.Please see the Summer Housing Request form for further details and costs. If you needadditional housing request forms, please visit www.steinercollege.edu10

Summer InformationHotel Reservations<strong>The</strong>re are four hotels <strong>of</strong>fering <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong> special rates (all include breakfasts):Holiday Inn: Tell them you are from <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>. 916-635-4040.Hotel Sierra: Tell them you are from <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>. 916-638-4141.Fairfield Inn: <strong>The</strong> rate code is ‘<strong>Rudolf</strong>’. 916-858-8680 or 800-228-1000.Vagabond Inn: Tell them you are from <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>. 916-631-7500.Transportation From Airports<strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong> is about 20 miles from the Sacramento International Airport. SuperShuttle provides door-to-door service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for $31 ($11 for eachadditional person to the same address, up to 7 passengers). However for 7 passengers travelingtogether, the group cost is only $69. For the return trip to the airport it is necessary to makereservations at least 24 hours in advance by calling 800-258-3826 (Bluevan).From the San Francisco International Airport (about 100 miles from Fair Oaks), DavisAirporter Service provides transportation to the Sacramento area (one person $125, two people$155, three people $185, etc.) You must reserve five days in advance <strong>of</strong> your scheduled arrival ordeparture. Call 800-565-5153 for reservations and fee schedule.Meals and SnacksWe are pleased to <strong>of</strong>fer you delicious and wholesome refreshments and meals during your staywith us. We are committed to nourishment as a great bearer <strong>of</strong> vitality and well-being. We striveto apply nutritional indications recognized by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Breakfast is served 7:15-8:15 am, lunch is served 1-1:30 pm, and dinner is served 6-6:30 pm,Monday through Friday and some weekends. See the registration form for dates and prices.Please note that during our busiest summer weeks, some meals sell out via pre-registrations.Clara’s Counter is open Monday through Friday <strong>of</strong>fering continental breakfast, delicious a lacarte lunch and dinner items, hearty snacks, yummy treats and beverages for purchase.Course Credit and Certificates <strong>of</strong> Attendance<strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong> does not issue academic credit for any <strong>of</strong> the classes registered throughthis catalog. Anyone wishing to have a certificate <strong>of</strong> attendance for any summer class(es) in thiscatalog should indicate this request on the registration form and include the $10 fee per course.Your certificate <strong>of</strong> attendance will be given to you in your registration packet when you arrive.Please note: requests for certificates <strong>of</strong> attendance after you are registered into your class(es)will require an additional $35 fee. No records will be available after September 1, 2009.Bookstore at <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>Orders are happily received in person, by phone, fax or e-mail.Phone: 916-961-8729 Y Fax: 916-961-3032 Y E-mail: orders@steinercollege.eduWe <strong>of</strong>fer over two thousand different titles on Anthroposophy, Early Childhood, <strong>Waldorf</strong><strong>Education</strong>, and the <strong>Waldorf</strong> Curriculum for early childhood, the grades and high school.We have resources for home-schoolers, art and handwork supplies, doll making supplies, toys,gifts, musical instruments, an extensive <strong>of</strong>fering <strong>of</strong> health, beauty and healing products andmuch more! Stop by and see what we are up to or request your free catalog today!11

administration and anthroposophical studiesAdministrationBalancing the Economic Teeter-totter: A Threefold/AssociativeApproach to Achieving Balance in a Challenging EconomyJuly 31–August 1 with Dr. Jerry KruseOrganizations bring together three fundamental resources: Capital, Labor and the Environment.A traditional approach says leaders <strong>of</strong> an enterprise can and should use the power <strong>of</strong> capital todominate labor and the environment for economic benefit. <strong>The</strong> Threefold/Associative approachrecognizes the reality that these three resources are interdependent. So, to maximize benefitsderived, the relationship among these—and the organization’s “consumers”—must be properlybalanced. This workshop, sponsored by the <strong>Waldorf</strong> Administration Program, <strong>of</strong>fers challengingapproaches to breaking out <strong>of</strong> the traditional “power” mind-set and balancing the teeter-totter.Classes: Friday 8 pm-9:30 pm; Saturday 8:30 am-4:30 pmCourse Fee: $110Meals: Saturday meals are not available.Registration: Friday, July 31, 7:30-8 pmAnthroposophical StudiesIntroduction to Anthroposophy WeekJune 22-26 with Patricia Dickson, Brian Gray, <strong>The</strong>odore Mahle, and Betty Staley8-9:25 am Dark and Light Drawing with <strong>The</strong>odore Mahle (see page 27)9:35-11 am <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>’s Life and Work with Patricia Dickson (see page 27)11:30 am-1 pm Human Development I with Betty Staley (see page 27)2:15-3:45 pm Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Freedom I with Brian Gray (see page 28)Course Fee: $595Meals: Breakfast (M-F) five: $37.50; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25Registration: Monday, June 22, 7:30-8:00 amIntensive Anthroposophical StudiesJune 21-26 with Brian Gray and <strong>The</strong>odore MahleCosmology with Brian Gray (see page 28) 6/21: 11:30 am-1 pm; 6/22-6/23: 8:30-9:25 am;6/24-6/26: 8-9:25 amVeil Painting with <strong>The</strong>odore Mahle (see page 29) 6/22-6/26: 9:35-11 amKarma and Reincarnation with Brian Gray (see page 29) 6/22-6/26: 11:30 am-1 pmPhilosophy <strong>of</strong> Freedom I or II with Brian GraySection I: 1 st half <strong>of</strong> book (see page 28) 6/22-6/26: 2:15-3:45 pmSection II: 2 nd half <strong>of</strong> book (see page 29) 6/21-6/25: 4:15-5:45 pmCourse Fee: $595Meals: Breakfast (M-F) five: $37.50; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25Registration: Sunday, June 21, 11-11:30 am12

applied waldorfApplied <strong>Waldorf</strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development for Teachers <strong>of</strong> At-Risk YouthJuly 6–17 with Betty Staley, Marianne Gray, Susan Johnson, M.D., RuthMikkelsen, Christiana Quick-Cleveland, and Kevin WattsIn this course, educators in alternative schools will learn how infusing a standards-basedcurriculum with the arts and <strong>Waldorf</strong> methodology can lead to a successful, transformativeeducational experience for both teachers and students. <strong>The</strong> course will focus on sharingan innovative model program for at-risk youth developed at the Yuba County Court andCommunity Schools in partnership with <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>.In this approach, the arts—drawing, music, painting, storytelling, movement, poetry anddrama—are integrated fully into academic lessons, providing visual, spatial, and musicalopportunities for expression and knowing, and a kinesthetic environment that fosters anddevelops students’ movement-oriented needs. Teachers will learn to engage students withmultiple learning styles and challenges and to deliver creative, arts-infused thematic lessonswithin a curriculum that meets state standards as well as students’ developmental needs.To request a brochure and registration form, or for additional information, call 916-961-3932.Optional: Three units <strong>of</strong> academic credit from California State University, Sacramento for anadditional fee <strong>of</strong> $165. This course is a recommended elective for a CSUS M.A. in <strong>Education</strong>:Curriculum and Instruction with a Focus on <strong>Art</strong>s in <strong>Education</strong>.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong> Approach Appliedin the Public School Classroom: K–8July 6–17 with Betty Staley, Rev Bowen, Susan Goldstein, George H<strong>of</strong>fecker,Susan Johnson, M.D., Christiana Quick-Cleveland, Anna Rainville, DorisRainville, and Lauren RiceThis two-week institute will focus on ways to creatively integrate the arts and active learninginto the public school curriculum, bringing learning to life for both teacher and student. Aspects<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Waldorf</strong> approach applicable in public school classrooms will be presented, along with anexploration <strong>of</strong> child development. Participants will have hands-on experience in storytelling,poetry recitation, drama, watercolor painting, clay modeling, drawing, movement, and music.Ways to connect children with the wonders <strong>of</strong> the natural world will also be explored. Classeswill be given in grade-level tracks: Kindergarten, Grades 1–3, Grades 4–6, and Grades 7–8.To request a brochure and registration form, or for additional information, call 916-961-3932.Optional: Three semester units <strong>of</strong> academic credit from California State University, Sacrament<strong>of</strong>or an additional fee <strong>of</strong> $165. An additional three units <strong>of</strong> CSUS credit is also available forIndependent Study/ Special Project, $165. This institute is a recommended elective for a CSUSM.A. in <strong>Education</strong>: Curriculum and Instruction with a Focus on <strong>Art</strong>s in <strong>Education</strong>.13

the arts<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong>sColors Alive: Plant Dyeing Workshop and Studio Dye DayJuly 25 & 26 with Diana Collins and Lisa Musilli JohnsonSaturday, July 25: Colors Alive—Experience the Rainbow Through Plant DyesThis workshop provides instruction and hands-on experience for all aspects <strong>of</strong> dyeing includingfiber mordanting and dye bath preparation. You will create multiple treasures in a rainbow<strong>of</strong> colors derived from a unique array <strong>of</strong> natural plant materials. All skill levels welcome.Maximum 20 participants.Sunday, July 26: Studio Dye DayThis day is designed for dyers with experience and for those who have completed a Colors Aliveworkshop. Bring the fibers <strong>of</strong> your choosing, pre-mordanted and dry. We will weigh all fiber andcharge accordingly. A variety <strong>of</strong> dye pots, including indigo and cochineal will be available forattendees to use at will. This is not an instructional event. Maximum 20 participants.Classes: Saturday 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Sunday Studio Day 9:00 am-1:00 pm.Course Fees: Saturday: $105 + $30 materials fee (silk fabric and scarves). Sunday: $60 (includesaccess to all dye pots and up to 1 pound <strong>of</strong> fiber). Additional fiber to dye: $20 per pound.Meals: Please bring a bag lunch. A beverage is provided.Registration: Pre-registration strongly recommended.Veil Painting—Color <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> the FutureAugust 3–7 with <strong>The</strong>odore Mahle<strong>The</strong> veil painting technique was demonstrated by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> in the cupola paintings<strong>of</strong> the First Goetheanum as a new way <strong>of</strong> working “out <strong>of</strong> the color.” This most meditative<strong>of</strong> techniques, beginning with the delicate world <strong>of</strong> color, proceeds to dynamic color-formrelationships. With every brushstroke the artist in us responds anew to an ever-changing world,eventually resulting in the motif <strong>of</strong> our choice. For beginners and experienced painters.Classes: Monday-Friday 9 am-4:30 pmCourse Fee: $360 (supplies included). Course limited to 16 participants.Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-F) five: $37.50; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (M-Th) four: $53.00Registration: Monday, August 3, 8:30-9 am14

iodynamic educationBiodynamic <strong>Education</strong>Advanced Biodynamic IntensiveJune 17–21 with Harald Hoven and Cynthia HovenThis five-day intensive is the culmination <strong>of</strong> the BD class series held September through Mayand will include a study <strong>of</strong> the theoretical foundation <strong>of</strong> BD agriculture. It is intended forthose who have attended this series or for individuals with previous experience in biodynamicfarming and gardening. This week will include some lectures and discussion along with variousactivities in our college gardens. Opportunity to move with the rhythms <strong>of</strong> the earth andheavens will be brought through eurythmy.Approval from Harald Hoven is needed if you did not take the September through MayBiodynamic Series. Please call 916-965-0389.Course Fee: $390Classes: Wednesday-Saturday 8:00 am-5:45 pm; Sunday 8:00 am-1:00 pmMeals: For availability, please check upon arrival.Registration: Wednesday, June 17, 7:30-8 amNatural Beekeeping: <strong>The</strong> HarvestSeptember 19 with David BasileThis final workshop in the Natural Beekeeping Workshop Series furthers our studies andexperience to the point where we can understand how to care for the honeybee year round.We will explore what is required before and during winter, including hive size, ventilation,overwinter feeding, and preventing mites. We culminate our experience by enjoying products<strong>of</strong> the hive as we taste the honey <strong>of</strong> the year and dip beeswax candles. A new workshop seriesbegins in the Fall <strong>of</strong> 2009.Course Fee: $95Class: Saturday, 9:00 am-5:00 pmMeals: For availability, please check upon arrival.Registration: Please register online at (click on Registration)15

<strong>Waldorf</strong> Early ChildhoodEarly Childhood Teacher <strong>Education</strong>Introduction to Working with Preschool Children to NurtureHealthy Development: Focus on 3 and 4 Year OldsJune 19–20 with Rosario Villasana-Ruiz and Lauren HickmanThis introductory course covers healthy approaches to nurturing 3 and 4 year olds who needto move and do! Join preschool teachers seeking ways to reconnect to a healthy, research-basedapproach that stimulates joy in learning and provides a foundation for future cognitive growth.This workshop for teachers, caregivers, and parents will explore <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>’s indicationson the young child’s developmental needs in the context <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Waldorf</strong> educational approach.Hands-on sessions will focus on creating a joyful circle time, puppetry, storytelling, movement,music, and nursery rhymes.Classes: Friday 7:15 pm-9 pm; Saturday 8:30 am-5 pmCourse Fee: $105Meals: A la carte lunch will be available.Registration: Friday, June 19, 6:30-7 pmFundamentals <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Waldorf</strong> KindergartenJune 28–July 3 with Cynthia Lambert and Karen VianiBeginning with an exploration <strong>of</strong> early childhood development, we will look at the basicideas and activities <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Waldorf</strong> kindergarten. Main themes will include the teacher’s innerpreparation, the practical work <strong>of</strong> the teacher, storytelling, and creating circle times. Healthykindergarten rhythm and mood, and the imitative nature <strong>of</strong> the young child will also beexplored. Please bring Choroi flute, kinderharp, or glockenspeil.Recommended Reading: <strong>The</strong> Challenge <strong>of</strong> the Will by Margret Meyerkort and Rudi Lissau.Classes: Sunday 7:15 pm-8:30 pm; Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-5:45 pm; Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pmCourse Fee: $490Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-F) five: $37.50; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (M-Th) four: $53.00Registration: Sunday, June 28, 5-7:15 pm16

<strong>Waldorf</strong> Grades—art <strong>of</strong> teaching<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Teaching Grades 1–8A note from the Director, Patrick Wakeford-Evans:Greetings to all! This summer we are anticipating an excellent <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Teaching experiencefor everyone. All <strong>of</strong> our most experienced teachers are returning. We had such a success lastyear with our July 4 th dance party and fireworks that this year we are including Friday nightfestivities for both the <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Teaching groups (1-4) and (5-8)! Please remember that we requireany new teachers without a training in grades 1-4 to take the Fundamentals <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong><strong>Education</strong> on the Saturday preceding the 1-4 courses. Please also remember to bring your owncrayons and colored pencils as we will not provide them. You can, <strong>of</strong> course, purchase them aswell from <strong>The</strong> Bookstore at <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>. See you in June or July!Fundamentals <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong> <strong>Education</strong>June 20 with Eva Cranstoun, Laura Embrey-Stine, and Patrick Wakeford-EvansThis class will provide a brief introduction to the philosophical foundations, methodology,and view <strong>of</strong> child development that stand at the heart <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong> education. We will focus onhow a deeper understanding <strong>of</strong> the whole child forms the basis <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Waldorf</strong> curriculum andeducational practice. <strong>Art</strong>istic activities will be included.Recommended Reading: Teaching as a Lively <strong>Art</strong> by Marjorie Spock.Class: Saturday 9:00 am-5:15pmCourse Fee: $75Meals: Clara’s Counter is available for snacks and a la carte items.Registration: Saturday, June 20, 8:30-9 am, Stegmann HallSample <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Teaching ScheduleSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday8:00-9:25ClassClassClassClassClassClass9:35-11:00ClassClassClassClassClassClass11:00-11:30MorningBreakMorningBreakMorningBreakMorningBreakMorningBreakMorningBreak11:30-1:00ClassClassClassClassClassLecture1:00-2:15Lunch BreakLunch BreakLunch BreakLunch BreakLunch Break Lunch Served2:15-3:453:45-4:154:15-5:455:45-7:157:15-8:455:00-6:30RegistrationDinnerServedOpeningSessionClassAfternoonBreakClassDinner Break Dinner Break Dinner Break Dinner Break Dinner BreakLectureClassAfternoonBreakClassLectureClassAfternoonBreakClassLectureClassAfternoonBreakClassLectureClassAfternoonBreakClassLecture17

<strong>Waldorf</strong> Grades—art <strong>of</strong> teaching<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Teaching Grade 1June 21–27 with Monica Marshall, Kelly Morrow, Laura Embrey-Stine,Edmund Knighton, Robin White, Andrea Pronto, and Jennifer YatesIn the early grades, the child is an artist at heart and learns from everything that speaks tohis or her imagination in picture, story, color, tone, rhythm, and movement. <strong>The</strong> way theteacher sets the stage in first grade influences the child’s intellectual, emotional, and physicaldevelopment. Participants will experience model main lessons in various subjects, as they wouldbe presented to first grade children.This course is designed for those who have an understanding <strong>of</strong> the principles <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong>education. Participants without <strong>Waldorf</strong> training are encouraged to take the Saturday, June 27workshop on Fundamentals <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong> <strong>Education</strong> (see page 13).Recommended Reading: <strong>Education</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Child by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: Sunday 7:15 pm Opening Session; Monday-Friday 8 am-8:45 pm; Saturday 8 am-1 pmCourse Fee: $565Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-S) six: $45.00; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (Su-F) six: $79.50. Saturday optional box lunch can be pre-purchased on Friday at Clara’sCounter for $13.25Registration: Sunday, June 21, 5:30-7:15 pm. Late registration: Monday, June 22, 7:30-8 am.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Teaching Grade 2June 21–27 with Monica Marshall, Kelly Morrow, Laura Embrey-Stine,<strong>The</strong>odore Mahle, Edmund Knighton, Robin White, and Andrea Pronto<strong>The</strong> second grader has a particular need to meet human ideals. <strong>The</strong> curriculum addresses thisthrough song, poetry, and story. While gradually moving from the magical consciousness <strong>of</strong>early childhood into the practical world, the second grade child learns about the wisdom andfoibles <strong>of</strong> the animal kingdom and, in contrast, the legends <strong>of</strong> heroes and saints that depict highhuman ideals. At the same time, math and language skills are strengthened, along with physicaldexterity, through movement and crafts that also help foster cognitive development.This course is designed for those who have an understanding <strong>of</strong> the principles <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong>education. Participants without <strong>Waldorf</strong> training are encouraged to take the Saturday, June 27workshop on Fundamentals <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong> <strong>Education</strong> (see page 17).Recommended Reading: <strong>Education</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Child by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: Sunday 7:15 pm Opening Session; Monday-Friday 8 am-8:45 pm; Saturday 8 am-1 pmCourse Fee: $565Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-S) six: $45.00; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (Su-F) six: $79.50. Saturday optional box lunch can be pre-purchased on Friday at Clara’sCounter for $13.25Registration: Sunday, June 21, 5:30-7:15 pm. Late registration: Monday, June 22, 7:30-8 am.Please Note: Students in Grades 1–4 are required to bring block and stick crayons, coloredpencils, and Choroi flutes (Grades 1–2 pentatonic; Grades 2–4 diatonic). <strong>Art</strong> supplies andmusic instruments can be purchased at the Bookstore at <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>.18

<strong>Waldorf</strong> Grades—art <strong>of</strong> teaching<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Teaching Grade 3June 21–27 with Monica Marshall, Laura Embrey-Stine, Rumi Matsudaira-Gant,Andrea Pronto, Edmund Knighton, Robin White, Marianne Gray, and DouglasMorkner-Brown<strong>The</strong> third grader’s inner experience <strong>of</strong> the nine-year change <strong>of</strong> consciousness is reflected in thestory <strong>of</strong> the fall from Paradise. With practical, supportive classroom and home experiences,the child can gain self-confidence for future work in our world. In this course, languagedevelopment and math skills are woven around these themes, and nature studies focus on thepractical relationship that human beings have with their environment. Topics include: Math,Music, Language <strong>Art</strong>s, Old Testament, Painting, Form Drawing, Speech, Eurythmy, Games andMovement, Festivals, Remedial Approaches, Practical Advice, and Working with Parents. Thiscourse is designed for those who have an understanding <strong>of</strong> the principles <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong> education.Recommended Reading: <strong>Education</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Child by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: Sunday 7:15 pm Opening Session; Monday-Friday 8 am-8:45 pm; Saturday 8 am-1 pmCourse Fee: $565Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-S) six: $45.00; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (Su-F) six: $79.50. Saturday optional box lunch can be pre-purchased on Friday at Clara’sCounter for $13.25Registration: Sunday, June 21, 5:30-7:15 pm. Late registration: Monday, June 22, 7:30-8 am.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Teaching Grade 4June 21–27 with Antje Staub, Laura Embrey-Stine, Rumi Matsudaira-Gant,Andrea Pronto, Edmund Knighton, Monica Marshall, and Kelly Morrow<strong>The</strong> fourth grader is <strong>of</strong>ten strongly motivated by his or her will, which awakens after the nineyearchange. Norse mythology, with its powerfully dramatic stories and strongly alliterative andrhythmic epics, speaks directly to the child at this stage <strong>of</strong> development. <strong>The</strong> animal kingdomis studied in its relation to the human being, and geography is introduced to develop awareness<strong>of</strong> the living environment. <strong>The</strong> world <strong>of</strong> fractions leads the child from the whole to its parts andback to the whole again. Topics include: Child Development, Mythology and English Skills,<strong>The</strong> Human Being and the Animal, Local History and Geography, Fractions, Painting, Speech,Eurythmy, Form Drawing, Games and Movement, Practical Advice, and Working with Parents.Recommended Reading: Stories from Norse mythology.Classes: Sunday 7:15 pm Opening Session; Monday-Friday 8 am-8:45 pm; Saturday 8 am-1 pmCourse Fee: $565Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-S) six: $45.00; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (Su-F) six: $79.50. Saturday optional box lunch can be pre-purchased on Friday at Clara’sCounter for $13.25Registration: Sunday, June 21, 5:30-7:15 pm. Late registration: Monday, June 22, 7:30-8 am.Please Note: Students in Grades 1–4 are required to bring block and stick crayons, coloredpencils, and Choroi flutes (Grades 1–2 pentatonic; Grades 2–4 diatonic). <strong>Art</strong> supplies andmusic instruments can be purchased at the Bookstore at <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>.19

<strong>Waldorf</strong> Grades—art <strong>of</strong> teaching<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Teaching Grade 5June 28–July 4 with Laura Embrey-Stine, Rumi Matsudaira-Gant, Marianne Gray,Helen Lubin, Gary Banks, Edmund Knighton, Carol Diven, and Monica MarshallFifth grade can be a year <strong>of</strong> wonderful balance and harmony. <strong>The</strong> youngsters can experiencelife as the Greeks did with a focus on art and movement, including the pentathlon. <strong>The</strong>glories <strong>of</strong> ancient civilizations lead the children out into the world, expanding their view toa wider understanding <strong>of</strong> others, and <strong>of</strong> themselves. Study <strong>of</strong> the plant world supports thisexpansion <strong>of</strong> the mind in a complementary way by guiding the children to see how the earth isblanketed with plant life from pole to equator. A study <strong>of</strong> fractions and decimals focuses on therelationship <strong>of</strong> part to whole. Topics include: Child Development, Pentathlon, Botany, Historyfrom India to Greece, Math and Freehand Geometric Drawing, English Skills, Painting, Music,Speech, Eurythmy and Working with Parents. Please bring Choroi diatonic flutes, beeswaxcrayons, colored pencils, and any teaching resource materials you would like to share.Recommended Reading: Mythology <strong>of</strong> ancient civilizations from India to Greece; <strong>Waldorf</strong><strong>Education</strong> for Adolescents by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: Sunday 7:15 pm Opening Session; Monday-Friday 8 am-8:45 pm; Saturday 8 am-1 pmCourse Fee: $565Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-S) six: $45.00; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (Su-F) six: $79.50. Saturday optional box lunch can be pre-purchased on Friday at Clara’sCounter for $13.25Registration: Sunday, June 28, 5-7:15 pm. Late registration: Monday, June 29, 7:30-8 am.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Teaching Grade 6June 28–July 4 with Monica Marshall, Mikko Bojarsky, Gary Banks, CarolDiven, Helen Lubin, Edmund Knighton, <strong>The</strong>odore Mahle, and Laura Embrey-StineBy sixth grade, the methods <strong>of</strong> teaching change significantly to address new conceptualcapacities that are awakening in children as they approach adolescence. <strong>The</strong> challenge <strong>of</strong> thethree upper grades is particularly intense because <strong>of</strong> the increasing complexity <strong>of</strong> both the<strong>Waldorf</strong> curriculum and the students’ needs. At this time the teacher is encouraged to reviewhis or her goals, expectations, and standards to meet the newly, and <strong>of</strong>ten chaotically, emergingindividuality <strong>of</strong> the pre-adolescent. This course will address the main subjects <strong>of</strong> the sixthgrade curriculum and emphasize ways to nurture the child’s rising capacities for independentthinking and moral-ethical responsibility. Topics include: Adolescence, Music, Math, Physics,Astronomy, Mineralogy, English, Painting, Ancient Rome, Middle Ages, Practical Advice,Games and Movement, Speech, Eurythmy, and Working with Parents. Please bring recorders,beeswax crayons, colored pencils, and any teaching resource materials you would like to share.Recommended Reading: History <strong>of</strong> ancient Rome and medieval Europe; <strong>Waldorf</strong> <strong>Education</strong> forAdolescents by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: Sunday 7:15 pm Opening Session; Monday-Friday 8 am-8:45 pm; Saturday 8 am-1 pmCourse Fee: $565Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-S) six: $45.00; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (Su-F) six: $79.50. Saturday optional box lunch can be pre-purchased on Friday at Clara’sCounter for $13.25Registration: Sunday, June 28, 5-7:15 pm. Late registration: Monday, June 29, 7:30-8 am.20

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Teaching Grade 7<strong>Waldorf</strong> Grades—art <strong>of</strong> teachingJune 28–July 4 with Antje Staub, Mikko Bojarsky, Rumi Matsudaira-Gant, GaryBanks, Helen Lubin, Laura Embrey-Stine, Edmund Knighton, and Carol Diven<strong>The</strong> seventh grade challenges the teacher with a demanding and stimulating curriculum. One<strong>of</strong> the critical components is the understanding <strong>of</strong> the emergence <strong>of</strong> modern consciousness andscientific thought at the time <strong>of</strong> the Renaissance. For the students, it is a time <strong>of</strong> adventure. <strong>The</strong>ylearn about voyages to unknown lands, discover the substances <strong>of</strong> our earth, and observe theheavens. Plus, there is the challenge <strong>of</strong> trying to draw something that really looks like what theysee. <strong>The</strong> seventh grade teacher has a wonderful opportunity to fill in the gaps <strong>of</strong> his or her owneducation and share the joy <strong>of</strong> discovery with the students. Topics include: Adolescence, Physics,Chemistry, Math, English Skills, Nutrition and Physiology, Music, Painting, the Renaissance,the Reformation, the Age <strong>of</strong> Discovery, Games and Movement, Speech and Eurythmy. Pleasebring recorders and any teaching resource materials you would like to share.Recommended Reading: Accounts <strong>of</strong> voyages <strong>of</strong> discovery and history <strong>of</strong> science; <strong>Waldorf</strong><strong>Education</strong> for Adolescents by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: Sunday 7:15 pm Opening Session; Monday-Friday 8 am-8:45 pm; Saturday 8 am-1 pmCourse Fee: $565Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-S) six: $45.00; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (Su-F) six: $79.50. Saturday optional box lunch can be pre-purchased on Friday at Clara’sCounter for $13.25Registration: Sunday, June 28, 5-7:15 pm. Late registration: Monday, June 29, 7:30-8 am.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Teaching Grade 8June 28–July 4 with Antje Staub, Mikko Bojarsky, Helen Lubin, EdmundKnighton, Gary Banks, Ina Jaenig, <strong>The</strong>odore Mahle, and Carol Diven<strong>The</strong> eighth grade challenges the teacher to meet the emotional ups and downs <strong>of</strong> the adolescent.In the study <strong>of</strong> the American, French, and Industrial Revolutions, the students meet an outerreflection <strong>of</strong> their inner struggles and upheavals. Studies in science and mathematics arefundamental to developing objectivity and rigor in thinking during this stage. In meteorology,the student experiences how weather phenomena can change quickly from calm to stormyjust as quickly as an adolescent can shift moods. <strong>The</strong> study <strong>of</strong> drama and other arts providesopportunities for the young person to express his/her awakening feelings. Topics include:Adolescence, American History and Revolutions, English, Anatomy, Physics, Chemistry, Math,Painting, Games and Movement, Speech and Eurythmy.Recommended Reading: Biographies <strong>of</strong> key 19 th and 20 th century figures; revolutionaryhistories; <strong>Waldorf</strong> <strong>Education</strong> for Adolescents by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: Sunday 7:15 pm Opening Session; Monday-Friday 8 am-8:45 pm; Saturday 8 am-1 pmCourse Fee: $565Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-S) six: $45.00; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (Su-F) six: $79.50. Saturday optional box lunch can be pre-purchased on Friday at Clara’sCounter for $13.25Registration: Sunday, June 28, 5-7:15 pm. Late registration: Monday, June 29, 7:30-8 am.21

waldorf subjects<strong>Waldorf</strong> SubjectsLyre WorkshopJune 27 with Andrea ProntoLet the nourishing quality <strong>of</strong> the lyre inspire your musical creativity. We will play together andexplore a variety <strong>of</strong> music styles and songs that can be enjoyed both in and out <strong>of</strong> the classroom.Previous experience with a stringed instrument is not necessary. Please bring your own lyre ifpossible. <strong>The</strong>re may be a few available for use during class.Course Fee: $65Class: Saturday 2:15-5:45 pmRegistration: Saturday, June 27, 2 pm, Stegmann HallCraft Work—An Aid to Incarnation: Embody and Activatethe Senses through Intentional MovementJune 28–July 3 with Lecturers Aonghus Gordon, Dennis Klocek, and WilliamBento, and with <strong>Art</strong>isans Marianne van der Tas, Richard Pirie, Jonathan Code,and Arian LeljakThis five-day conference, in collaboration with the Ruskin Mill <strong>Education</strong>al Trust and theHiram Academy in England, <strong>of</strong>fers workshops with Master Craftsmen in green woodworking,iron age forging, soap and oil making, and felting. Craft work supports healthy incarnation fordeveloping adolescents, connecting them to nature and the land. Workshop activities span alltwelve grades within the context <strong>of</strong> age-appropriate delivery. <strong>The</strong>se hands-on workgroups willbe coupled with research-based presentations by Aonghus Gordon, <strong>of</strong>fering an opportunityto penetrate the finely honed therapeutic crafts curriculum originated at Ruskin Mill. Incollaboration with Aonghus, Dennis Klocek will identify and work with the “Genius <strong>of</strong> Place”through the lens <strong>of</strong> modern alchemy and the elements (earth, water, air and fire). WilliamBento will further articulate the significant relationship between the twelve senses and thethree spatial planes <strong>of</strong> the body, demonstrating both the challenges and healing dimensions <strong>of</strong>working with movement for the young child as well as the adolescent.Hands-On Craft Workgroups (three 1.5 hour sessions per day):Animal Kingdom: Fleece to Felt to Slippers with Marianne van der TasPlant Kingdom: Tree to Stool with Richard Pirie; Alchemy <strong>of</strong> Soap and Oil with Jonathan CodeMineral Kingdom: Charcoal and Iron to Hook with Arian LeljakClasses: Sunday 7:15 pm opening session; Monday-Thursday 8 am-8:45 pm; Friday 8 am-7:30 pm.Conference Fee (with workgroups): $575 + $25 Materials Fee. Limited number <strong>of</strong> participants.Choose one workgroup: A) Felting B) Green Woodworking C) Iron Age Forging D) Soap andOil MakingLectures Only: Sunday 7:15 opening session; Monday-Friday 9:35-11 am & 2:15-3:45 pmLectures Fee: $225. Choose this option to attend lectures only, but not workgroups.Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-F) five: $37.50; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (Su-F) six: $79.50Registration: Sunday, June 28, 5-7:15 pm. Late registration: Monday, June 29, 7:30-8 am.22

waldorf subjectsMoving Language: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Foreign Language TeachingJune 28–July 3 with Keynote Speaker Dr. Peter Lutzker, Vivian Gladwell,Rosa Vela Sachs, Astrid Schmitt-Stegmann, Paulino Brener, Antje Staub, andHelen Lubin<strong>The</strong> concept <strong>of</strong> ‘moving language’ can be seen as a central theme going through all <strong>Waldorf</strong>foreign language teaching. Both the perception and the expression <strong>of</strong> language clearly gobeyond the semantic meanings <strong>of</strong> words and are inextricably tied to all aspects <strong>of</strong> movementand gesture. <strong>The</strong>se dimensions <strong>of</strong> language are crucial factors in teaching and learning a foreignlanguage—whether in the games <strong>of</strong> the lower school, or in dramatic activities in the middle andupper school. At the same time, the concept <strong>of</strong> ‘moving language’ also addresses those aestheticand felt qualities that songs, rhymes, poems, stories and literature can <strong>of</strong>fer. Come learn in asupportive environment full <strong>of</strong> warmth, humor and trust.Foreign Language Skills and Techniques Work GroupsSessions: 11:30 am-1 pm and 4:15 pm-5:45 pmChoose your language, German or Spanish. With Astrid Schmitt-Stegmann and Antje Staub inGerman; Rosa Vela Sachs in Spanish. Call 916-961-8727 x115 for interest in other languages.Dramatic <strong>Art</strong>s Work GroupsSessions: A: 9:50 am-11 am B: 2:15 pm-3:45 pmI EnglishA & B. Clowning and Improvisation with Vivian Gladwell (morning and afternoon sessions)Improvisation plays an important role in helping teachers to address their own uncertainties,anxieties and mistakes in a more constructive and creative manner.II GermanA. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Speech with Helen Lubin (morning session)In age-appropriate poetry and speech exercises for the lower, middle and upper grades, practicehow movement manifests in action, pictures and the dynamics <strong>of</strong> emerging thinking.B. Literature in Performance with Dr. Peter Lutzker (afternoon session)Designed to explore ways <strong>of</strong> working on poetry through performance. A chance to take ‘poetry<strong>of</strong>f the page’ and engage in both the creative and artistic challenges which such work <strong>of</strong>fers.III SpanishA. Colorín Colorado: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Storytelling with Rosa Vela Sachs (morning session)Developing pedagogical stories in Spanish for children and also how to build from storiesdramatic vignettes to perform in the classroom.B. Drama Games in the World Language Classroom with Paulino Brener (afternoon session)Drama games and activities to enliven your teaching repertoire.Closing <strong>of</strong> conference Friday at 6:00 pm, followed by dinner and dancing with live music.Bring resource materials to share in our Global Networking Cafe.Classes: Sunday 7:15 pm Opening Session; Monday-Friday 7:30 am-5:45 pmConference Fee: $475Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-F) five: $37.50; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (Su-F) six: $79.50.Registration: Sunday, June 28, 5:30-7:00 pm. Late registration: Monday, June 29, 7-7:30 am.23

waldorf subjects<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Teaching for Music TeachersJune 29–July 3 with Andrea ProntoWe will deepen and work to understand the music curriculum <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Waldorf</strong> School by:following the child’s development with song and music; studying <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>’s indicationson music and the curriculum; sharing song material and ideas with each other; and reviewinginstructions for instruments in the class room (flutes, recorders, lyre, voice). Music enables us toconnect to our hearts and to humanity in many ways. Let’s gather our individual experiences,enrich the music curriculum for the <strong>Waldorf</strong> schools, and support each other in our mission <strong>of</strong>being musicians and teachers.Recommended Reading: <strong>The</strong> Inner Nature <strong>of</strong> Music and the Experience <strong>of</strong> Tone by <strong>Rudolf</strong><strong>Steiner</strong>Classes: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-5:45 pmConference Fee: $475Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-F) five: $37.50; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (M-F) five: $66.25Registration: Monday, June 29, 7:30-8 amReading the Wisdom <strong>of</strong> the Earththrough Textiles and Other CraftsJuly 5–July 10 with Dr. Gerda Kramer, Carol Clifton, and Gosha KarpowiczSunday7:15 pm: Opening Lecture with Dr. Gerda KramerBetween Heaven and Earth Tracing the history <strong>of</strong> the relationship between human populationsand the Earth’s being, Dr. Gerda Kramer will explore the similarities and differences in differentregions.Monday–Friday9:30-11 am: Lectures with Dr. Gerda KramerReading the Wisdom <strong>of</strong> the Earth Through Textiles and Other Crafts Because weaving camebefore writing, textiles are the key to a deeper wisdom. Through understanding their messageswe can read how the forces <strong>of</strong> sun and earth modeled and shaped the cultures in different zones<strong>of</strong> the earth.11:30 am-1 pm: Introduction to Weaving with the Inkle Loom with Carol CliftonCreate a colorful strap or belt as you explore the basics <strong>of</strong> weaving on this simple loom.2:15-3:45 pm: Clay with Gosha KarpowiczStudy <strong>of</strong> the four temperaments <strong>of</strong> human nature through portraits in clay.4:15-5:45 pm: Lecture with Dr. Gerda KramerUnderstanding the Anatomy <strong>of</strong> the Earth Body: A New Approach to Biology, Geography andPoliticsConference Fee: $475 (Includes two evening lectures July 6 & 8 with Dr. Kramer, see following.)Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-F) five: $37.50; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (M-Th) four: $50.00Registration: Sunday, June 28, 6:45-7:15 pm. Late registration: Monday, June 29, 9-9:30 am.24

waldorf subjects and remedial educationSee the Earth in a New Way: Two Evening LecturesJuly 6 and 8 with Dr. Gerda Kramer<strong>The</strong>se lectures will introduce you to a fascinating understanding <strong>of</strong> the earth organism and thespecific qualities <strong>of</strong> her different body zones.Part 1: Monday, July 6, 7:15 pm, <strong>The</strong> Interchange between Earth and CulturesIn order to come together as a global community we need to understand what was the mission<strong>of</strong> each culture, not only for its own sake, but also for the wellbeing <strong>of</strong> humanity as a whole. It iseasier to be tolerant if we know the necessary role each culture plays in the harmonic evolution<strong>of</strong> our world community.Part 2: Wednesday, July 8, 7:15 pm, Collective Heritage <strong>of</strong> the Past and How to Overcome ItWhat began as an intimate dialogue between earth and human was later fixed in societal rules,taboos, religions and traditions. <strong>The</strong> origin <strong>of</strong> cultural heritage is no longer conscious, butremains in the inner life <strong>of</strong> its people as the “ruins” <strong>of</strong> the past. <strong>The</strong> unveiling <strong>of</strong> these remnantscan allow the future a chance to act through us unhindered.Course Fee: $15 per evening. Please pay at the door.Remedial <strong>Education</strong>Making a Difference: Conference on Remedial Issues IIIJuly 26–31 with Joep and Erica Eikenboom, Nancy Blanning, and IngunSchneiderClass teacher and Extra Lesson expert Joep Eikenboom and art therapist Erica Eikenboomwill again come from <strong>The</strong> Netherlands to work with educational support (remedial) teachersat <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>. This third Making a Difference conference is for those who workwith Extra Lesson: <strong>Waldorf</strong> educational support/remedial teachers and graduates <strong>of</strong> Remedial/<strong>The</strong>rapeutic <strong>Education</strong> Programs at <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>, AHE (Association for a Healing<strong>Education</strong>) or Gradalis. We will share our pr<strong>of</strong>essional experiences including second gradescreening and first grade entry procedures, Extra Lesson case studies, and other topics <strong>of</strong>interest, as well as learn from Joep’s research. Joep Eikenboom is the author <strong>of</strong> Foundations <strong>of</strong>the Extra Lesson.Classes: Sunday 7:15-9 pm; Monday-Thursday 8 am-8:30 pm; Friday 8 am-5:30 pmConference Fee: $435Meals: Pre-register to guarantee meals. Breakfast (M-F) five: $37.50; Lunch (M-F) five: $66.25;Dinner (M-Th) four: $50.00Registration: Sunday, July 26, 6:45-7:15 pm25

<strong>Waldorf</strong> high school<strong>Waldorf</strong> High School Teacher <strong>Education</strong>June 19–July 17, 2009 with Program Director Betty Staley<strong>The</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong> High School Teacher <strong>Education</strong> Program is open to auditors for public enrollment.Teachers, parents and others who wish to understand teenagers from a holistic perspectiveand deepen their understanding <strong>of</strong> the curriculum are welcome to take any <strong>of</strong> the high schoolcourses in this section. Auditors: Complete the enclosed High School Summer ProgramRegistration Form. You do not have to follow our admissions procedures. If you need acertificate <strong>of</strong> attendance you must request this on the registration form before the coursebegins ($10/course). No certificate <strong>of</strong> attendance will be given after the course is completed, andno future records are kept <strong>of</strong> your attendance. For credit: If you want to earn <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong><strong>College</strong> credit you must apply through the Admissions Office by calling 916-961-8727or e-mailing Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served at<strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>. Purchase meal tickets upon arrival or enjoy a la carte daily <strong>of</strong>ferings.Segment OneFoundation Studies: June 19–26, 2009Welcome and LectureFriday June 19, 4:15-5:45 pm and 7:15-8:45 pm“<strong>The</strong> Evolution <strong>of</strong> Consciousness” with Betty StaleyYears One, Two, and ThreeEvolution <strong>of</strong> Consciousnesswith Betty StaleyExploring historical development through philosophy, literature, and mythology includinginsights drawn from Spiritual Science.Required reading: Passion <strong>of</strong> the Western Mind by Richard Tarnas.Classes: 6/19: 4:15-5:45 pm, 7:15-8:45 pm; 6/20: 8-3:45 pm, 7:15-8:15 pm; 6/21-6/25: 7:15-8:15 pmCourse Fee: $350Pastel Drawingwith Iris SullivanWe will explore how the developmental changes in consciousness affect our feelings, thinking,and sensory interaction with the world.Classes: 6/20: 4:15-5:45 pm, 8:15-9:15 pm; 6/21-6/25: 8:15-9:15 pm Course Fee: $12526

waldorf high schoolYear OneIntroduction to <strong>Waldorf</strong> <strong>Education</strong>with Betty Staley<strong>The</strong> basic view <strong>of</strong> child development from birth to age 21 is the background for <strong>Waldorf</strong>education and curriculum. An overview <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong> education will be given, relating methodsand curriculum to the stages <strong>of</strong> child development.Required reading: <strong>Education</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Child by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: 6/21: 8 am-5:45 pm; 6/22-6/26: 2:15-3:45 pm Course Fee: $350Dark and Light Drawingwith <strong>The</strong>odore MahleA series <strong>of</strong> dark-light drawing exercises will be done with charcoal. Working with the greatpolarities <strong>of</strong> the two-dimensional surface will give us a key to representing images from theimagination or to observing and interpreting nature.Classes: 6/22-6/26: 8-9:25 am Course Fee: $125<strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>’s Life and Workwith Patricia DicksonBiographical overview <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>’s life, focusing on his contribution to the exploration <strong>of</strong>the supersensible means <strong>of</strong> scientific discipline and renewal <strong>of</strong> the arts. This course will includeguests working with <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>’s indications in their pr<strong>of</strong>essions.Classes: 6/22-6/26: 9:35-11 am Course Fee: $175Human Development Iwith Betty Staley<strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>’s view <strong>of</strong> the human being including the physical, emotional, intellectual andspiritual aspects <strong>of</strong> life.Required reading: An Outline <strong>of</strong> Esoteric Science, Chapters 2 and 3, by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: 6/22-6/26: 11:30 am-1 pm Course Fee: $175Eurythmy Iwith Ruth BucklinAn introduction to the movement art <strong>of</strong> eurythmy, laying the groundwork <strong>of</strong> stepping,choreography and form in the expression <strong>of</strong> poetry and music.Classes: 6/22-6/26: 4:15-5:45 pm Course Fee: $12527

waldorf high schoolYear TwoInner Workwith Betty StaleyWe will work with the six basic exercises given by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> in How to Know Higher Worldsas a path <strong>of</strong> inner development for our time.Required reading: How to Know Higher Worlds by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: 6/21: 11:30 am-1 pm; 6/22-6/23: 8:30-9:25 am; 6/24-6/26: 8-9:25 am Course Fee: $175Human Development IIwith Betty StaleyWe will explore the seven-year stages in adult life with reflective exercises and sharing <strong>of</strong>experiences.Required reading: Tapestries by Betty Staley.Classes: 6/22-6/26: 9:35-11am Course Fee: $175Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Freedom Iwith Brian Gray<strong>The</strong> first half <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Freedom stimulates the reader to observe the living activityflowing through her/his perceiving and thinking, and to find a firm basis for certainty inknowing the world.Required reading: Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path (other translation: <strong>The</strong> Philosophy <strong>of</strong>Freedom) by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: 6/22-6/26: 2:15-3:45 pm Course Fee: $175Metamorphosis in Claywith Patricia DicksonExploration <strong>of</strong> metamorphosis either through platonic solids, forming the capitals <strong>of</strong> the FirstGoetheanum, or the seals designed by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: 6/21: 4:15-5:45 pm; 6/22-6/26: 11:30-1 pm, 4:15-5:45 pm Course Fee: $225Year ThreeCosmologywith Brian GrayWe will explore the interplay <strong>of</strong> correspondences that <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> develops betweenmicrocosm and macrocosm, between the evolution <strong>of</strong> the human being and the evolution <strong>of</strong> thecosmos, making the human reality a cosmic reality in constant becoming.28

waldorf high schoolRequired reading: Read <strong>The</strong>osophy, Chapter 1 and An Outline <strong>of</strong> Esoteric Science, Chapters 1-4,by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> before the course begins.Classes: 6/21: 11:30 am-1 pm; 6/22-6/23: 8:30-9:25 am; 6/24-6/26: 8-9:25 am Course Fee: $175Veil Paintingwith <strong>The</strong>odore MahleThrough first building up a color “atmosphere,” we will discover how form can gradually emergeout <strong>of</strong> the world <strong>of</strong> color. <strong>Art</strong>istic and practical, challenging and inspiring, we develop ourselvesas we develop our art.Classes: 6/22-6/26: 9:35-11 am Course Fee: $125Karma and Reincarnationwith Brian GrayThis course will explore <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>’s spiritual scientific insights into the nature <strong>of</strong> repeatedearth lives and karma. Working with these insights can lead to an ennoblement <strong>of</strong> the humansoul, calling forth compassion and love for others and the kingdoms <strong>of</strong> nature and theawakening <strong>of</strong> individual initiative toward freedom, creativity, and active responsibility.Required reading: <strong>The</strong>osophy, Chapter 2, and Manifestations <strong>of</strong> Karma by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: 6/22-6/26: 11:30 am-1 pm Course Fee: $175Eurythmy IIwith Ruth BucklinA deeper exploration <strong>of</strong> artistic eurythmy, including such topics as the ‘soul’, or dramaticgestures, thinking/feeling/willing and their expression in eurythmy.Classes: 6/21-6/23: 2:15-3:15 pm; 6/24-6/26: 2:15-3:45 pm Course Fee: $125Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Freedom IIwith Brian GrayWe will review and deepen understanding <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Freedom, further encouragingthe reader to artistically apply her/his experiences to practical life—to discern which actions arefelt to be “free” or “unfree”, and to rediscover one’s inner wellsprings <strong>of</strong> freedom and creativeactivity.Required reading: Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path (formerly <strong>The</strong> Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Freedom)by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Classes: 6/21-6/25: 4:15-5:45 pm Course Fee: $17529

waldorf high schoolSegment TwoHigh School Teacher <strong>Education</strong>June 29–July 3 and July 6–10, 2009<strong>The</strong>se two weeks <strong>of</strong>fer an approach to high school curriculum areas, as well as an exploration<strong>of</strong> the twelfth grade high school year. Curriculum and <strong>Art</strong> courses and the Seminar onAdolescence may be taken as individual courses.Welcome and LectureSunday June 28, 5-6 pm and 7-8:30 pm“<strong>Waldorf</strong> High School <strong>Education</strong> in the 21 st Century” with Betty Staley (5-6 pm)and “Craft Work—An Aid to Incarnation” with Aonghus Gordon (7-8:30 pm)Foundations <strong>of</strong> Human Experience (Study <strong>of</strong> Man)with Dr. Ernst Schuberth (Year 1), Betty Staley (Year 2), and Ina Jaehnig (Year 3)This course covers the threefold nature <strong>of</strong> the human being including nerve/senses/rhythmicand metabolic systems; thinking, feeling, and willing; the significance <strong>of</strong> waking, dreaming andsleeping, along with the importance <strong>of</strong> awakening the intellect through imagination, the twelvesenses, and the development <strong>of</strong> concepts. Auditors: Please contact Program Director BettyStaley at 916-806-3559 or e-mail to determine which section youshould register for.Required reading: <strong>The</strong> translation titled Study <strong>of</strong> Man is preferred to Foundations <strong>of</strong> HumanExperience by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>.Years One and Two: 6/29-7/10: 8:30-9:25 amYear Three: 6/29-7/3: 7:30-8:25 am; 7/6-7/10: 8:30-9:25 am;Speech with Helen Lubin 6/29-7/3: 8:30-9:25 amCourse Fee: $340Twelfth Grade Curriculum CoursesChoose a class on the enclosed form for each <strong>of</strong> the following periods except Seminar which isthe same for all students.SeminarWeek One, 9:35-11 am: We will join the Craft Conference for lectures by Aonghus Gordon:“Craft Work: An Aid to Incarnation within the Genius <strong>of</strong> the Place—Embodying and activatingthe senses through intentional movement.” This will inform teachers <strong>of</strong> every subject in the highschool.Week Two, 11:30 am-1 pm: <strong>The</strong> needs <strong>of</strong> the twelfth graders with Betty Staley and music withChristiana Quick-Cleveland.Course Fee: $340 (per week)30

waldorf high schoolMorning CoursesWeek One: June 29-July 3; Mon.-Fri. 11:30 am-1 pmWeek Two: July 6-July 10; Mon.-Fri. 9:35-11 amEnglishwith John WulsinWeek One: We will focus on <strong>The</strong> Birth <strong>of</strong> American Literature. Through readings <strong>of</strong> Ralph WaldoEmerson, Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Walt Whitman, and Emily Dickinson,we will explore dimensions <strong>of</strong> emerging qualities <strong>of</strong> the individuality in the new USA.Week Two: Russian Literature Through readings by Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, andSolzhenitsyn, we will explore dimensions <strong>of</strong> brotherhood, and ultimately universal brotherhood.Required reading: Portable Nineteenth Century Russian Reader, ed. George Gibian, Penguin.Course Fee: $340 (per week)Spanishwith Diamela WetzlWeek One: Students will join the Latin American History class.Week Two: Introduces <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>’s pedagogical and curriculum recommendations whichenable students to successfully achieve reading, writing, listening/comprehension and speaking.Course Fee: $680 (two weeks)HistoryWeek One: Latin American History with Diamela Wetzl An account <strong>of</strong> the cultural-political,social and economic life <strong>of</strong> the region from 15 th century Spanish conquest and colonial period tothe present, including struggle for democracy, U.S. policies and hegemony over the region, theNeo-liberal Economic Model and the current economic situation.Week Two: African History with James Staley A survey <strong>of</strong> African geography and history anddiscussion <strong>of</strong> Africa’s place in today’s world. Emphasis is on resources for the teacher.Recommended reading: King Leopold’s Ghost by Adam Hochschild and Hear the Voice <strong>of</strong> theGriot by Betty Staley.Course Fee: $340 (per week)31

waldorf high schoolLife Scienceswith Merrily LovellWeek One: Zoology Modern science <strong>of</strong>ten describes the human being as simply another animal,and sometimes they say it is not a very successful animal at that. In the Zoology block, the wholeanimal kingdom is surveyed, looking at the characteristics <strong>of</strong> the diverse animal groups.Week Two: Evolution Zoology provides a foundation for exploring ideas <strong>of</strong> Evolution. Whatis Darwin’s <strong>The</strong>ory <strong>of</strong> Evolution, and why has it continued to be so controversial since itsinception? Many approaches to Zoology and Evolution are available for study. One approach willbe covered in depth and others touched on.Required reading: Harmony <strong>of</strong> the Creative Word by <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> and Childhood and HumanEvolution by Friedrich Kipp. See booklist for extensive list <strong>of</strong> recommended titles.Course Fee: $680 (two weeks)Mathematicswith Dr. Ernst SchuberthWeeks One and Two: We will explore the meaning <strong>of</strong> mathematical mappings and functionsin math and projective geometry, steps towards a pure (sense-free) thinking, pre-calculus andintroduction to calculus, integration and differentiation.Course Fee: $680 (two weeks)Physicswith John PeteringWeeks One and Two: A hands-on exploration <strong>of</strong> sense-based phenomenology, science topics,and the pedagogy which underlies the final chemistry and physics blocks. Depending on thestudents’ needs, we will work out a schedule between physics and chemistry in the 12 th grade.Course Fee: $680 (two weeks)Paintingwith Gosha KarpowiczWeeks One and Two: Study <strong>of</strong> the four temperaments <strong>of</strong> human nature through portraitwatercolor painting out <strong>of</strong> color can be <strong>of</strong>fered in the twelfth grade. We will playfully engage inthe gestures <strong>of</strong> each temperament.Course Fee: $340 (per week)32

Afternoon Classes: Monday-Friday 2:15-3:45 pmEnglishwith John Wulsinwaldorf high schoolWeek One: We will explore Goethe’s Faust, one <strong>of</strong> Western Literature’s great tragedies. How canwe better understand the nature <strong>of</strong> evil, and its role in the evolution <strong>of</strong> the modern human being?Required reading: Faust by Goethe, Kaufmann translation.Week Two: We will explore the relationship between language and consciousness, electives suchas Modern Poetry and African-American Literature, senior speeches, and the senior play.Course Fee: $340 (per week)History and Governmentwith James StaleyWeek One: Government We will survey economic thought from Adam Smith to <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong>and globalization, and explore tools for our young people in grasping the dilemmas and choicesfacing their world.Recommended reading: <strong>The</strong> Worldly Philosophers by R.L. Heilbroner.Week Two: Symptoms <strong>of</strong> our Times We will use current events as a window into teachingsymptomatically, moving beyond the political and obvious to discern the local, national, andglobal forces shaping our world.Recommended reading: Working by Studs Terkel (or any <strong>of</strong> Terkel’s oral histories such as MyAmerican Century, Hard Times, Coming <strong>of</strong> Age)Course Fee: $340 (per week)Geometrywith Dr. Ernst SchuberthWeeks One and Two: We will study levels <strong>of</strong> projective geometry and non-euclidian geometry.Students are expected to share brief contributions and be involved in the class plan.Course Fee: $680 (two weeks)Chemistry/Physicswith John PeteringWeeks One and Two: A hands-on exploration <strong>of</strong> the sense-based phenomenology, sciencetopics, and the pedagogy which underlies the final chemistry and physics blocks. Depending onthe students’ needs, we will work out a schedule accommodating them.Course Fee: $680 (two weeks)33

waldorf high schoolClaywith Gosha KarpowiczWeeks One and Two: Study <strong>of</strong> the four temperaments <strong>of</strong> human nature through portraits in clay.We will transform one temperament into another to see the virtues <strong>of</strong> each.Course Fee: $340 (per week)<strong>Art</strong> Courses: Monday-Friday 4:15-5:45 pmPaintingwith Gosha KarpowiczWeek One: Watercolor Using wet onto wet technique, a landscape <strong>of</strong> the soul will be exploredthrough nature motifs and portrait themes.Course Fee: $340Stained Glasswith Nicole FieldsWeek One: Cold Glass Work We will become familiar with the basic techniques <strong>of</strong> copper foilmethod glass work and will complete one small, geometric pattern piece.Course Fee: $340Paintingwith Gosha KarpowiczWeek Two: Veil Painting This class is intended for anyone curious, afraid, or experienced, andwill be tailored depending on the class.Course Fee: $340Stained Glasswith Nicole FieldsWeek Two: Continued from Week One. Students may enter at Week Two.Course Fee: $340Batikwith Carol CliftonWeek Two: This ancient craft is simple in concept using a basic wax resist and dye technique,yet the resulting designs can be intricate and stunning in their complexity. We will create one ormore cloth pieces.Course Fee: $34034

Segment ThreeFriday July 10: 7:15 pm-9:15 pmSaturday July 11: 9:15 am-9:15 pmDeveloping Communication Skillswith Betty Staleywaldorf high schoolHow can we develop exercises for communication skills that meet the needs <strong>of</strong> our students,parents, and colleagues? Through role playing exercises we will discover ways to deepen ourskills.Required reading: Creating a Culture <strong>of</strong> Awareness by Betty Staley, AWSNA publications.Course Fee: $260Segment FourAdolescent Week: July 13–17, 2009From Imitation to Insightwith Betty Staley, Christiana Quick-Cleveland, and guestsAs teenagers move through the 16-year change, their sense <strong>of</strong> self becomes solidified. We willexplore aspects contributing to resilience including how elements <strong>of</strong> the different intelligencesand the higher senses work to strengthen adolescence. We will also differentiate betweenlearning styles and learning challenges, considering what can be met within the school program.Required reading: Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, 2nd edition, by Thomas Armstrong and<strong>The</strong> Care and Development <strong>of</strong> the Human Senses by Willi AeppliClasses: 8-9:25 am: Exploration <strong>of</strong> the theme with Betty Staley and guests9:35-11 am: Singing with Christiana Quick-Cleveland11:30 am-1 pm: Continuing the theme2:15 pm-3:45 pm: Continuing the themeCourse Fee: $1,10035

summer facultySummer 2009 FacultyAonghus Gordon, B.A.Trained as an artist and teacher and traveled extensively before renovating Ruskin Mill inEngland, 1982 into the Ruskin Mill <strong>Art</strong>s and Crafts Centre; founded the Living Earth TrainingCourse, 1984 which developed into the Ruskin Mill <strong>Education</strong>al Trust in 1996; co-foundedHiram Trust, 1994; co-founded <strong>Waldorf</strong> <strong>College</strong>, 1999; established Glasshouse <strong>College</strong>,Stourbridge, 2000; established Freeman <strong>College</strong>, Sheffield, 2005; awarded Entrepreneur <strong>of</strong> theYear, 2005 and currently is establishing Clervaux <strong>College</strong>, Darlington for excluded children.Gerda Kramer, Ph.D.International lecturer, biologist and worldwide ecological researcher. Did extensive field workand research in Zaire and Guatemala. In 1982 she founded a crafts center based mainly onweaving, spinning, and plant dyeing in a Spanish village which she directed for twenty years.For about thirty years, Dr. Kramer has been investigating the earth body and human culturesthrough journeys to Central and South America, Africa, Russia, China, and Tibet. Most recentlyshe is introducing healing methods to work with the earth.Dr. Peter Lutzker<strong>Waldorf</strong> teacher and educator for foreign language teachers in Europe; author <strong>of</strong> many articlesand three books on language teaching, most recently <strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong> Foreign Language Teaching:Improvisation and Drama in Teacher Development and Language Learning.Ingun Schneider, P.T.*Director <strong>of</strong> our Remedial <strong>Education</strong> Program. Ingun is an educational support teacherspecializing in the Extra Lesson approach. Her international work as a remedial educationmentor and consultant has taken her to Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Israel, Hungary, Spain,and the Scandinavian countries. Previously she worked as a <strong>Waldorf</strong> class teacher, a physicaltherapist, and a Lamaze childbirth educator. She is on the Board <strong>of</strong> the International ExtraLesson Association (IELA) and is a candidate for a master’s degree in <strong>Education</strong>.Betty Staley, M.A.*Over 30 years experience working with adolescents as a <strong>Waldorf</strong> high school teacher; one <strong>of</strong> thefounders <strong>of</strong> Sacramento <strong>Waldorf</strong> High School; creator and director <strong>of</strong> our <strong>Waldorf</strong> High SchoolTeacher <strong>Education</strong> Program. Betty has taught history and literature, advised new high schoolinitiatives and lectured internationally on child development and the adolescent years. Author<strong>of</strong> six books including Between Form and Freedom: A Practical Guide to the Teenage Years. Hermost recent book is Splinters <strong>of</strong> the Sun, Teaching Russian Literature to High School Students.Patrick Wakeford-Evans, M.A.*Academic Dean and Director <strong>of</strong> our full-time <strong>Waldorf</strong> Teacher <strong>Education</strong> Program; Mastersin Human Development, St. Mary’s University <strong>of</strong> Minnesota; B.S. with Distinction in Biology,University <strong>of</strong> New Mexico; <strong>Waldorf</strong> Teacher Training Diploma, <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>; mentorand lecturer in <strong>Waldorf</strong> <strong>Education</strong> in Japan, England, Mexico, and North America.36

summer facultyGary Banks, M.A.Class teacher at Pine Hill <strong>Waldorf</strong> School; former High School science teacher.William Bento, Ph.D.*An adult educator in the field <strong>of</strong> human development for over 30 years. Lecturer, teacher andconsultant; authored three books and has been a contributing writer in magazines and journals.Mikko Bojarsky, M.S.Degree in Earth Science; Chemistry, physics and math teacher in <strong>Waldorf</strong> and public schools;author <strong>of</strong> Monographs on Science Teaching.Paulino BrenerPerformer and <strong>Waldorf</strong> language teacher at City <strong>of</strong> Lakes <strong>Waldorf</strong> School, Minnesota.Ruth BucklinEurythmy teacher at Camellia <strong>Waldorf</strong> School.Carol Clifton, B.S., M.A.Courses in Special <strong>Education</strong>; 33 years teaching crafts at Sacramento <strong>Waldorf</strong> School; lecturedin Japan and the United States on crafts and <strong>Waldorf</strong> education.Diana CollinsMaster dyer, handwork specialist, handwork teacher trainee, and sewing instructor.Eva Cranstoun*Trained Werbeck singer and vocal instructor.Patricia Dickson, M.A.*Member <strong>of</strong> our arts faculty and coordinator <strong>of</strong> our <strong>Waldorf</strong> Subject Teachers Program.Carol DivenDiploma in <strong>Waldorf</strong> <strong>Education</strong>; former full-time faculty at <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>; currentlyteaching classroom music in Paradise, CA; experienced adult educator and pr<strong>of</strong>essional oboist.Laura Embrey-Stine, B.A.Class teacher at the Sacramento <strong>Waldorf</strong> School; co-author <strong>of</strong> a book on form drawing.Nicole Fields, B.A.<strong>Waldorf</strong> High School Teacher <strong>Education</strong> Certificate, <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>; Humanities and<strong>Art</strong>s teacher at the Sacramento <strong>Waldorf</strong> School.Vivian GladwellMaster <strong>of</strong> clowning and improvisation. Has taught clowning internationally since 1988.37

summer facultyBrian Gray, M.L.A. *Director <strong>of</strong> our Foundation Year Program; 30 years studying Anthroposophy and Star Wisdom;28 years teaching at <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Marianne Gray, B.A.Class teacher at Sacramento <strong>Waldorf</strong> School.Lauren Hickman, M.A.*Head <strong>of</strong> our Early Childhood Department. <strong>Waldorf</strong> early childhood educator and mentor.Cynthia Hoven, M.A.*Director <strong>of</strong> our Eurythmy Program; therapeutic eurythmist and performer.Harald Hoven*Master Gardener; Director <strong>of</strong> Raphael Biodynamic Gardens at <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Ina Jaehnig, B.A.Former class teacher and current High School History teacher at Denver <strong>Waldorf</strong> School.Gosha Karpowicz, B.F.A.<strong>Art</strong> Academy <strong>of</strong> Fine <strong>Art</strong>s, Warsaw, Poland; Parsons School <strong>of</strong> Design; Fine <strong>Art</strong>s teacher atGreen Meadow <strong>Waldorf</strong> School for 12 years.Dennis Klocek, M.F.A.*Director <strong>of</strong> our Consciousness Studies Program; international lecturer; founder <strong>of</strong> the CorosInstitute; climatologist; author <strong>of</strong> six books including <strong>The</strong> Seer’s Handbook.Edmund KnightonCertified Spacial Dynamics instructor; teacher, consultant, and lecturer in <strong>Waldorf</strong> schools.Jerry Kruse, M.B.A.Degree in Finance; Certified Public Accountant for over 10 years; consultant with Universities,public schools, and non-pr<strong>of</strong>its; currently Treasurer <strong>of</strong> the Anthroposophical Society in America.Cynthia Lambert, B.A.<strong>Waldorf</strong> preschool teacher; Former kindergarten teacher at Sacramento <strong>Waldorf</strong> School.Merrily Lovell, M.S.T.Degree in science education; Teaching Certificate in Biology, K-12; former class teacher; highschool biology teacher at Highland Hall School, California.Helen Lubin, M.A.Speech artist and Master speech educator; founder <strong>of</strong> Speech and Drama in <strong>Waldorf</strong> Schools inNorth America (1994).38

summer faculty<strong>The</strong>odore Mahle, B.F.A.*<strong>Art</strong> instructor and consultant to <strong>Waldorf</strong> Schools; graduate <strong>of</strong> a 5-year painting training withBeppe Assenza at the Goetheanum Painting School.Monica Marshall, M.A.Master <strong>Waldorf</strong> teacher at Monadnock <strong>Waldorf</strong> School and Antioch <strong>College</strong>.Rumi Matsudaira-Gant<strong>Art</strong>ist and photographer; <strong>Waldorf</strong> parent; painting teacher at Golden Valley Charter School;teaches gardening and painting to <strong>Waldorf</strong> homeschool students.Kelly Morrow, M.S.Class teacher at Shining Mountain <strong>Waldorf</strong> School; experience in remedial education.Lisa Musilli Johnson, B.A.Master dyer; Manager <strong>of</strong> the Bookstore at <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>; <strong>Waldorf</strong> parent.John Petering, M.S.25 years teaching natural science at <strong>Waldorf</strong> high schools in Boulder and Detroit; currentlyteaching at Sacramento <strong>Waldorf</strong> School.Andrea Pronto, B.A.Degree in Special <strong>Education</strong>; Music Teacher at Live Oak <strong>Waldorf</strong> School; trained musictherapist; trained Werbeck singer and vocal instructor.Christiana Quick-Cleveland, B.A., B.M.Degrees in Psychology and Vocal Performance; TaKeTiNa Rhythm Teacher; music educator andcommunity arts organizer for over 25 years; <strong>Art</strong>istic Director <strong>of</strong> Chalice Ensemble.Rosa Vela SachsSpanish language teacher at Austin <strong>Waldorf</strong> School; mentor <strong>of</strong> Spanish teachers in United States.Astrid Schmitt-Stegmann, M.A.*International <strong>Waldorf</strong> educator, lecturer, and mentor for <strong>Waldorf</strong> schools in the United States,Europe, and Asia.Ernst Schuberth, Ph. D.Mathematics instructor; former Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waldorf</strong> Teacher <strong>Education</strong> Program, Mannheim,Germany; Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Mathematics.James Staley, A.B.Graduate degree in history; former journalist; 26 years high school teacher, Sacramento <strong>Waldorf</strong>School; on Board <strong>of</strong> Directors, Camphill, Rozkalni.39

summer facultyAntje Staub, M.Ed.Degree in Science <strong>Education</strong>, Lesley University; Class teacher and former high school Germanteacher at Sacramento <strong>Waldorf</strong> School.Iris SullivanPr<strong>of</strong>essional artist; teacher <strong>of</strong> painting at Sacramento <strong>Waldorf</strong> School; uses therapeuticindications <strong>of</strong> Liane Collot d’Herbois.Karen VianiEarly childhood educator and mentor for <strong>Waldorf</strong> pre-schools; pr<strong>of</strong>essional puppeteer.Rosario Villasana-Ruiz, M.A.Child development specialist; early childhood consultant.Diamela Wetzl, B.A.<strong>Waldorf</strong> Spanish teacher in the grades and high school for 32 years; mentor to Spanish teachers.Robin White, M.A.Remedial teacher at Live Oak <strong>Waldorf</strong> School; instructor in our Remedial <strong>Education</strong> Program.John Wulsin, M.A.28 years teaching English and Drama at Green Meadow <strong>Waldorf</strong> School; author <strong>of</strong> several bookson English language and the Transcendalists.Jennifer Yates, B.F.A.Degree in ceramics, Tyler School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Art</strong>; <strong>Waldorf</strong> Teacher <strong>Education</strong> Certificate, <strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong><strong>College</strong>; Class Teacher at Camellia <strong>Waldorf</strong> School.*<strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong> Core Faculty.40

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Waldorf</strong> <strong>Education</strong>Summer Courses &Conferences 2009Now Enrolling for Summerand Fall Programs! (see page 9)Foundation Studies • <strong>Waldorf</strong> Teacher<strong>Education</strong> in Fair Oaks and San Francisco •LifeWays Childcare Provider Training •Consciousness StudiesVisit for details.cover painting courtesy <strong>of</strong> dennis klocek<strong>Rudolf</strong> <strong>Steiner</strong> <strong>College</strong>9200 Fair Oaks BoulevardFair Oaks, California 95628www.steinercollege.eduNon-Pr<strong>of</strong>it Org.U.S. PostagePAIDPermit No. 1277sacramento, ca

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