9.0 elected members reports - Far North District Council

9.0 elected members reports - Far North District Council

9.0 elected members reports - Far North District Council


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Monthly <strong>Council</strong> Report from <strong>Council</strong>lor Baker8/05/20131. Attended Building and Planning meeting2. Attended Disability meeting at Kaeo3. Attended Audit and Finance meeting4. Attended <strong>North</strong>land Road Safety meeting at Whangarei5. Attended BOI/ Whangaroa Community Board meeting6. Attended <strong>Council</strong> meeting7. Attended David Engwish workshop8. Attended meeting at Avalon Cottages re change of zoning

Mayor Wayne Browns Report to <strong>Council</strong> May 2013• Bay of Island Waste Water meeting, steady progress towards a cheaper solution• <strong>North</strong>land Rugby Union Board meeting at Kerikeri Sports complex, WDC veryimpressed with our value for money on complex build.• Grant Harnish Paihia land donation – progressing towards a very generous highprofile donation which remains confidential at this stage• Regional Economic Activity Report in Wellington with Minister Steven Joyce andfollow up interview on TV3 the Nation. Talks about the need for <strong>North</strong>land toconsider all sectors for job growth including those which maybe controversial andpoints to the very positive economic outlook in Taranaki, almost solely due tomining in various forms.• Minister Joyce understands our difficulty with population as a measure for ourdistrict and has a good general understanding of the challenges the <strong>Far</strong> <strong>North</strong>face. He is supportive of two unitary authorities for <strong>North</strong>land.• Meeting with FNHL Andy Knok and new marketing guy Noel Brown, both ofwhom have a good understanding of the issues, particularly with joint marketingof Te Ahu and the Turner Centre.• Judged Miss <strong>Far</strong> <strong>North</strong> in Kaitaia at Te Ahu, surprisingly well organised andattended event by Alanya Ashby. She would make a much more active Te Ahutrustee than some we’ve got on there now.• Joined Bishop Ross in welcoming the new Vicar at St Saviours Anglican Churchin Kaitaia• Meeting with David Engwicht about citizen-lead community development,placemaking and potential projects for the <strong>Far</strong> <strong>North</strong> following Focus Paihia’ssuccess, encouraged community boards to follow suit. A good project would bethe Melba street toilets in Kaitaia.• Southern Practitioners Meeting - useful meeting, spent sometime and got into thebewildering detail of HAIL to understand for my own use and also to convince thevisiting Local Government Minister just what’s involved.• Master builders presentation in Kerikeri about mining and mineral opportunitiesand how this provides infrastructure and construction growth, made it clear thatthese opportunities will only occur with their positive support.• <strong>Council</strong> Workshop – district plan and rural provisions, impermeable services; welllead meeting by our new GM Murray McDonald• Excruciatingly long Long Term Plan hearings Kaikohe, Kaitaia, Kerikeri, notedsome good support for FNHL compared with the past, good submissions from

group and business leaders but most individual submissions clearly think the onlyfair rating system is one where other people pay.• Better Local Government work – <strong>North</strong>ern Advocate Advert campaign, RuralDargaville and Specialist Environmental meeting, <strong>Far</strong> <strong>North</strong> survey, HostingMinister Tremain and the Commission. Senior staff working with the LGC staff toassess options• <strong>North</strong>land Economic Action Group we are preparing for the delayedannouncement of prospecting permits within our district. Preparing for the Annualreview meeting with Prime Minister John Key and <strong>North</strong>lands sector groups.

<strong>Council</strong>lor’s Report for the month of May 2013 – Sally MacauleyMayor Brown and Fellow <strong>Council</strong>lors , thank you for accepting my apologiesfor non- attendance at the April FNDC <strong>Council</strong> meetingI was in Wellington Presiding over 2 Lottery Board Meetings.Tuesday 17/4 – Distribution of Environment and Heritage fundsAndWednesday 18/4/ - Distribution of World War One Commemorationfunds.Financial benefits to the <strong>Far</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>District</strong>:Waimate <strong>North</strong> ConservationSt James Church, KerikeriOpononi – Opo Dolphin PlinthKaitaia Statue of the Angel – World War 1 CommemorationKaeo Old Post OfficeTo name a few -Totalling approximately $350,000Attended the following:1) Kaikohe Economic Business Development Executive monthlymeeting –a. Preparation of submission to FNDC Annual Planb. Town Promotion – New signs erected along with plannedradio promotionc. Town Eventsd.2) Represented Kaikohe Community Board and <strong>Far</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>District</strong><strong>Council</strong> at the Anzac Day Kaikohe Dawn Service. His Worship wasalso present.3) Attended Kaikohe/Hokianga Community Board Meeting in OkaihauSubmission to Annual Plan – work in progress.Kaikohe Mainstreet .Cycleway through Okaihau.4) Attended “Creative Communities - Unleash the Potential”.Presented by David Engwight. Place making for Professionals,retailers and residents.An excellent morning with Community Boards and <strong>Council</strong>lorsfollowing up with further workshops to include retailers andbusiness association <strong>members</strong>.

5) Attended Opononi Ratepayers Association monthly meeting.1) 108 – 106 Fairly Crescent – foot path has not been repaired after <strong>Council</strong> serviced a water pipe.2) Campervans – NO OVERNIGHT PARKING SIGNS need to be erected.3) Newton RoadNo metalNo digger repairing pot holesTerrible state of road24 houses ‐ 56 people ‐ Huge traffic flow4) <strong>Council</strong> Water metresThese water metres are read frequently.But the Taps are unable to be turned on and should be serviced quarterly5) Invite Bill Hutchison to attend a ratepayers meeting to update them on the Civil Defence Policy.6) The Opononi Pensioner/Retirement VillageWell maintained but the internal driveways need to be graded with all the potholesrepaired.6) The China-New Zealand Anglers Friendship Tournament.Along with Garry Gabbitas, I met a Chinese Delegationrepresenting the Chinese Anglers Association and the Bay ofIslands Swordfish Club ExecutiveAn FNDC letter, signed by the Mayor, has been forwarded to theSecretary General of the Anglers Association supporting acompetition between BOI Swordfish Club and the Chinese AnglersAssociation to be held early in 2014.7) Kaikohe Skateboard Park /BMX TrackHave been meeting with the youth in the district to ascertain theamendments that are required to upgrade the Park .Plans have been drawn with quotes being sought. Applications tofinancial institutions will be submitted, once plan agreed upon.Pensioner Housing Improvements for this financial year.1) Waima refurbishment completed in 1 of 3 units .2) Kaikohe – Blocks A,B and C recent external painting .Block D is partially completed with water blasting to progress.Unit D1 recently had internal refurbishment and ready for tenancy.3) Rawene Units 1-6 having ramps fitted and external enclosures onbackdoors. External paining scheduled for next financial year.4) Kohukohu – Ramps being installed.5) Omapere – Units required have had internal refurbishment.The Units are assessed on a six monthly inspection and internally refurbishedas the need arises.Sally Macauley

MONTHLY REPORT - COUNCILLOR MONTY KNIGHT• It's been a relatively busy month• Consultation with locals regarding the Sweetwater Aquifer is producing positiveresults in moving the project forward.• Consultation with Mike Mitcalf, Chairman of the Te Ahu Trust/David Edmonds, CEOFNDC/Andy Knock and Noel Brown is resulting in drawing arrangements between theTrust and FNDC to a conclusion.• Hearing Submissions to the Annual Plan/ together with the reading andcommunication with the constituents, has occupied a lot of time.Calendar18th April19th April25th April2nd May2nd May4th May9th May13th May14th May17th May20th May21st May<strong>Council</strong> Meeting - KaikoheTe Ahu Meeting with CEO (did not arrive)Attended Anzac Day Dawn Service at KaitaiaMeeting with Quarry Owners5.30 Meeting with CBD Business Owners re Crime in CBDAttended Miss <strong>Far</strong> <strong>North</strong> at Te AhuRural Provisions workshop at Chambers KaikoheSubmission Hearings KaikoheSubmission Hearings KerikeriTe Ahu Board MeetingTurner Centre Board MeetingAudit and Finance Kaikohe

<strong>Council</strong>lor Colin (Toss) Kitchen Monthly Report• Attended meeting at Te Ahu in relation to continued concerns that localshave re the testing and feasibility study that has taken place at theSweetwater Aqua site. <strong>Council</strong>lor Knight facilitated the meeting withDavid Penny explaining the process to date to Bryce McDonald andMurray Harrison who were representing the locals. It was my belief thata positive outcome resulted from the meeting and this will be discussedin full at the next <strong>Council</strong> meeting.• Planned and organised the Whatuwhiwhi ANZAC Service along withCommunity Board Member Laurie Atkinson. It was very pleasing to seesuch a large and diverse gathering at the ceremony. In excess of 100mainly locals were in attendance. Thanks to the local hall committee forputting on lunch following the service.• In my capacity as Chairperson of the Civil Defence EmergencyManagement Group, I attended along with other Chairs from Turangi<strong>North</strong> the Civil Defence Ministers (Hon Nikki Kaye) forum in Auckand.Discussion was mainly centred around the different groups preparedness.I was very pleased to report that we in <strong>North</strong>land had been and continueto be very proactive in relation to community response plans which havebeen developed primarily by local community groups. Also I was able toinform our kindred groups that our coastal communities now have inexcess of 100 Tsunami sirens installed. I believe that we the <strong>North</strong>landCDEM group leads the way. I must once again acknowledge the workthat our FNDC Civil Defence Coordinator does. Your efforts have put usas a <strong>Council</strong> are right up there and we as a Territorial Authority are welland truly• I also attended along with Deputy Mayor Court the <strong>North</strong>land CDEMForum which was celebrating “10 years of Civil Defence” I had thepleasure of opening the forum which indecently was held in Whangareiwith some 180 personnel in attendance. Speakers and indeed the topicscovered made for a very informative forum that resulted in thoseattending going away in a very positive frame of mind. John Hamiltonthe Director of the Ministry of Civil Defence and EmergencyManagement spoke on what had transcribed over the past year since theCivil Defence Act was changed, the National perspective, the wins, theloses and the learning’s. He concluded by giving a summary of what he

elieved lay ahead of the sector in the next 10 years. Paul Houliston gavean overview of the CDEM Act, the reasons for its introduction andAmendments. Denise Thompson of Environment Canterbury spoke onthe impact that the Christchurch earthquake had on businesses and inparticular on council in relation to records management. SuperintendentWendy Robilliard of Kerikeri then spoke on her role leading VictimSupport for the NZ Police during recent NZ disasters including PikeRiver, Christchurch Earthquake and the Wairarapa ballooning disaster.• Met along with <strong>Council</strong>lors Radich and Knight local <strong>members</strong> of thequarry industry who have grave concerns over proposed targeted rate.Whilst they agree that something has to be done they are adamant that weas a council have not got it right yet. They are urging us to listen intentlyto their submissions and to continue to have dialogue with them beforerushing into the implementing stage. I for one echo their sentiments. Wemust listen.• Attended and facilitated a Community meeting along with <strong>Council</strong>lorsRadich and Knight in relation to the spate of burglaries and vandalismwithin the Kaitaia Community. Some 30 locals, mainly business ownersattended along with the Member of Parliament for <strong>North</strong>land Mike Sabin,<strong>Far</strong> <strong>North</strong> Police Area Commander Wendy Robilliard of Kerikeri andSenior Sergeant Geoff Ryan. A good robust discussion took place with nofinger pointing with the objective being how could we as a communityassist our local Police to collectively make our community a safer crimefree environment. Enclosed are the minutes of the meeting and it is mybelief that we have set the scene for a common approach as we moveforward.• Along with Community Board Member Clara Lugnet and a number ofKaitaia Business people I met with the Directors of Top Energy whogave a presentation on “Top Energy’s State of the Nation”• As part of the Alcohol Reform working party I attended along withDeputy Mayor our first workshop. Attendance at this workshop hasgiven me a greater insight into the implementation of the Sale and Supplyof Alcohol Act 2012. As I won’t be at the next meeting I urge my fellow<strong>Council</strong>lors to support the recommendations of your working party. Nodoubt Ann will give you a summary of our workshop thus giving you alla better understanding of the situation.

• Met with the Te Ahu Trust Chairperson Mike Metcalfe who as you allknow is very passionate about Te Ahu and rightly so. However he isconcerned at the time that it is taking to resolve the relationship betweenthe <strong>Council</strong> and the Trust in relation to Te Ahu. He is grateful for thesupport which the Trust has been getting from staff but would like allgroups to get back around the table sooner than later to sort out thegovernance of this wonderful facility.• Continue to meet ratepayers and <strong>members</strong> of the public in relation tolocalised issues.

Deputy Mayor Ann Court – May 2013 – Report to <strong>Council</strong>• Along with David Penny and Richard Edmondsen I attended the interviews for the publicrelations position for the consultation on the ‘Bay Of Islands Waste Water Project’. Excellentcandidates and the decision was quite difficult. Mad Ideas (Deb Ryder) was chosen withsome exciting and innovative ideas on how to engage.• Bay Of Islands Waste Water Project meetings continue mainly on Fridays. At the time ofwriting this report and prior to the next <strong>Council</strong> meeting we should be in a position topresent the options.• I was asked to meet with representatives from the Hokianga who have pitched analternative proposal to the Local Government Commission. Interesting concept, this wassubsequently circulated to all via email.• Met with Sue Hodge to discuss the pitch from Squash as per Mayor Browns report to <strong>Council</strong>last month. No formal application has been received. We also met with representatives whowished to discuss establishing a ‘growers market’.• I attended the Annual Civil Defence forum in Whangarei along with Cr Kitchen.• The working party established by <strong>Council</strong> to advance a discussion paper on the new ‘Saleand purchase of alcohol bill’ has met. This included representatives from <strong>Council</strong> both staffand <strong>elected</strong>, community boards, police and district health Board. The report is still a work inprogress and feedback will be sought from the combined community board meeting on the29 th . At this stage we anticipate the report will be on <strong>Council</strong>s June agenda.• David Engwich ran a brilliant workshop in chambers on ‘Creating places’ he will be returningto New Zealand in August for one month to assist Paihia with their foreshore/carparktransformation project and has committed to working with the Community Boards on oneproject each per ward during this time.• The Kerikeri <strong>District</strong> Business Association hosts a monthly meeting with <strong>elected</strong> <strong>members</strong>(<strong>Council</strong> and Community Board). It is always of value and this month they presented thesurvey findings – this related to an independent survey they commissioned on economicperformance and impacts of businesses in Kerikeri. This was circulated via email with therequest that the information not be on‐forwarded at this time.• Both the Mayor and I attended the ‘Southern Practitioners’ hosted by council staff inKerikeri this month. The same forum is repeated for the <strong>North</strong>ern Practitioners in Kaitaia. Itwas very well attended and the agenda covered presentations on the following:1. Environmental policy up‐date2. BOI Wastewater project up‐date3. Information required for PIM and <strong>District</strong> Plan checks

4. Up‐date on setback requirement for in‐ground components of waste water systems5. Questionnaire/Guideline for HAIL and NES6. Building – weather tightness• Workshops this month were1. Rural provisions2. Impermeable surfaces3. Traffic and Access• Annual Plan Hearings in Kaikohe, Kaitaia and Kerikeri• The Zone One meeting this month was scheduled for Friday the 17 th at Otorohanga. Thiscreated some conflicts regarding timing and ability to get there. As this fell on the day afterthe annual plan hearings and given there is no easy way to fly to Otorohanga and even if wecould have secured a flight it was prohibitively expensive at over $1k and then could only getus as far as Hamilton. This left us only with one alternative ‘to drive’. A start time of 10am onthe morning would have meant driving down after the annual plan hearings on the Thursdayevening. All in all it just fell into the too hard basket so I tabled my apologies. At the time ofwriting this report my understanding is that the CE will attend as will John Schollum who willbe in the Waikato area at the time. As no one from Whangarei, NRC or Kaipara could attendeither there was some discussion about video conferencing but given Otorohonga doesn’timmediately have available these facilities I am doubtful if this can be arranged in time. Iwould anticipate John and David will report back to council.1. The agenda included Guest speaker Giltrap family on business ventures.2. Electoral Amendment Bill.3. Economic affect of PSA on the Kiwifruit industry in the Bay of Plenty4. Mayor’s taskforce5. Local Government Minister the Hon Chris Tremain6. Local Government New Zealand President Lawrence Yule7. Local Government New Zealand CEO Malcolm Alexander• The Monthly planning and portfolio meeting was cancelled this month due to conflicts withthe Annual Plan hearings but weekly up‐dates are forwarded via Nicole. I am on jury duty forthe week of the next one so will leave this in the hands of Cr Baker and HWTM.• It is time for the CEO review committee to meet. Can this please be arranged via theGovernance unit?A timetable relating to the review of the Chief Executive's position as required by the LocalGovernment Act 2002 is attached. (refer document A1355874)

<strong>Council</strong>lor Radich May 2013 ReportWith <strong>Council</strong>lors Monty Knight and Colin Kitchen met with Quarry owners Bellinghams and Masters(Pukepoto) regarding Fairer Rating System. Very positive discussion and that they would take theirconcerns in their submissions to <strong>Council</strong>.Attending a meeting with Kaitaia Business owners and Police regarding the thieving and vandalismthat has been running riot in Kaitaia. The meeting surprisingly was orderly and many were in favourof survelliance cameras to be monitored 24 hours. What their town needs is two Police dogs for acouple weeks. The question will the Police act on this.With Maurice Gabriels (FNDC) visited Rangiputa township regarding a footpath through thick bushfrom the top of the hill. Little can be done to establish this. It is steep and needs a lot of work.Rangiputa from the hill site needs a footpath. The only alternative is along the road.Met with the community of Kaimaumau; organiser Murray Henderson regarding a proposedplayground and up keep of their town. With Allen Cammell (FNDC) in attendance there were somegood ideas shared.Attended the funderal of one of TeKao’s last Kuia Mrs Kui Matiu. I was honoured to be asked as oneof the ball bearers.Attended the aquatic recreation centre chaired by Mary Jane Ardley there is strong support for this.Now its time to fundraise!18 th April <strong>Council</strong> meeting – Kaikohe25 th April: Attended ANZAC day service at Houhora9 th May Rural Provisions Workshop – Kaikohe13 th , 14 th , 16 th May Submissions hearings in Kaikohe, Kaitaia and Kerikeri8 th May Te Hiku Community Board Meeting = Hihi

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