Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

Who Owned Georgia English.pdf Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

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While Rustavi 2 was passing through friendly hands, DavitDvali and Jarji Akimidze, two of its founding owners who claimto have been forced to surrender control of the station, statedtheir intentions of suing for their original shares back. 389 Thesubsequent owner, Kibar Khalvashi, also announced his intentionto retrieve the 78% of Rustavi 2’s shares he says the governmenttook from him 390 . Vano Chkhartishvili, a former co-owner of MzeTV is also seeking the return of control to Mze, which he sayswas illegally taken from him. On October 9th, the small local TVstation, Guria TV, was reportedly handed to him. 391On November 15th, former Minister of Justice and Ministerof Education and Science, Nika Gvaramia, became directorgeneral of Rustavi-2, replacing Giorgi Gegeshidze, 392 who nowowns 9% the TV channel’s shares 393 . 91% of Rustavi 2’s sharesis owned, directly and indirectly, by Levan Karamanishvili andGiorgi Karamanishvili. They both own 40% of shares directlyand 51% of shares through their TV Company, Sakartvelo 394 , anentertainment channel with ties to the Ministry of Defense. 395On October 12, the GNCC approved the transfer ofSakartvelo’s broadcasting licenses to the Civic Education389 Rustavi 2 Former Owners to Start Legal Fight to Get TV Company Back.Media.ge http://www.media.ge/en/stories/rustavi2formerownerstost Accessedon 04/12/2012390 Kibar Khalvashi Hopes to Return 78% Share in “Rusatvi 2” and “Mze” TVCompanies. Commersant.gehttp://www.commersant.ge/eng/?id=3272 Accessed on 04/12/2012391 After elections, TV stations reposition themselves and change ownership.Transparency International Georgia. http://transparency.ge/en/blog/afterelections-tv-stations-reposition-themselvesAccessed on 04/12/2012392 Ex-Govt Member Becomes Head of Rustavi 2 TV http://www.civil.ge/eng/article.php?id=25453 Accessed on 04/12/2012393 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia 16/11/2012 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=mortgage&m=get_output_by_id&scandoc_id=473933&app_id=549531 Accessed 05/12/2012394 Ibid395 Why Was News Program of TV-Company “Sakartvelo” Closed? AnaSheshaberidze Humanrights.ge http://www.humanrights.ge/index.php?a=main&pid=8154&lang=eng Accessed on 04/12/201296

Foundation, publisher of Tabula. 396 Sakartvelo itself has notchanged ownership (yet), and no information about any paymentshas been made public. Tamar Chergoleishvili stated that formereconomy minister, Kakha Bendukidze will be one of the station’sfounders. 397On October 15th, the outgoing Saakashvili administrationgranted a partial tax amnesty for broadcasters 27 months afterwriting off a 36 million GEL total debt for TV stations. 398 Rustavi2 and Imedi TV would be the greatest beneficiaries of theamnesty. In July 2012, Imedi had a 13.9 million GEL tax debt andRustavi 2 had a 3.53 million debt 399 . The next day, Imedi TV wastransferred back to the Patarkatsiashvili family. 400On October 18th, Ina Gudavadze, widow of BadriPatarkatsishvili, bought Georgian Media Production Group 401from Giorgi Arveladze, Giorgi Korakhashvili and GiorgiMikeladze for 3 GEL. Imedi announced it would change its formatand become a news channel. Much of Imedi’s staff were dismissedor quit. Revaz Sakevarishvili, former editor of Forbes Georgia,was appointed director of Imedi. In March 2012, Sakevarishviliresigned from Forbes in an effort to protest political pressure andcensorship he encountered after publishing an interview withBidzina Ivanishvili. 402396 License of TV Company Sakartvelo Handed Over to Civic EducationFoundation http://gncc.ge/index.php?lang_id=ENG&sec_id=110&info_id=113161 Accessed on 04/12/2012397 TV Sakartvelo become TV Tabula. Democry and Freedom Watch http://dfwatch.net/tv-sakartvelo-become-tv-tabula-50376 Accessed on 05/12/2012398 New tax amnesty for TV stations. Transparency International Georgia. http://transparency.ge/en/post/general-announcement/new-tax-amnesty-tv-statiAccessed on 12/12/2012399 ibid400 Tax Amnesty for Georgian TV Channels: A Subsidy for Pro-GovernmentReporting? http://transparency.ge/en/blog/ptax-amnesty-georgian-tvchannels-subsidy-pro-government-reportingpAccessed on 05/12/2012401 Ina Gudavadze returned Imedi for GEL 3. Media.ge http://www.media.ge/en/stories/inagudavadzereturnedimed Accessed on 05/12/2012402 Forbes editor takes over Georgian TV station. http://dfwatch.net/forbeseditor-takes-over-georgian-tv-station-70027Accessed on 04/12/201297

Foundation, publisher of Tabula. 396 Sakartvelo itself has notchanged ownership (yet), and no information about any paymentshas been made public. Tamar Chergoleishvili stated that formereconomy minister, Kakha Bendukidze will be one of the station’sfounders. 397On October 15th, the outgoing Saakashvili administrationgranted a partial tax amnesty for broadcasters 27 months afterwriting off a 36 million GEL total debt for TV stations. 398 Rustavi2 and Imedi TV would be the greatest beneficiaries of theamnesty. In July 2012, Imedi had a 13.9 million GEL tax debt andRustavi 2 had a 3.53 million debt 399 . The next day, Imedi TV wastransferred back to the Patarkatsiashvili family. 400On October 18th, Ina Gudavadze, widow of BadriPatarkatsishvili, bought <strong>Georgia</strong>n Media Production Group 401from Giorgi Arveladze, Giorgi Korakhashvili and GiorgiMikeladze for 3 GEL. Imedi announced it would change its formatand become a news channel. Much of Imedi’s staff were dismissedor quit. Revaz Sakevarishvili, former editor of Forbes <strong>Georgia</strong>,was appointed director of Imedi. In March 2012, Sakevarishviliresigned from Forbes in an effort to protest political pressure andcensorship he encountered after publishing an interview withBidzina Ivanishvili. 402396 License of TV Company Sakartvelo Handed Over to Civic EducationFoundation http://gncc.ge/index.php?lang_id=ENG&sec_id=110&info_id=113161 Accessed on 04/12/2012397 TV Sakartvelo become TV Tabula. Democry and Freedom Watch http://dfwatch.net/tv-sakartvelo-become-tv-tabula-50376 Accessed on 05/12/2012398 New tax amnesty for TV stations. Transparency International <strong>Georgia</strong>. http://transparency.ge/en/post/general-announcement/new-tax-amnesty-tv-statiAccessed on 12/12/2012399 ibid400 Tax Amnesty for <strong>Georgia</strong>n TV Channels: A Subsidy for Pro-GovernmentReporting? http://transparency.ge/en/blog/ptax-amnesty-georgian-tvchannels-subsidy-pro-government-reportingpAccessed on 05/12/2012401 Ina Gudavadze returned Imedi for GEL 3. Media.ge http://www.media.ge/en/stories/inagudavadzereturnedimed Accessed on 05/12/2012402 Forbes editor takes over <strong>Georgia</strong>n TV station. http://dfwatch.net/forbeseditor-takes-over-georgian-tv-station-70027Accessed on 04/12/201297

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