Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

Who Owned Georgia English.pdf


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Five months later, in August, another explosion in thesame mine killed four miners and injured six others. This time,President Saakashvili arrived to the site and told the miners thatventilation systems had been installed, but the problem was thatthere was an absence of discipline; that miners should be given alist of safety rules that they should ”repeat like a mantra” beforeentering the mine. But Levan Qurcikidze, a miner who received3rd degree burns on much of his body from the explosion said theforemen did not have the proper safety mechanisms in place. 375When another man died in an explosion in the same mine onJanuary 21st, 2010, authorities stopped blaming the miners fortheir deaths. The next day, Saakashvili said that he had discoveredthere was evidence suggesting the previous blast was the result of“criminal wrongdoing by the coal mine’s top management, whoturned off the ventilation system to save money at the expense ofthe lives of employees.” On January 26th, police arrested two lowlevel managers, Edem Sturua and Giorgi Devdariani for violatingsafety norms. Miners then engaged in an open-ended strike onFebruary 2nd to protest their arrest and the company’s safetyinadequacies. 376On September 9th, 2011, another miner died, although thiswas the result of a blasting operation mishap. 377 On November24th, 2011, two men died in a shaft collapse. After the deathsof 17 miners in two years, a joint labor-management safetycommittee was finally established for better process control ofsafety and labor protection systems. 378375 Ibid376 Coal Miners on Strike in Tkibuli http://www.civil.ge/eng/article.php?id=23105 Accessed on 04/12/2012377 One Dies in Mining Accident in Tkibuli Civil.ge http://www.civil.ge/eng/article.php?id=23917 Accessed on 04/12/2012378 Deaths Continue To Plague <strong>Georgia</strong>’s Tkibuli-Mindeli Coal Mine 19December 2011 ICEM InBrief <strong>Georgia</strong> http://pacific.scoop.co.nz/2011/12/report-federation-of-chemical-energy-mining-and-gw-unions-2/ Accessed on04/12/201293

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