Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

Who Owned Georgia English.pdf


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In 2009, Stanton was renamed GeoProMining Ltd. It’scontract office was listed in Moscow. Rather than investdirectly in Madneuli, the company focused more in developingits ventures in Armenia with an overall strategy to invest inthe region. In the summer of 2011, the Ministry of Energy andNatural Resources revoked Madneuli’s license for not meetingits contract obligations and put it up for auction. The CaucasusMountain Group won the tender on October 3rd, 2011, biddingagainst the “Anglo-<strong>Georgia</strong>n mining company,” which wouldactually become the owner a year later. 362The Caucasus Mountain Group was registered on August30th, 2011, to a geologist who worked for GeoProMining, JondoShubitidze. The 100% shareholder of the Caucasus MountainGroup was Pemptilon Holdings Ltd., a company registered inCyprus on June 6th, 2011. The registration was prepared byCyproman, a company that specializes in registering firms offshore to owners who wish to remain anonymous. 363 Cypromanemployees, Elena Mikhael Serdibova and Ntina Mousikou, bothsat on Pemptilon’s board, which appointed Shubitidze generaldirector of Caucasus Mountain Group. Pemptilon intended toregister the “Caucasus Mountain Group” on August 15th, one daybefore the tender was announced publicly, and they also knewthe auction was planned on October 3rd, which was supposed tobe confidential information. 364On June 14, 2012, Rich Metals Group (RMG), a Russiancompany owned by Dmitri Troitsky and Dmitri Kozhrev boughtMadneuli for $120 million. According to the <strong>Georgia</strong>n registry,Troitsky, who Forbes rated the 94th richest Russian in 2011,had been a member of the Madneuli oversight board. 365 RMG’sgeneral director is Dima Kalandadze, who had also been general362 Studio GNS report 30/10/11. available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QmSBOji20KM Accessed on04/12/2012363 Cyproman Services Ltd Website http://www.cyproman.com.cy/ Accessed on04/12/2012364 Ibid365 New Owners of Madneuli and Kvartsiti From Russia. Netgazeti.ge http://netgazeti.ge/GE/105/business/10373/ Accessed on 12/12/201290

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