Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

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On December 24th, the economy ministry reported theKazakhs were out of the picture, while on January 11th, PrimeMinister Zurab Zhvania announced the Czech and Kazakhproposals had been rejected and the remaining three partieswere invited for individual negotiations. Zhvania also said,“The Austrian company has even made a USD 10 million downpayment in an attempt to demonstrate its serious intentions overthis deal.” The new closing date was slated for January 18th. 347The three companies initially submitted separate bids, butEvrAzHolding and «DMC Ferro» decided to re-apply with a jointbid and won the tender for $132 million. EvrAz Holding wonthe bid, even though economy minister, Aleksi Alexishvili, saidthe Ukrainian Interpipe Corp had submitted the «better» bid.Interpipe offered $117 million for Chiaturmanganumi/Vartsikheand pledged to invest $60 million into the enterprises withinthree years. Interpipe Corp was owned by Viktor Pinchuk, theson-in-law of former Ukrainian President, Vladimir Kuchma. 348Georgian officials, including State Minister for EconomicReform at the time, Kakha Bendukidze, said they decided againstInterpipe because the Ukrainian company had allegedly urgedthe government to also let it take control of Zestaponi Fero-Alloy Plant, a property owned by DCM-Ferro. In response toBendukidze’s accusation of «banditry,» Interpipe charged thatGeorgia’s privatization campaign was «a vague process with norules.» 349“Until 6 PM on January 18, we knew that Interpipe andRussian Evrazholding were leaders (in the bid), but a half anhour later, Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania informed the publicabout the submission of a new proposal. After this, we refusedto participate in such a privatization process. ... Unlike othercompanies that only included prices in their proposals, we347 Ibid348 Interpipe Talks about Incorrect Privatisation. Civil Georgia. January 19, 2005http://www.civil.ge/geo/article.php?id=8636349 Georgia Votes in New Government. John Mackedon Eurasianet http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/insight/articles/eav021705.shtml Accessed on04/12/201286

presented a detailed plan. We were proposing $117 millionfor Chiaturmanganese, and were ready to pay $20 million forFerroalloy Plant, but our proposals were rejected,” said Interpipe’schairman of the supervisory board, Igor Jaroslavtsev. 350David Gamkrelidze, ex-leader of the New Rights Partyaccused Bendukidze, an oligarch who made his fortune in Russia,of “transferring this property to his friends and acquaintances ina hasty, illegal and non-transparent way.» 351In June 2005, one month before expiration date of the termsof the first installment payment, Evrazholding terminated theagreement, taking a loss of $18 million. The official versionwas that after the company signed the contract, it studied theconditions of the installations, decided they were unprofitable andcancelled its agreement. Another version was that Evrazholdinghad received certain guarantees from Prime Minister Zhvania,but after his death in February 2005, the government refusedto reaffirm these guarantees. Yet another account has it thatEvrazholding was required to cover Chiaturmanganese’s debts,a condition that was not included into the initial agreement. 352While Interpipe and Evrazholding were competing over thetender, the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, a major creditor ofChiaturmanganese, filed for the company’s bankruptcy on January6, 2005, making it legally impossible for Chiaturmanganese todispose of its property. Its creditors were requested to bringtheir claims against the enterprise to court, but for some strangereason most of the creditors never arrived at court on the thegiven day, leaving the NGO, Green Alternative, who had beenmonitoring the privatization process to assume the creditors350 Aggressive State Property Privatization Policy. Green Alternative Report p.18http://www.greenalt.org/webmill/data/file/publications/Privatizeba-Eng4.pdfAccessed on 04/12/2012351 Georgia Votes in New Government. John Mackedon Eurasianet http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/insight/articles/eav021705.shtml Accessed04/12/2012352 Aggresive State Property Privatization Policy. Green Alternative Report p.19http://www.greenalt.org/webmill/data/file/publications/Privatizeba-Eng4.pdfAccessed 04/12/201287

presented a detailed plan. We were proposing $117 millionfor Chiaturmanganese, and were ready to pay $20 million forFerroalloy Plant, but our proposals were rejected,” said Interpipe’schairman of the supervisory board, Igor Jaroslavtsev. 350David Gamkrelidze, ex-leader of the New Rights Partyaccused Bendukidze, an oligarch who made his fortune in Russia,of “transferring this property to his friends and acquaintances ina hasty, illegal and non-transparent way.» 351In June 2005, one month before expiration date of the termsof the first installment payment, Evrazholding terminated theagreement, taking a loss of $18 million. The official versionwas that after the company signed the contract, it studied theconditions of the installations, decided they were unprofitable andcancelled its agreement. Another version was that Evrazholdinghad received certain guarantees from Prime Minister Zhvania,but after his death in February 2005, the government refusedto reaffirm these guarantees. Yet another account has it thatEvrazholding was required to cover Chiaturmanganese’s debts,a condition that was not included into the initial agreement. 352While Interpipe and Evrazholding were competing over thetender, the Ministry of Finance of <strong>Georgia</strong>, a major creditor ofChiaturmanganese, filed for the company’s bankruptcy on January6, 2005, making it legally impossible for Chiaturmanganese todispose of its property. Its creditors were requested to bringtheir claims against the enterprise to court, but for some strangereason most of the creditors never arrived at court on the thegiven day, leaving the NGO, Green Alternative, who had beenmonitoring the privatization process to assume the creditors350 Aggressive State Property Privatization Policy. Green Alternative Report p.18http://www.greenalt.org/webmill/data/file/publications/Privatizeba-Eng4.<strong>pdf</strong>Accessed on 04/12/2012351 <strong>Georgia</strong> Votes in New Government. John Mackedon Eurasianet http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/insight/articles/eav021705.shtml Accessed04/12/2012352 Aggresive State Property Privatization Policy. Green Alternative Report p.19http://www.greenalt.org/webmill/data/file/publications/Privatizeba-Eng4.<strong>pdf</strong>Accessed 04/12/201287

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