Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

Who Owned Georgia English.pdf Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

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made quite a profit, as Sairme is in a touristic zone; but theychose to give it away. 323Resort Sairme LLC was the state-owned company that tookover their property and on Sept. 18, 2011, it transferred thecompany to the Sairme Development Company LCC, 324 whichwas owned completely by Temur Kokhodze, who was aparliamentarian for the ruling United National Movement party.Kokhodze was also a member of the Legal Affairs Committee andof the Committee for Field Economy and Economic Policy. 325The transfer occurred without a tender. Kokhodze claims thathe paid 60,000 GEL for the property. 326 In return, he committedto invest 10,000,000 GEL in the complex, meteorological station,spa, accommodations and one 5 star hotel. 327Before Kokhodze became a parliamentarian in 2008, he wasestablishing his automobile parts and service empire, TegetaMotors 328 . Because Georgian law forbids MPs to hold any kindof executive, oversight, controlling, revision, or consultativebusiness functions and to profit from any kind of commercialaction, Kokhodze gave up his spot as general director of Tegetato become a parliamentarian. Georgian law, however, doesn’t sayhe can’t profit from his shares in businesses.For a parliamentarian, Kokhodze does alright. His TegetaMotors shares brought him 505,449.75 GEL in 2012. He is alsoa partner in the Transcaucasus Distribution Company and it’s323 Ibid p.5324 ibid p.6325 Sairme Resort was given to an MP from UNM for Gel 1. For.ge http://www.for.ge/view.php?for_id=3544&f_cat=9&a_title=%60kurorti Accessed12/12/2012326 Studio GNS Investigation http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lyorc2kGISI Accessed 13/12/2012327 Sairme Resoft was given to an MP from UNM for Gel 1. For.ge http://www.for.ge/view.php?for_id=3544&f_cat=9&a_title=%60kurorti Accessed12/12/2012328 Sairme is a property of the MP from United National Movement. Netgazeti.gehttp://netgazeti.ge/GE/47/News/4706/ Accessed 15/11/201280

daughter companies. On May 17th, 2011, Kokhodze reported1,600,000 GEL cash on hand, although he had indicated havingonly 7,000 GEL a year before. No income was declared from hiscompanies. In 2011, he declared an income of 1,140,987 GEL. 329Kokhodze denies any misconduct took place in Sairme. Afterthe October 2012 elections the owners have come forward andstated that they were pressured from the Kutaisi Prosecutor’sOffice during 2009-2010 to relinguish their land to the state. 330Meanwhile, back in Tbilisi, my old neighborhood ofPlekhanov was getting a total facelift. The towering eucalyptustrees that provided us with shade along Aghmashenebeli Ave.were yanked out of the ground, replaced by more subtle saplings.The crumbling facades of the street’s 19th century buildings wereresurfaced and painted in unobtrusive pastel tones so that theyall uniformly resemble each other. New, level sidewalks werelaid. President Saakashvili said the street looks like “Paris.” Therenovation was massive, yet peek down the side streets or intothe courtyards of these newly refurbished buildings and you’llsee that the old Tbilisi magic hasn’t been entirely erased.The project began in 2010, when President Saakashvili andTbilisi Mayor, Gigi Ugulava, announced the plan to rehabilitateAghmashenebeli St. No tender was held for the work. 331 MayorUgulava and Tbilisi Development Funds Director, GiorgiSabanadze, stated that none was needed because the funds behindthe work were issued from the non-profit/non-entrepreneurialentities, the Old City Development and Reconstruction Fund,329 Asset declaration of Temur Kokhodze for the year 2011. Civil Service Bureau.http://www.declaration.ge/csb/report/report.seam?id=4614&lang=2 Accessed15/11/2012330 Property Seizure by Prosecutor’s Office in Sairme. Transparency InternationalGeorgia. 31/10/2012 http://transparency.ge/en/blog/property-seizureprosecutor-s-office-sairmeAccessed 15/11/2012331 Nontransparent Rehabilitation. Studio Monitor Report http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNzxVWoL0Jw Accessed 15/11/201281

daughter companies. On May 17th, 2011, Kokhodze reported1,600,000 GEL cash on hand, although he had indicated havingonly 7,000 GEL a year before. No income was declared from hiscompanies. In 2011, he declared an income of 1,140,987 GEL. 329Kokhodze denies any misconduct took place in Sairme. Afterthe October 2012 elections the owners have come forward andstated that they were pressured from the Kutaisi Prosecutor’sOffice during 2009-2010 to relinguish their land to the state. 330Meanwhile, back in Tbilisi, my old neighborhood ofPlekhanov was getting a total facelift. The towering eucalyptustrees that provided us with shade along Aghmashenebeli Ave.were yanked out of the ground, replaced by more subtle saplings.The crumbling facades of the street’s 19th century buildings wereresurfaced and painted in unobtrusive pastel tones so that theyall uniformly resemble each other. New, level sidewalks werelaid. President Saakashvili said the street looks like “Paris.” Therenovation was massive, yet peek down the side streets or intothe courtyards of these newly refurbished buildings and you’llsee that the old Tbilisi magic hasn’t been entirely erased.The project began in 2010, when President Saakashvili andTbilisi Mayor, Gigi Ugulava, announced the plan to rehabilitateAghmashenebeli St. No tender was held for the work. 331 MayorUgulava and Tbilisi Development Funds Director, GiorgiSabanadze, stated that none was needed because the funds behindthe work were issued from the non-profit/non-entrepreneurialentities, the Old City Development and Reconstruction Fund,329 Asset declaration of Temur Kokhodze for the year 2011. Civil Service Bureau.http://www.declaration.ge/csb/report/report.seam?id=4614&lang=2 Accessed15/11/2012330 Property Seizure by Prosecutor’s Office in Sairme. Transparency International<strong>Georgia</strong>. 31/10/2012 http://transparency.ge/en/blog/property-seizureprosecutor-s-office-sairmeAccessed 15/11/2012331 Nontransparent Rehabilitation. Studio Monitor Report http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNzxVWoL0Jw Accessed 15/11/201281

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