Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

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the large import/distributors and retailers benefit from thenearly 2000 individually owned outlets that cannot import forthemselves 237 .When ABC Pharmacy’s, PharmDepo, arrived on the retailmarket in 2009, it created a general price decrease because it wasable to offer lower prices as a result of its high import shares.Nevertheless, the nearly 2000 pharmacies still depend on the“Big 3” for over 60% of their stock. 238PharmDepo pharmacies were welcomed with an aggressivecampaign that would make a robber baron grin. No sooner did theyopen their doors, than Orange Pharmacenter pharmacies beganto appear nearby, also selling medicines at a 20-25% discount.In early 2010, the registered director of Orange Pharmacenterwas Kakhaber Panchulidze 239 . He is also the registered director ofPSP 240 and was a parliamentarian for the ruling party until 2012.Orange Pharmacenter’s legal address had been Ingorka St. #1,which is now the address of a PSP pharmacy 241 .Stephanie Komsa, the founder and director of KomsaInternational, a Georgian-based investment consultancy, believes237 Komsa International (2011) Investment Guide; Opportunities in Georgia’sPharmaceutical Sector, in cooperation with the government of Georgia,Dec. 2011. http://www.investingeorgia.org/upload/file/Opportunities_in_Georgias_Pharmaceutical_Sector.pdf Accessed 05/12/2012238 Report on Pharmaceutical Market in Georgia. p. 17 TransparencyInternational Georgia http://transparency.ge/sites/default/files/post_attachments/The%20Pharmaceutical%20Market%20in%20Georgia_June%202012l_0.pdf Accessed 05/12/2012239 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia, 22/03/2010 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=mortgage&m=get_output_by_id&scandoc_id=37286&app_id=45535 Accessed on 05/12/2012240 Report on Pharmaceutical Market in Georgia. p. 18 TransparencyInternational Georgia http://transparency.ge/sites/default/files/post_attachments/The%20Pharmaceutical%20Market%20in%20Georgia_June%202012l_0.pdf Accessed 12/12/2012241 Yellow pages. Yell.ge http://yell.ge/srch_adv.php?lan=2&name=&city_id=0&address=1+Ingorokva+&keywords=&phone=&Submit.x=26&Submit.y=1Accessed 05/12/201258

the pharmaceutical market is ripe for investment and points tothat fact that Georgia has no pricing controls on pharmaceuticalsand no VAT is charged on pharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticalinputs.“Until now, the pharmaceutical retail market has longbeen perceived to operate with high pricing margins and withdomination by a small handful of players,” she wrote in anarticle for Investor.ge, the magazine of the American Chamber ofCommerce. “… some data has shown as much as 25% decreasesin pharmaceutical prices as a result of increased competition, 242 ”she adds, but this figure is misleading.The median unit price of medicines did decrease between2009 and 2011, especially for original brands, although, thisdecrease occurred only for 27% of the original brands and21% for the lowest price generics. The rest of the medicinesactually increased in price. In other words, three-fourths of themedicines on the market have become more expensive 243 . Oneexplanation for this could be that some groups of medicines aremore preferred, due to increasing import opportunities. Anotherexplanation is that the major distributors might have purposelypushed a group of medicines down to stimulate a positive imageof market development.A study by Curatio International Foundation (CIF) revealedthat Aversi, PSP and GPC have the highest decrease on originalbrands and the highest increase of lowest price generics. CIF says242 Investor.ge Issue 2, 2012. April-May http://www.investor.ge/article_2012_2.php?art=5 Accessed 05/12/2012243 Rationalization of Pharmaceutical Expenditures in Georgia, Partnership forSocial Initiatives. p.3 GotsadzeT. (2011) http://www.psidiscourse.ge/files/files/pdfs/Rationalization%20of%20the%20Pharmaceutical%20Expenditures%20in%20Georgia.pdf Accessed 05/12/201259

the pharmaceutical market is ripe for investment and points tothat fact that <strong>Georgia</strong> has no pricing controls on pharmaceuticalsand no VAT is charged on pharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticalinputs.“Until now, the pharmaceutical retail market has longbeen perceived to operate with high pricing margins and withdomination by a small handful of players,” she wrote in anarticle for Investor.ge, the magazine of the American Chamber ofCommerce. “… some data has shown as much as 25% decreasesin pharmaceutical prices as a result of increased competition, 242 ”she adds, but this figure is misleading.The median unit price of medicines did decrease between2009 and 2011, especially for original brands, although, thisdecrease occurred only for 27% of the original brands and21% for the lowest price generics. The rest of the medicinesactually increased in price. In other words, three-fourths of themedicines on the market have become more expensive 243 . Oneexplanation for this could be that some groups of medicines aremore preferred, due to increasing import opportunities. Anotherexplanation is that the major distributors might have purposelypushed a group of medicines down to stimulate a positive imageof market development.A study by Curatio International Foundation (CIF) revealedthat Aversi, PSP and GPC have the highest decrease on originalbrands and the highest increase of lowest price generics. CIF says242 Investor.ge Issue 2, 2012. April-May http://www.investor.ge/article_2012_2.php?art=5 Accessed 05/12/2012243 Rationalization of Pharmaceutical Expenditures in <strong>Georgia</strong>, Partnership forSocial Initiatives. p.3 GotsadzeT. (2011) http://www.psidiscourse.ge/files/files/<strong>pdf</strong>s/Rationalization%20of%20the%20Pharmaceutical%20Expenditures%20in%20<strong>Georgia</strong>.<strong>pdf</strong> Accessed 05/12/201259

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