Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

Who Owned Georgia English.pdf Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

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the shares and LLC Investico Alliance with 17% of shares 138 .All three are registered in the BVI. Delgado is owned by LevanKaramanishvili (18%), Teimuraz Aronia (18%), Revaz Sharangia18% Revaz Eliava (18%), Khvicha Makhatsaria (18%), and GiorgiBajakzuiani (10%). Investico Alliance is owned by the Eleganzagroup (100%), which is owned by Teimuraz Aronia (75%) andLevan Karamanishvili (25%). 139LLC Watertrail Industries is a subsidiary of VimpelCom 140 ,one of the world’s largest telecommunications service providers.VimpelCom’s principal owners are Telenor Group with 39.51%of shares 141 and Altimo Holdings and Investments Limited with31.7% of shares. 142 The controlling stake of the Telenor Groupis owned by the Norwegian government (53.97%) 143 while thecontrolling stake of Investments Limited (72.77% of shares) areowned by three Russian billionaires: Mikhail Fridman, German138 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia, 14/11/2012 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=mortgage&m=get_output_by_id&scandoc_id=473095&app_id=548479 Accessed on 05/12/2012139 Decision about the authorization of the selling of the 20% share from the32% share owned by Delgado Resources LLC in Mobitel LLC and the buyingthereof by Miren Invest and the 12% from the 32% Delgado Resource LLCshare by Action Direct Holding B.V. and also about the transfer of 17% shareowned of Investico Alliance to Action Direct holding B.V. 19/10/2012 http://www.gncc.ge/index.php?lang_id=GEO&sec_id=7070&info_id=113256Accessed on 13/12/2012140 U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1023977/000119312509111289/dex8.htm Accessed 12/09/2012141 VimpelCom is one of the world’s largest telecommunications serviceoperators, providing voice and data services through a range of traditionaland broadband mobile and fixed technologies. Telenor Group’s website http://www.telenor.com/investor-relations/company-facts/business-description/vimpelcom/ Accessed 12/09/2012142 Vimpelcom supervisory board approves new terms for combination withwind telecom S.p.A. (formerly weather investments S.p.A.) January 17, 2011Vimpelcom’s website http://www.vimpelcom.com/pr/pr.wbp?id=aa13f2da-1729-425d-8afc-cb1bc8978c65 Accessed 12/09/2012143 Report on Corporate Goverance - Telenor ASA . 2011 http://telenor.com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/04/Report-On-Telenor-corporate-governance-ENG.pdf Accessed 05/12/201236

Khan, and Alexei Kuzmichov. 144 VimpelCom is also the ownerof the Beeline wireless brand, which Revaz Sharangia’s brother,Merab, is a shareholder of. 145Revaz Sharangia, the founder of the GMC Group (see theDevelopment chapter) a member of the oversight board, alongwith Levan Karamanishvili. Sharangia and Karamanishvili arealso Delgado Resources’ representatives in Georgia. 146144 Alfagroup’s website http://www.alfagroup.org/about-us/structure/printable.php?print=1 Accessed 12/09/2012145 Scheme of Monopolist winner of Mini-Bus Tender. Humanrights.ge http://www.humanrights.ge/index.php?a=main&pid=13011&lang=eng March 4,2011 Accessed 05/12/2012146 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia p.10 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=82829 Accessed 05/12/201237

the shares and LLC Investico Alliance with 17% of shares 138 .All three are registered in the BVI. Delgado is owned by LevanKaramanishvili (18%), Teimuraz Aronia (18%), Revaz Sharangia18% Revaz Eliava (18%), Khvicha Makhatsaria (18%), and GiorgiBajakzuiani (10%). Investico Alliance is owned by the Eleganzagroup (100%), which is owned by Teimuraz Aronia (75%) andLevan Karamanishvili (25%). 139LLC Watertrail Industries is a subsidiary of VimpelCom 140 ,one of the world’s largest telecommunications service providers.VimpelCom’s principal owners are Telenor Group with 39.51%of shares 141 and Altimo Holdings and Investments Limited with31.7% of shares. 142 The controlling stake of the Telenor Groupis owned by the Norwegian government (53.97%) 143 while thecontrolling stake of Investments Limited (72.77% of shares) areowned by three Russian billionaires: Mikhail Fridman, German138 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of <strong>Georgia</strong>, 14/11/2012 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=mortgage&m=get_output_by_id&scandoc_id=473095&app_id=548479 Accessed on 05/12/2012139 Decision about the authorization of the selling of the 20% share from the32% share owned by Delgado Resources LLC in Mobitel LLC and the buyingthereof by Miren Invest and the 12% from the 32% Delgado Resource LLCshare by Action Direct Holding B.V. and also about the transfer of 17% shareowned of Investico Alliance to Action Direct holding B.V. 19/10/2012 http://www.gncc.ge/index.php?lang_id=GEO&sec_id=7070&info_id=113256Accessed on 13/12/2012140 U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1023977/000119312509111289/dex8.htm Accessed 12/09/2012141 VimpelCom is one of the world’s largest telecommunications serviceoperators, providing voice and data services through a range of traditionaland broadband mobile and fixed technologies. Telenor Group’s website http://www.telenor.com/investor-relations/company-facts/business-description/vimpelcom/ Accessed 12/09/2012142 Vimpelcom supervisory board approves new terms for combination withwind telecom S.p.A. (formerly weather investments S.p.A.) January 17, 2011Vimpelcom’s website http://www.vimpelcom.com/pr/pr.wbp?id=aa13f2da-1729-425d-8afc-cb1bc8978c65 Accessed 12/09/2012143 Report on Corporate Goverance - Telenor ASA . 2011 http://telenor.com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/04/Report-On-Telenor-corporate-governance-ENG.<strong>pdf</strong> Accessed 05/12/201236

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