Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

Who Owned Georgia English.pdf Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

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Kakhi Beqauri and Eldar Mdinaradze. 32 The next year, VanoChkhartishvili, a millionaire and former parliamentarian whowas Shevardnadze’s economy minister at the time, reportedlybought 10% 33 , but in a secret recording with Erekle Kodua, thelate billionaire Badri Patarkatsishvili, who was Chkhartishvili ‘sfriend, said he owned Mze. 34The newspaper, Rezonansi, reported in July 2004, thatChkhartishvili sold his Mze shares to David Bezhuashvilibecause the former minister had fallen out of favor with thegovernment and faced arrest for financial crimes 35 . Whatever thecase, Bezhuashvili ended up with 50% of Mze’s shares. In 2005,Kibar Khalvashi owned 78% of its shares and Bezhuashvili had22%. 36 Mze TV cancelled its news programming in June 2008.Like Rustavi 2, the ownership would change after October’sparliamentary elections.Since his fall from the graces of the United NationalMovement, Khalvashi says he was pressured into getting involvedwith Mze. “Rustavi 2 was an unprofitable business and I didn’twant another burden - another TV station,” he said. 37By the summer of 2005, only one station, TV 202, continuedto broadcast daily political talk shows and investigative news32 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia. Page 10 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=111963 Accessed on05/12/201233 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia. Page 124 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=111963 Accessed on05/12/201234 Media after the Rose Revolution. Studio Monitor Report. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-vefDcvLZY Shortened written version available athttp://shokoladi.ge/content/54-nabijit-ukan Accessed on 05/12/201235 Ibid36 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia. Page 142 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=111965 Accessed on05/12/201237 Media after the Rose Revolution. Studio Monitor Investigation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-vefDcvLZY Shortened written version available athttp://shokoladi.ge/content/54-nabijit-ukan Accessed on 05/12/201214

stories. Shalva Ramishvili and Davit Kokhreidze established TV202 in 2003, which broadcast on the TV-33 frequency. Ramishvili,who had produced the animated parody Dardubala on Rustavi 2,also supported Mikheil Saakashvili until becoming disillusionedwith the movement. Broadcast only in Tbilisi, the station airedunlicensed Hollywood films, low budget comedy shows, rerunsof Dardubala and a political talk-show “Debates,” which provedpopular for its heated discussions on corruption in the mediaand within the ruling party. TV 202 also aired two packages by“Reporter,” a Soros funded independent investigative journalismmedia organization. One story cast doubts about the officialversion of the death of Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania, whoreportedly asphyxiated from a gas leak in a private apartment.The other story questioned facts regarding the arrest of MarekDudaev, who authorities described as a South Ossetian warlordand criminal kingpin.TV 202’s demise occurred on August 27, 2005 when Ramishviliand Kokhreidze were arrested for extortion. Ruling party MP,Koba Bekauri, claimed Ramishvili had been blackmailing himfor three months. In exchange for $100,000, TV 202 would notair footage that implicated Bekauri’s involvement with illegalactivities at the Opiza customs terminal. 38 Utilizing a 60 Minutestactic, Bekauri filmed the transaction with a hidden camera.Ramishvili maintained he had been setting Bekauri up for his owninvestigation, but the courts, with a 99.7% conviction rate, sidedwith Bekauri and sentenced Ramishvili to 4 years imprisonmentand Kokhreidze to 3.The owner of the TV33 frequency, Vazha Kiladze, sold hisshare to Hans von Sachsen-Altenburg, who was planning to start38 Media.ge Detained Shalva Ramishvili is in the Center of Media AttentionAugust 29, 2005 http://www.media.ge/en/node/12346 Accessed on 05/12/201215

Kakhi Beqauri and Eldar Mdinaradze. 32 The next year, VanoChkhartishvili, a millionaire and former parliamentarian whowas Shevardnadze’s economy minister at the time, reportedlybought 10% 33 , but in a secret recording with Erekle Kodua, thelate billionaire Badri Patarkatsishvili, who was Chkhartishvili ‘sfriend, said he owned Mze. 34The newspaper, Rezonansi, reported in July 2004, thatChkhartishvili sold his Mze shares to David Bezhuashvilibecause the former minister had fallen out of favor with thegovernment and faced arrest for financial crimes 35 . Whatever thecase, Bezhuashvili ended up with 50% of Mze’s shares. In 2005,Kibar Khalvashi owned 78% of its shares and Bezhuashvili had22%. 36 Mze TV cancelled its news programming in June 2008.Like Rustavi 2, the ownership would change after October’sparliamentary elections.Since his fall from the graces of the United NationalMovement, Khalvashi says he was pressured into getting involvedwith Mze. “Rustavi 2 was an unprofitable business and I didn’twant another burden - another TV station,” he said. 37By the summer of 2005, only one station, TV 202, continuedto broadcast daily political talk shows and investigative news32 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of <strong>Georgia</strong>. Page 10 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=111963 Accessed on05/12/201233 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of <strong>Georgia</strong>. Page 124 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=111963 Accessed on05/12/201234 Media after the Rose Revolution. Studio Monitor Report. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-vefDcvLZY Shortened written version available athttp://shokoladi.ge/content/54-nabijit-ukan Accessed on 05/12/201235 Ibid36 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of <strong>Georgia</strong>. Page 142 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=111965 Accessed on05/12/201237 Media after the Rose Revolution. Studio Monitor Investigation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-vefDcvLZY Shortened written version available athttp://shokoladi.ge/content/54-nabijit-ukan Accessed on 05/12/201214

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