Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

Who Owned Georgia English.pdf Who Owned Georgia English.pdf

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Tbilisi Mayor Gigi Ugulava, who was the Chief of thePresident’s Administration at the time, categorically deniedKitsmarishvili’s and Khalvashi’s charges that authoritiesinterfered in the activities of the television stations.On November 17th, 2006, the transport company, “Geo-Trans,” took over Khalvashi’s shares and a month later, 45%of Rustavi 2 became the property of MP David Bezhuashvili’scompany, the Georgian Industrial Group (GIG). 22 David’s brotherGela was a Minister of Foreign Affairs. The remaining 55% wentto the firm “Delgado Resources,” which was registered in theVirgin Islands. 23 Two months later, “Geomedia Group,” whichwas registered on the Marshall Islands, became the owner of 55%of Rustavi 2. 24By mid 2007, 40% of the shares were owned by GeomediaGroup, 30% by Irakli Chikhovani, the General Director of thestation, and 30% by Bezhuashvili’s company, GIG 25 . By November29th, 2011, 70% of the TV company was owned by DexonLtd., registered on the Virgin Islands with Giorgi Gegeshidzeas the country representative. 30% belonged to ChemeximInternational, registered on the Marshal Islands, with Ramaz22 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia Page 99 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=76222 Accessed on05/12/201223 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia Page 110 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=76222 Accessed on05/12/201224 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia Page 133 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=76222 Accessed on05/12/201225 Media after the Rose Revolution. Studio Monitor Investigation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-vefDcvLZY Shortened written version available athttp://shokoladi.ge/content/54-nabijit-ukan Accessed on 05/12/201212

Beridze as the representative. 26 Both companies also owned MzeTV. 27 Amendments to the Georgian Law on Broadcasting in April2011 restricted companies registered offshore from owning abroadcaster. License holders were obliged to submit compliancedeclarations to the Georgian National CommunicationsCommission (GNCC) no later than January 1, 2012. BeforeGeorgia’s parliamentary elections in October 2012, LevanKaramanishvili owned 90% of Rustavi 2 and Mze TV, whileGiorgi Gegeshidze, Rustavi 2’s Director General, owned theremaining 10% of both 28 (the post-election change will be lookedat in the final chapter). Karamanishvili is a businessman whofounded the mobile phone operator Beeline/Mobitel Georgia 29and is involved with the internet provider, Caucasus Online 30 .In both companies, Levan Karamanishvili represents opaqueshareholders who hide behind offshore shell companies. 31Although not an opposition station, privately owned MzeTV was a popular channel whose history mimics Rustavi 2’s. Itwas founded in 2002 by Zurab Zedginidze, Levan Kubaneishvili,26 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia 29/11/2011 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=mortgage&m=get_output_by_id&scandoc_id=346853&app_id=399438 Accessed on 05/12/201227 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia 29/11/2011 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=mortgage&m=get_output_by_id&scandoc_id=346844&app_id=399441 Accessed on 13/12/201228 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia 08/08/2012 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=mortgage&m=get_output_by_id&scandoc_id=447100&app_id=520160 Accessed on 13/12/201229 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of Georgia p.10 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=82829 Accessed 13/12/201230 Rustavi 2 and Mze - the property of Saakashvili’s frind’s family. MayaMetskhvarishvili. Netgazeti.ge http://netgazeti.ge/GE/86/News/7650/Accessed 13/12/201131 After elections, TV stations reposition themselves and change ownership.Transparency International http://transparency.ge/en/blog/after-elections-tvstations-reposition-themselvesAccessed on 05/12/201213

Tbilisi Mayor Gigi Ugulava, who was the Chief of thePresident’s Administration at the time, categorically deniedKitsmarishvili’s and Khalvashi’s charges that authoritiesinterfered in the activities of the television stations.On November 17th, 2006, the transport company, “Geo-Trans,” took over Khalvashi’s shares and a month later, 45%of Rustavi 2 became the property of MP David Bezhuashvili’scompany, the <strong>Georgia</strong>n Industrial Group (GIG). 22 David’s brotherGela was a Minister of Foreign Affairs. The remaining 55% wentto the firm “Delgado Resources,” which was registered in theVirgin Islands. 23 Two months later, “Geomedia Group,” whichwas registered on the Marshall Islands, became the owner of 55%of Rustavi 2. 24By mid 2007, 40% of the shares were owned by GeomediaGroup, 30% by Irakli Chikhovani, the General Director of thestation, and 30% by Bezhuashvili’s company, GIG 25 . By November29th, 2011, 70% of the TV company was owned by DexonLtd., registered on the Virgin Islands with Giorgi Gegeshidzeas the country representative. 30% belonged to ChemeximInternational, registered on the Marshal Islands, with Ramaz22 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of <strong>Georgia</strong> Page 99 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=76222 Accessed on05/12/201223 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of <strong>Georgia</strong> Page 110 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=76222 Accessed on05/12/201224 Public Registry. Ministry of Justice of <strong>Georgia</strong> Page 133 https://enreg.reestri.gov.ge/main.php?c=app&m=view_doc&doc_id=76222 Accessed on05/12/201225 Media after the Rose Revolution. Studio Monitor Investigation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-vefDcvLZY Shortened written version available athttp://shokoladi.ge/content/54-nabijit-ukan Accessed on 05/12/201212

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