Rudy Giuliani endoRses Michael GRiMM foR conGRess

Rudy Giuliani endoRses Michael GRiMM foR conGRess

Rudy Giuliani endoRses Michael GRiMM foR conGRess


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№ 3 March 2010www.citizensmagazine.comRubber rooms: «Is the Department ofEducation wasting taxpayer dollarsto prosecute teachers?»- 5 -DBy Inga Usherenkoeemed «rubberrooms» by their inhabitants,there existabout 12 of these reassignmentcenters throughout theNew York City area to which teachersof the Department of Educationare sent after behaving badly. Suchbad behavior is seen to range fromthe excessive use of glue, as in thecase of one kindergarten teacher,to sexual assault , which leads to ateacher serving the longest term yetin rubber room history – 5 1 / 2years.According to the NY Post, thereare currently 757 people occupyingthese rubber rooms, a numberthat has more than doubled in thepast 2 years. All of the re-assignedteachers continue to get their fullsalaries as they spend the sevenhours of what used to be a typicalworkday in a classroom, in one ofthese overstuffed rooms, doing absolutelynothing instead. Based onthe average teacher’s salary, thecity is spending approximately $65million of taxpayers’ money to fundthese teachers’ earnings. That‘snot to mention the additional millionsbeing spent to lease the roomsthemselves, provide security, andhire substitute teachers to replacethose fulfilling their sentences.While some blame the existenceof rubber rooms on union contractsthat are so caught up with teacherskeeping their jobs, others claim thatthis is a way for the Department ofEducation to protect itself. RandiWeingarten, the President of theUnited Federation of Teachers, expressesdiscontent with the system,hoping for a change that entails aquicker process and at least a sentencein which the teachers wouldstill be working. Initially teachers«doing time» were assigned somesort of administrative work whilebeing in the rubber rooms, but thisended in 2002. Right now the DOEclaims that a clause within the teacher’scontract prohibits them from assigningany sort of duties that don’tpertain to the teacher’s profession.The UFT, however, claims that itwould be fine.Based on the process of investigatingan accused educator, it’s nosurprise that many teachers spendyears without end in the rubberrooms, not knowing whether theywill be out in a day or a decade.«You just have to stay focused andknow it will be over at some point.It’s like a prison sentence, exceptyou go home every day», – saysone rubber room occupant. TheDaily News discusses an analysis ofthe investigation process; during theinitial four months that the teacherspends in a rubber room witnessesare being interviewed, the next ninemonths are spent on a hearing, andthe next six for a decision. Becausethere are only 20 arbitrators workingon these cases, and they work 5days a month during the school yearand 2 days a month during summerrecess, the process is endless.So what do the accused educatorsfind themselves doing in theseholding facilities while awaitingtheir fates? Some read, watch movies,knit, sleep or simply engage inheated debates or arguments withtheir fellow «inmates». Although theaccused teachers are technically regardedinnocent until proven guilty,the gloomy and often mind-numbingconditions in the rooms suggestquite the opposite. Just recently, therubber rooms have become evenmore restricted, ceasing to allowpersonal items, and cracking downon any activity among the teacherssuch as exercise classes that wereonce held in the hallways of one reassignmentcenter.The psychological impact of therubber room treatment is undeniable.Many of the teachers admitthat their families are unaware oftheir current status. Many teachersbecome more nervous and aggressiveafter spending some time in therubber rooms. Some teachers findthemselves suffering from stress relatedhealth problems. Poorly ventilatedand overfilled with occupants,it would be unsurprising to say thatsome of these health problemscould be attributed to the conditionswithin the rooms as well.Though to some it is considereda dream to get paid for doing nothing,to many of these teachers theabsence of any sort of mental orphysical activity creates a depressionwithin them. «There is a spiritof the K.G.B. about it…the mainstrategy is to destabilize the person,reduce his self-respect», – says IvanValtchev, a Bulgarian art teacher.The Department of Education claimsthat the banning of teachers to therubber rooms is primarily doneto protect the students. Ironically,based on everything discussed,serving time in a rubber room canseriously affect with a teacher’smental health and create an individualthat may become more of adanger to students than before.

www.citizensmagazine.com№ 3 March 2010BEFORE IT IS TOO LATEOBy David Shekhter, Israeln 21 March 1935, the ruler of the country, Reza Shah Pahlavi,issued a decree asking foreign delegates to use the term Iranin formal correspondence. Some believe he made this decisionin order to be closer to Germany, by trying to emphasize theAryan connection between Hitler's idealistic German Aryan race and thePersian Aryan race, given that «Iran» means «land of Aryans», at a timewhere the German empire was slowly becoming an unstoppable superpower.Some others believed he changed «Persia» to «Iran» to present anew and modern face of the country in the world.A tribute should be paid to Iran’sAyatollah – so far they have beenvery clever in dragging the Westby the nose, winning much-neededtime for the implementation of theiratomic project. Iranian diplomatsmaneuvered, primarily among thepermanent members of UN SecurityCouncil, of which two – Russia andChina – have provided unwaveringsupport to Tehran.At first glance, Iranians seem toact in haste, almost defiantly ignoringworld’s collective opinion. But ifto carefully analyze their behavior,we can clearly see that – in fact, theAyatollah being very careful andgambling «aortic ruptures». Thanksto these games, in the last ten years,Iran has not for a moment stoppedthe implementation of its nuclearprogram, the primary purpose ofwhich, despite public statements byAhmadinejad, is not to use nuclearenergy for peaceful purposes, butthe creation of weapons of massdestruction.Such maneuvers have been thissuccessful because of the naiveteof the West, which is best personifiedin President Barack Obama.Obama's blind confidence that thereadiness of U.S. to hold dialogueneutralizes Iran's hostility towardthe West in general and the «greatSatan» the United States, in particular,has led only to the fact that Ayatollahacquired an additional yearto work quietly on the bomb. WhenObama, even prior to being electedpresident, declared that he wouldbegin talks with Iran, the Ayatollah,for sure, just rolled around in laughter.And used to their advantage,maximizing all possible benefits,the entire period of Obama’s stayin the White House.Unfortunately, today, one canduly state that the Iranian industrymanaged, over the years of successfulmaneuvering of its politicalleadership, to acquire the necessaryequipment, while Iranian engineershave acquired the knowledgeand experience necessary to buildan atomic bomb. The evidence ofthis was the object from the atomicprogram discovered in Qom.In addition to the diverse – andmodern equipment – there is a hugeshop set-up, with area the size of afootball field. It can easily deploythree thousand centrifuges, whichin a matter of few weeks can enrichthe uranium, at Ayatollah’s disposal,to the level needed to build anatomic bomb.According to the informationavailable in the West, and confirmedby IAEA experts (who arenot suspected of hostility towardIran), at present, Iran already hasenough uranium for the developmentof one atomic bomb. The levelof enrichment of this uranium is low– about 2.5 percent. And to createtwo hemispheres of uranium, which,when fired at each other and meetbecome a sphere, and in a matterof a second propagation of a chainreaction causing an explosion, youneed enriched uranium with levelof enrichment of more than 90 percent.The processing operations availableto Iran could allow for the enrichmentof low-enriched uranium tohigh-enriched uranium within just afew weeks. (Do not get it confused –the announcement from a few daysago, by Ahmadinejad of Iran's intentionto begin enriching uraniumas merely one step toward enricheduranium required to build a bomb,the Iranian president was referringto 20 percent enrichment). Most ofthe Western and Israeli experts believethat the Iranians do not do thisfor two reasons.The first – this process requiresnot only very large capital investment,but a great deal of effort. Andfor this reason it cannot be hiddenfrom Western intelligence agencies.Hanging over Iran, constantly, areAmerican and Israeli spy satellites,their radio and photo cameras,with high-resolution, they closelymonitor all suspicious movementsin the Islamic Republic. In addition,present in Iran are agents from theWest (and, perhaps, from Israel).To carry out a covert enrichmentprocess won’t be possible. And ifit becomes known that the Ayatollahare secretly enriching uranium,it could lead to highly undesirableconsequences for IranUpon receiving such information,all of Iran’s allegations thattheir nuclear program is exclusivelyfor peaceful purposes, will be leftin the dust. But, of course, the mainconsequence will by no means bethe fact that Obama would men-- 6 -

№ 3 March 2010www.citizensmagazine.comacingly move his eyebrows duringanother fiery speech in which hewill call on Iran to fair negotiationfor a better future for all children ofthe world. Obtaining such informationfor Israeli leadership will be thesignal with a sound alike to that ofa fire truck, and no one knows atwhat step it will be resolved, so thatin the last moment, after – all establishmentof Iran’s atomic weapons isprevented.And the second reason – in Tehranit is understood that just oneatomic bomb would bring themmore harm than good. The discoveryof the presence of such a bombcould lead to an attack on their nuclearprograms and the destructionof not only them, but also the bombitself. But in case of such developmentsthe Iran will not have the opportunityfor a «second strike».How would the Iranian leadersbehave in this situation? Will Obamaand the international community beable to reach some agreement withTehran? The answer can be found inthe book, written in the twenties oflast century.«Notes of the educator of theShah of Persia years 1907-1914»wrote the captain of the Russianarmy Konstantin Smirnov. For severalyears, Smirnov was an educatorof the Valiahd (Crown Prince)Mohammad Ali Mirza, who hadnot yet graduated from his educationalcourse, when he ascendedto the throne and became the nextShah of Persia. Konstantin Smirnovwas purged by Bolsheviks in the latethirties. But his manuscript miraculouslysurvived and was publishedin 2002 in... Israel.In his book, Smirnov describes indetail the life in the court of the shah,gives detailed descriptions not onlyof court intrigues, but the main playersof the then Persian policy. Allthis is certainly interesting, thoughunrelated to the current situation.But on one of the pages in thisbook, I found a description of thenature of the Persian character,which, like the nature of any otherpeople, hardly changed over thepast hundred years. Smirnov writes,that once the Persians set a goal theyconsider all necessary means to beallowed and permissible in order toachieve it. He also stressed that «thePersians, in general, are very proneto passive resistance and skillfullyovercome any unwanted obstacleswith the help of delays in time...»As for the representatives ofEuropean countries, then, accordingto Smirnov, the Persians, withregard to them, permit any possiblebetrayal, lies, and deceit…Apparently, the Iran relates exactlythe same way to negotiationsand contracts with the naive West. Itis actually with not so good of intentions,which, as we know, the road tohell is paved with, that these fanaticscan be stopped with. They can onlybe stopped with force. The hope isthat Barack Obama recognizes this,while it is still not too late...- 7 -

www.citizensmagazine.com№ 2 February 2010 citizensmagazineBy Alexey Sazonov, rt.comThe Over Ambitious White HouseChina and United States have begun butting heads once again. This does not mean, by any stretch, thatthe Chinese and American businesses are on the same sides as their governments. On the contrary, suchdialogue between governments unintentionally hurts businesses as leaders of each country use them aspolitical tools. This, however, is not what this article will be about. What it is about, though, is explainingthe reasons for this mess that the United States seems to be dragging itself into.Since the end of World War II the world had beentorn between deciding, often times quite violently,which political system is best. It has been establishedthat dictatorial rule and monarchies were not in favoras their leadership oppresses the people and had toomuch control over people’s freedoms and rights. Socialismand communism were looked at as the sametype of government with barely any differences. TheEast embraced communist and socialist ideals. The Westembraced democracy. Thus, the Cold War was startedand continued for the better part of the 20th century.Since the collapse of the USSR, the United Statesclaimed victory for democracy and that this was thebest type of government for everyone, at any time. Althoughfitting the mentality and culture of most Westerncultures, democratic institutions have proven quite ineffectivein some Eastern European countries with corruptionabundant and money playing the central role in thedecision process. Since then, each leader in Washingtonhas been playing the democracy card. Everythingis done in the name of democracy. Everything is donefor the good of democracy. Everything and everyoneshould be a democracy.Now that the memory has been refreshed, let’stake a look at the US-China relations. United States hasbeen trying to open up the Chinese to be democratic, toloosen control on the population, to allow more Americanbusinesses into the country, to increase the Westernpresence in the country and to bring in American idealsto the Chinese people. This is where the Chinese governmentis not happy. They have a system in place thatmay not agree with Western principals, but yet worksand produces outstanding results. Results that are unmatchedby anyone.The United States jumped onto the Chinese establishmentof the Special Economic Zones around Shanghaiand into Hong Kong. Business thrived and still does. Demandfor Western business and cheap Chinese goodswent through the roof. However, the United States willnever agree with the Chinese way of governing theirpeople. Under George W. Bush the ties with the Chinesewere stabilized. His administration was able notto push hot buttons with China. The Obama administrationseems to be overly ambitious about spreadingdemocracy and defending Western principals aroundthe world.Hillary Clinton has no right to tell the Chinese whatto do with their censorship programs. The White Househas the full right to condemn hacker attacks, if it hasproof. However, the Chinese are not a country to bullyaround anymore. They have a powerful economythat is able to wreak havoc on the U.S. markets if they- 8 -

№ 3 March 2010www.citizensmagazine.compull out. The Chinese governmentand business men own most of theUnited States’ debt. Simply put, theUnites States has seen its powerover Southeast Asia diminish. Chinahas become the powerhouse in theregion and that is a fact that WhiteHouse seems not to realize.Both President Obama and HillaryClinton have been trying toplay the game of diplomacy theway it has been played with othercommunist regimes – defiance andbullying with the notion that the USis the stronger half of the fight.This is where the White Houseis making a mistake. The Chinesedon’t care that their currency hasbeen devalued recently. It benefitsthem and they don’t care abouthow the US citizens are affected.The Chinese obviously recognizethe rights of Iran to have nuclear facilities.The United States has beenable to have Chinese cooperationon the subject. And yet, HillaryClinton’s ambitions have gotten inthe way and the whole thing camecrumbling down.Almost everyone serving in theUS President’s cabinet, includingPresident Obama himself, has toomuch ambition to be realistic. Thisreally reminds some experts ofJimmy Carter. He had public supportduring his election. His ideaswere accepted with open arms. Hewanted change and he wanted tomake the world a better place. Andyet, his ambitious plans proved tobe nothing but words. The creationof his hopes and dreams did not accountfor the obstacles in place bothdomestically and abroad. Otherleaders’ agendas were and are notconsidered and other nations’ interestswere thought of as futile to thecause that was being put forth bythe White House.- 9 -

www.citizensmagazine.com№ 3 March 2010New York, NY – February 19…<strong>Michael</strong> Grimm, a Republican candidatefor Congress in New York’s13th today announced the endorsementof <strong>Rudy</strong> <strong>Giuliani</strong>, former Mayorof New York City and 2008 Republicancandidate for President.In endorsing Mr. Grimm for office,Mayor <strong>Giuliani</strong> said: «<strong>Michael</strong>Grimm has outstanding qualificationsfor public office». Among hiscredentials Mr. <strong>Giuliani</strong> pointedout, «As a U.S. Marine he served incombat for our county and then hecontinued to serve our country for11 years as a Special Agent in theFBI. I am proud to endorse <strong>Michael</strong>Grimm for New York’s 13th CongressionalDistrict».Mayor <strong>Giuliani</strong> also added:«As a small business owner <strong>Michael</strong>Grimm knows first hand, theonly way to create jobs is to lowertaxes and create a good environmentfor businesses. Simply put, weneed <strong>Michael</strong> Grimm fighting for usin Washington and I look forward tocampaigning with him in the upcomingmonths».«Mayor <strong>Giuliani</strong> has long beena friend to our community and I amhonored to have his strong supportin this race. Mayor <strong>Giuliani</strong> turnedNew York City around by fixing abroken government, showed ushow to make a city flourish and ledus through our darkest days; he isa model for true leadership. It is aprivilege to receive his endorsement»,– said Grimm.MIKE GRIMM: A BOLD DECISIVELEADER, NOT A CAREER POLITICIAN<strong>Michael</strong> Grimm's service to ournation began at the age of nineteen,when he left college after his freshmanyear and enlisted in the UnitedStates Marine Corps to serve acountry that he loves and respects.After serving in the Persian GulfWar and being awarded a CombatMeritorious Promotion to NCO, hereturned as a combat veteran to anactive reserve status and continuedhis education.While attending school full timeduring the day, <strong>Michael</strong> went towork as a clerk for the FBI on themidnight shift.After a short time, <strong>Michael</strong> waschosen to attend the Federal LawEnforcement Training Center wherehe completed the Federal PoliceOfficer Training Program graduatingwith the honor of both the Academicand Physical Fitness awardsfor his class. Upon returning fromtraining, he was deputized as a U.S. Marshall and entrusted with fullarrest authority as a Uniformed PoliceOfficer for the FBI.With a desire to diversify hisbackground, <strong>Michael</strong> left the FBI- 10 -

№ 3 March 2010www.citizensmagazine.comfor a Research Analyst position onWall Street working for HarmonicResearch and, later, the firm ofRobb, Peck, McCooey. In a shorttime, he attained several securitiesindustry licenses and traded smallcap stocks. During this period, <strong>Michael</strong>attended Bernard M. BaruchCollege at night to further his education.Upon graduating with his BBA inAccountancy with a concentrationin Finance, <strong>Michael</strong> felt the pull ofpublic service and returned to theFBI where he was appointed a SpecialAgent and assigned to the NewYork OfficeAlthough he was assigned to investigatethe Gambino Crime Familyin the prestigious OrganizedCrime Branch, he eventually foundhis niche fighting corruption on WallSt. as a member of the FinancialFraud Squad.While serving on the Fraudsquad, <strong>Michael</strong> was recognized forexcellence and awarded a «QSI»for his untiring work ethic and dedicationto serving justice. It was duringthis time that <strong>Michael</strong> continuedhis education by attending NewYork Law School at night, eventuallygraduating in the top 10 of his classwith honors (Magna Cum Laude).Special Agent Grimm was then admittedto practice law in New Yorkand Connecticut.It was during his tenure with theFraud Squad that <strong>Michael</strong> startedhis undercover (UC) career, resultingin him being the first FBI Agentto successfully infiltrate Wall St.Operation Wooden Nickel was arguablyone of the most successfulWhite Collar undercover investigationsin the history of the FBI.As part of the investigation,<strong>Michael</strong> maintained a deep coverrole as a hedge fund manager foralmost two years while obtainingevidence against more than 50 individualscommitting frauds spanningthe spectrum from stock manipulationand currency scams to moneylaundering. He was once againhonored by being awarded his second«QSI».After establishing a reputationas a reliable, «go-to» undercover,<strong>Michael</strong> was enlisted to investigatecorrupt politicians in New Jersey,corrupt police officers in Florida,and various other cases often asthe lead UC Agent. Living the livesof a «made» member of La CostraNostra, a nefarious land developer,a struggling actor/model, a corruptWall St. financier, an internationalmoney launderer and other personas,<strong>Michael</strong> relentlessly foughtcorruption and served proudly.After approximately 11 yearsas a Special Agent and more than5 years serving as a deep coverUC, <strong>Michael</strong> left the FBI to furtherexpand his experience and becamean entrepreneur. As a small businessowner, he met the challengesof navigating a difficult market andtough economy. He founded a smallhealthy concept restaurant in Manhattanand today is a principal in abio-fuel company located in Austin,Texas.Now, after attaining a solid educationin accounting and law, servingin combat with the Marines, asuccessful career in the FBI and fullydiversifying his experience as anentrepreneur in the private sector,<strong>Michael</strong> Grimm is looking towardsfurther service to his country andour community by running for Congressin New York's 13th District.MIKE GRIMM. A BOLDDECISIVE LEADER, NOT ACAREER POLITICIAN- 11 -

www.citizensmagazine.com№ 3 March 2010Comedy Night hosted by the9/11 Police Aid FoundationMonday, March 22, 7 pmat Vinnie's Comedy Club168 New Dorp Lane,Staten Island, NYMonday, March 22 - Vinnie's Comedy Club -Comedy Night hosted by the 9/11 Police Aid Foundation.Please help us support the quality of lifefor our 911 First Responder Heroes who nowsuffer with various types of toxic diseases inducedat the WTCon September 11, 2001.Come join us at 7PM for a little fun!• Comedy hour• 50/50 Raffle• Chinese auction• Gift baskets• Food• Beverages• Cash Bar - Drink SpecialsFor more info call 1-866-WTC-1013$10 per person- 12 -


www.citizensmagazine.com№ 2 February 2010 citizensmagazineAlina: not one Jewish mother waby Ilya Galak, Natella FridmanIn February 1955 at the airbase Hatzor an airplane «Mosquito»crashed and caught fire. «Inside the plane grenades began to explode.The pilot, squadron commander Yaakov Talmon was injuredand could not leave the cabin of the burning plane. In spite of themortal danger, Sergeant Esther Arditi penetrated the cockpit and pulledthe wounded pilot out. A few seconds later the plane exploded. For thisfeat Esther Arditi the first of all women – of the IDF soldiers was awardedthe government award – medal «Ituri ha Mofet». The list of awards statesthat this medal is offered «for the courage, distinguishing one to set an example».A young woman in uniform with a machine gun in her hands – thispicture, is familiar to every Israeli. In the Israeli army in all military branchesare tens of thousands of women performing their civil duty alongside men.Alina (on the left)We talk with Alina, a youngwoman originally from Russia, whohas gone through the hell of the Israeliarmy. Thanks to those like her,a Jewish home exists – the state ofIsrael.Alina, in what branch didyou serve?I serve in the Israel Border Police.The name in Hebrew is MAGAV.But, despite the name, this is notthe border guards, but rather, thegendarmerie. Something very, veryvaguely reminiscent of the internalforces in the Soviet Union. That is,Israel Border Police officers havethe authority to police, but in caseswhen force is used, act as a militaryorganization.Editor’s note: tanned weatheredguys and girls, day and nightpatrolling in jeeps, with a thoroughknowledge of all the roads, perfectlyoriented in the desert andthe mountains, with abilities and acertain instinct for identifying theenemy, strong and courageous, alwaysready to spar with the use ofweapons – the border guards arean example of the Israeli nationalcharacter, combining Jewish traditionand fighting qualities of a «pioneer».How many years were youin the Army?Just like everyone else who goesthrough combat – 3 years.Was it difficult?Of course. This is the zone ofcombat. The battle with terror isnot hearsay. When the location ofweapon warehouses or places harboringterrorists becomes known,we go there and do our job.Aren’t you afraid; after allyou are a young woman?No, I’m used to it. Certainly,there is not much that’s pleasant,when stones are being thrown atyou. There were attacks right wherewe were stationed. But all this onlymade us stronger, yes and adrenalinemade its presence known.In the recent years, as faras I know, the soldiers receivedstrict orders: «Do notshoot!» Hold still, let the stonefly at you, and you stop, as itmay miss. Motivation is lost,but this is the army. The soldiermust fight or not have anycontact with the enemy. If hemeets one on one with the enemy,he must show himself asa soldier. What do you thinkabout this?- 14 -

№ 2 February 2010 citizensmagazinewww.citizensmagazine.comnts her child to risk their lifeAs they say probably in all thearmies of the world – orders are notup for discussion. We have clear instructions,which we observe.Young girls – future mothersmust always wear a heavy bulletproofvest, dozens of kilograms ofequipment. Psychological stresses.After all, all this must take a toll onthe health.But what can you do? Someonehas to protect our country.By the way, regarding protectionof the country. Arethere many religious Jews inthe army?Those, who we have becomeaccustomed to consider religious,in other words orthodox – no, notmany.But there are some. In combatunits, and in support. But again,these are the few who have expresseda desire to defend the country.They do have exemption frommilitary service. Meanwhile in therealm of political life the Orthodoxare actively involved – and this isputting it mildly. Of course, it is a littleinsulting – normal guys risk theirown lives to fight a real war, then,they return to «civilian» life, workhard to earn and feed the family,yet these – get everything servedon a silver platter... But maybe thisis how it should be. And it is I whomisunderstood something.Alina, was there any politicaldebate within the army?Have political studies beenintroduced? Was any sort ofpropaganda conducted?Absolutely not. Moreover – thepolitical debate in the army is absolutelynot encouraged. Differentpeople may have different opinions.But I must say that everyone understandsthe necessity of defendingthe homeland against its enemies,including those from within.It seems to me the entirepolicy of the Israeli governmentin recent years has demonstratedits weakness towardthe terrorists, and it isthe terrorists’ logic, that if theJews demonstrate weakness,then they must demonstratestrength. The Jews either retreatedor gently fired intermittently,but immediatelyvarious leftist parties and organizationsbranded Israel aAlina (center)disgrace, while supporting theArabs. Why is this happening?Who are these people?No answer. The reason – politicalcorrectness.Alina, how does your mother’sfeel regarding your servicein combat?Ilya, no Jewish mother wantsher child risking their lives. NOTONE! Israel was built by Jewishmothers and fathers. Henry Kissenzherkissed the hand Golda Meirand in the process said that it is notthe hand of the prime – ministerhe’s kissing, but that of a JEWISHMOTHER. Well, we do not need thisdamned war. I think this answersyour question.Alina, where do you worknow?I am a guard in a court . Forthis job combat experience is a required.Interesting. This is thewrong side of Israeli society.And who, basically, are theprisoners?The answer is omitted. The reason– political correctness.Future plans?I plan to continue working andstudying to become a psychologist.And, naturally, from time to time,perform military duties. Although, Ihope that someday the need for thelatter no longer exists.- 15 -

www.citizensmagazine.com№ 3 March 2010by Rabbi Shlomo UzhanskyTAKING G-D OUT OF THE NYCSUBWAY SYSTEMIIf you have been ridingthe train lately, you mayhave noticed the postersthat state: A million peoplein New York live without God. Canyou?At first glance, it sounds like a«Black PR» campaign initiated bysome witty religious organization.But further research confirms thatbehind those ads is a rather determinedatheist group that is seriousabout its message. And while it’squite common for a synagogue ora church to promote their beliefs,aside from the «opium for the masses»campaign carried out by thelate communist party, such attackon belief in G-d is a rarity.The ads are promoting a bookwritten by Greg Epstein, called«Good without God». Epstein is arabbi like myself, but that's wherethe similarities end. An overwhelmingmajority of rabbis – includingmyself – from almost all streams ofJudaism believe that a human beingis the most magnificent creation ofG-d.Epstein claims that G-d is themost magnificent creation that humanityever created!Now, how is that for «two sidesof the same coin»?Epstein is what's called a hu-- 16 -

№ 3 March 2010www.citizensmagazine.commanist rabbi, representing humanistJudaism. What is humanist Judaism?It’s what's called a «culture religion»,a following that has evolvedas a form of atheism combined withnostalgia for gefilte fish.Basically, whether G-d exists ornot is not important. What's importantis that we, as humans developas good people, and whicheverdirection humanity will take in anygiven point is what is going to definegood or bad. Of course, we cannotforget the richness and beauty ofour culture, so whatever moral valueswe have developed throughoutthe millennia we will grab on to anddeem as good. Who needs G-d?Even if He exists, He surelydoesn't care about what goes onwith us lowly creatures! The humanrace is weak, and not confidentenough to make life-altering statements.So what's the solution? Let’sinvent G-d, and blame him for allthe rules we impose on ourselves!And look how well it works!The scary part is that I kind oflike some ideas in this philosophy.Not at all in the way they have approachedit, but some stuff gets methinking. You see, as someone whoviews G-d as the infinite being, unlimitedin scope and indescribableto all but Him, I have encountereda paradox. If He is everything, thenHe is nothing! If something existsin such a way that you will neverbe able to notice its existence (becauseit is everything), then maybeit doesn't exist, as far as we are concerned!And as far as the human being«making up» G-d, how can we everrelate to something that is infinitelyremoved from us, the unattainableperfection of infinity? So whateverwe claim to know about Him, wemust have made up.There is one problem. Some 3000 years ago, an estimated 3 200000 people stood by the mount ofSinai and heard God say exactlywhat he wants from humankind.Generation through generation,through blood, tears, misery, andpain my ancestors proudly carriedthe message along with them. Fromfather to son, mother to daughter,the story of the exodus and subsequentlythe Sinai encounter standsbefore us, refuted by none. Afterall, how can you make such a storyup when the claim is that all saw it?The Jews are not ones to be naiveand fed a fluke as major as the Sinairevelation that «everybody participatedin» to be fed to them as somefairy tale…I love you, I care about you andI am constantly involved in all youdo, said the Almighty. No matterhow far away from me you thinkyou are, don't ever forget that I amright there with you.So no matter how much I don'tunderstand, I am bound by my logicto follow the other few million NewYorkers and admit that no, I am notgood without God. Because I don'thave a choice; no matter where Iturn I am always surrounded by Hisglory.So what causes men to deny Hisexistence, involvement and love?To answer this question, let metell you a story from my own life.When I was in a Ukrainian elementaryschool, I experienced somerather extreme anti-Semitism. Startingfrom the principal, teachers andall the way down to my fellow students,the attitude toward the Jews- 17 -was unanimous. If you can makethem miserable in any way, shape,or form – don't you dare to wastethe opportunity. At one point, dailybeatings by classmates and hatefulremarks became the norm. As theonly Jew in my class, I had no oneto turn to for support and friendship.And then, suddenly, one of themost popular kids had befriendedme. Since the formation of that relationshipmy life had turned for thebetter. Other children stopped pickingon me and even the teachersseemed to back off a bit.Later, I found out that my parents,after seeing how much I hadsuffered, had decided to take adrastic step. They had actually paidsomeone to become my friend. Bythe time I found out, I was a ratherpopular teenager living in the U.S.with a girlfriend and a hot car. Butthe news hurt like a spike in myheart. And most interesting of all,I had actually felt resentment towardsmy parents. Why? Hadn'tthey saved me from becoming a socialwreck?As human beings we are wiredin a way that we feel threatenedby kindness directed at us. No onewants to be an object of the pityof others. Best way to deal with it?Deny their goodness, find flaws inthem, and find a million excuseswhy what they do for you is notreally for you; or not really good,or any other way to block yourselffrom feeling like a welfare case.But G-d wants to give to us. Hecreated us so that we can receiveHis goodness. And that’s why I feelgreat taking from him. Because ifyou think about it, who is doingwhom a favor?

www.citizensmagazine.com№ 3 March 2010In sympathy with the people ofHaiti: a tribute to Haitian cultureArtists Haneef Bhatti and Ben Guillory created this collage entitled Dessalines’ Heart in 2002: tocommemorate the creation of Haiti’s first flag. In 1803, at the moment of Haiti's Independence,Jean-Jacques Dessalines designed the flag based on tearing the white out of the French flag, theflag of Haiti’s former colonial rulers. Red and blue were sewn together to symbolize the pride ofending slavery and gaining freedom. Similarly, in the poem below, «I am Haiti», Ronald Cherasard who was bornin Brooklyn and graduated from Florida State law school, explores Haiti’s past, present and future. In 1990, Haitiexperienced its first democratic elections. Both of these works are from the collection to honor Haiti's bicenential:Revolution, 1804-2004: An Artistic Commemoration of the Haitian Revolution edited by Ella Turenne.I am Haiti. I am la Citadel. I amthe one who climbed the palm treeand put a bonnet at the top. I amthe one who screamed freedomthroughout the four corners of theearth.I am. I am a son. I am a brother.I am an ancestor. I am setting precedentsfor those who have none.I am strength. I am courage. Iam patience. I am the Haitian peddlerthat asked you for change everydayand yet you still passed meby. I am the Haitian politician thatcould not make a change and still Iask why.I am red. I am blue. I am green.I am all the colors that the girls atschool wear as dresses.I am. I am. I am tired. I am fatigue.I am the hard-callousedknuckle of those who use rocks andsoap to wash the sheets.I am. I am revolution. I am freedom.I am slavery abolished. I amthe broken shackle on a Maroon’sfoot. I am rebellion of slaves hidingin soot. I am sun-beaten backs.I am. I am. I am the rebirth of themiddle passage. I am the flight ofpeople from economic bondage. Iam famine.I am the voice of ancient kingsand queens. I am rich. I am a landstripped of natural resources. I amnaturally resourceful.- 18 -I am the inspiration of the Belizeanflag. I am the one the Columbianarmy called comrade. I am culture.I am African. I am the ancientpractice of vodou.I am peace. I am love. I am endurance.I am perserverance. I amhonesty. I am loyalty. I am power. Iam positivity. I am history.I am Haiti. I am the Citadel. Iam the one who screamed freedomthroughout the four corners of theearth.In sympathy with the people ofHaiti: a tribute to Haitian culture.

№ 3 March 2010www.citizensmagazine.comTHOUGHTS OF AN IMMIGRANT CHILD.BY REUBENA OWUSU-SEKYEREby Reubena Owusu-SekyereIt began one afternoon after the mid-term holidays in Cape Coast,Ghana when I was 17 years old. One of the «dormitory Moms» atthe Methodist-run boarding school I attended unexpectedly sentme to the headmasters’ office. I soon learned my father had arrivedwith news that would change our lives: we had won the US DiversityImmigrant Program Lottery and would be leaving for the United States ina few weeks.That afternoon I was filled withbitter-sweet emotions. Two of my«aunties» were in New York but Ihad never met them before. My lifewas rooted in Accra, in a house witha beautiful garden. My mother wasa teacher and my father was an officedirector of a gold mining company,Minproc. Every Sunday, wedrove through the crowded streetsto my grandmother’s home afterchurch. Now, I had to pack up mystuff. The excitement was great.Reubena on a visit to Italywith her fatherYet the day we left, I was overcomewith a great feeling of loss forthe friends I was leaving behind. Atthe airport, surrounded by family,friends and well wishers, there wasmuch weeping by my three siblingsand mum. We passed through thecheck point at one of Africa’s mostcrowded airports, filled with travelersfrom almost every part of theworld.Upon arrival at JFK, airline personnelentered the plane and beganto spray the cabin, an insultingwelcome to our new destination.Then I saw my two uncles andthey soon drove us to Staten Island,our new home. During these summermonths, I began to love thebuildings and the way everythinglooked so organized. We visited EllisIsland, The World Trade Center,The Statue of Liberty, among manyother sites.When I entered Port RichmondHigh School that fall, I felt so outof place. English was my first language,although I knew Fante andTwi, my mother and fathers’ dialects.Yet, nobody could understand meat first. They made fun of my accentand my dress. I was asked: «Arethere paved roads in Africa? Doyou live in a tree?» I felt miserableevery morning. The only thing I hadgoing for me was my faith in Godand my grades. Over time, I struckup friendships with those who werefrom distant places: Liberia, Haiti,- 19 -Reubena, who graduatedPort Richmond High Schoolsoon after her arrival fromGhana, is now an architectEgypt, Nigeria. We are still friendseven to this day. I gathered enoughcourage to join the JROTC and theTennis team. When I excelled on thetennis courts, it quieted down thosewho had teased me.Architectural design was mymajor at SUNY Morrisville in upstateNY, where some of my closestfriends were foreign students fromChina and Japan. Later, I attendedPratt Institute, and graduated with aBachelors Degree in 2005. While atPratt, I became a citizen of the USA.After four years practicing as an architect,I am currently preparing formy State Board examination.It has not been easy getting tothis level, but with much prayerand determination, I believe thesky is the limit in my new home, thisLand of the Strong and Home of theBrave.

www.citizensmagazine.com№ 3 March 2010«TERRORISTS» – NOT «MUSLIMTERRORISTS»by Teuta MarsicTeuta Marsic attended Our Lady of Good Counsel on Staten Island. He was in 7thgrade on Sept. 11th 2001. Now he is a student at Wagner College, with a major inChemistry and a minor in Math and hopefully pursuing a career in Gynecology.It was September 11, 2001 and I was sitting in class. I was in theseventh grade and only 10 years old. In a rush, an announcementwas made that clearly stated that the day would be cut short andstudents were to go home. All of us looked puzzled. We kept askingwhat happened but no one would tell us anything. My father finallycame for me and in a rush I asked him what happened. He said a planewas hijacked into the twin towers. I asked him who did it, he exclaimed«Terrorists».I remember that day like it wasyesterday, it is still vividly embeddedin my mind. I remember everynews cast reporting on it for daysand days, and I remember specificallyeach one stating «Muslim Terrorists».Because of that day, thereare many harsh views on Islam anda lot of prejudice against followersof the religion. I believe this is aninjustice, and there is a vast misconceptionon the religion of Islam, andexactly what the terrorists did.My family is from Montenegroand we are Muslim. I'm first generationAmerican, so my lifestyleMy cousins wedding, in traditional Albanian costumeMy father in the traditionalwear of Montenegro when hewas back in his countrygrowing up has been very dynamicand much of like being raised in myparents country. We aren’t veryreligious, but we do celebrate Eid,we fast, and we do believe Allah isnumber one in our lives.We follow the beliefs to do onlygood to others and only do positiveactions that will help others flourish,not only ourselves. I can say frommy experience, that each Muslimthat I’ve met, differing in degreesof devoutness, believes in having apure heart and not doing harm toothers.Because of this terrorist attack,many Americans have differingviews of Muslims. Some peoplethink we all are terrorists, some peoplethink we are all linked somehowin a dangerous religion, and somepeople don’t know what to think,therefore, they continue ridiculousbandwagons. People felt the needto hurt American Muslim citizens- 20 -

№ 3 March 2010www.citizensmagazine.comthrough words and hatred crimes.Personally, my family was notaffected. I do believe this is becausewe do not fit in that false classificationof Islamic people – dark skinand from the Middle East. We areEuropean but we are still Muslim.If you looked at us, you would notthink we were Muslim. But doesthat exclude us from being Muslim?No, and it’s completely wrong thatother Muslims are hated and classifiedunjustly just because of wherethey’re from and how they look.My father, on that day said «Terrorists»– not «Muslim Terrorists».Even though they are Muslim, is itnot the religion that has anythingto do with killing people and doingsuch horrendous crimes. It is NOT.Nowhere in the Quran has it eversaid that killing others, destructionof property, or acts of violence arepermitted – it is actually forbiddenThe picture with Egyptianboys were taken in the summerwhere I lifeguard, we celebratedRamadan togetherand detestable acts. Islam is a religionof Mercy.Allah states that murder is thesecond of the major sins. The Quranstates, «God does not forbid youfrom showing kindness and dealingjustly with those who have notfought you about religion and havenot driven you out of your homes.God loves just dealers». (Quran,60:8)As a Muslim, I’ve been hurt bywhat has been said and what hasbeen propelled throughout the yearsabout my religion. Allah is a sacredpart of my life and it’s important forother people to see that our religionis not made to hurt people. What theterrorists did was a crime of hate oncircumstances that are not linked toIslam. Those individuals have linkedthemselves, and created themselvesa utopia that their actions were theactions of Allah. They were not, anda voice of Muslims in this countryneeds to be heard.- 21 -

www.citizensmagazine.com№ 3 March 2010March 21, 2003 in NYCA Very Short Historyof Peace Activism onStaten IslandOn September 11, 1776, the Staten Island Peace Conferencewas held between British Admiral Lord Howe and Americandelegates, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Edward Rutledge,at the Billopp Manor House in what is now Tottenville,Staten Island.In the early 1940’s high schoolstudents in the Staten Island YouthCouncil, an outgrowth of the EpworthLeagues from area churches,urged their country to stay out ofwar. Within a couple of years, mostof those young men were draftedand sent off to World War II.In 1969, with the Vietnam Warraging, the Staten Island Peace Coalitionunited smaller Island peacegroups. They met at Shalom Houseat 68 Westervelt Avenue in St.George. The Rev. George McClainserved as coordinator. Army MajorDr. Arnold Matlin worked for 2years with the group before leavingthe Army and moving to the Rochesterarea, where he helped found theGenesee Valley Citizens for Peace.Active supporters of Shalom Houseincluded Van Zwisohn, the late Dr.Elaine Allen and her husband, thelate Dr. William Obrinsky, andmany, many others.In 1972, as the war wounddown and the Shalom House closed,the Staten Island Council for Peaceand Justice carried on the nameof the Coalition. Angelo D’Angelohelped hold this group together until1995.In the early 1980’s, Staten Islandersorganized on several fronts:Members of the religious communityformed a new Staten Island PeaceCoalition. This coalition and theInter-Religious Task Force of StatenIsland spread concerns about theviolence in Central America. Twochapters of SANE formed, one forthe north shore, one for the southshore. A Staten Island Coalitionfor Survival was part of the nationwideMobilization for Survival. TheNuclear Freeze campaign was ledby the Staten Island DisarmamentCampaign Coalition, which pulledtogether several Island groups,including Wagner Collegians forPeace, the Staten Island DemocraticAssociation, the Liberal Party, «TheVillage», a student group, the UnitarianSocial Concerns Committee,and Notre Dame Academy peaceactivists.In 1983, the Navy proposedbuilding the Stapleton Homeport, a«Strategic Homeport», specificallydesigned to berth the nuclear-capablebattleship Iowa (mothballedbefore the base opened). StatenIslanders rose up in protest andhundreds joined the Coalition for aNuclear-Free Harbor and the Committeefor a Nuclear Free Island.Pete Seeger, Richie Havens, andTom Chapin performed at the futuresite of the homeport in a 3-hourconcert. When differences arosein one group, a new associationwas formed called Staten IslandersAgainst Nuclear Weapons. After theHomeport opened in May 1989,a demonstration in June led to thearrest of 40 protestors. CongresswomanSusan Molinari preventedactivist Lilian Popp from testifyingbefore a Congressional hearing.On June 25, 1993, the DefenseBase Closure and RealignmentCommission finally made the decisionto close the base.- 22 -

№ 3 March 2010www.citizensmagazine.comIn 2002, with the invasion of Iraqmonths away, a group of Staten Islandersformed a chapter of PeaceAction of Staten Island (PASI) andworked with the Unitarian SocialConcerns Committee, Pax Christi,People Against Oppression andWar, the Staten Island Greens, andother groups to protest the comingwar. PASI sponsors forums, vigils,movies, festivals, does leafleting,organizes peace voter campaigns,demonstrate, fills buses to demos,writes letters, and, in April of 2007,occupied the office of CongressmanVito Fossella’s office. PASIalso sponsored Peace and FreedomFestivals in Tappen Park, Stapleton,featuring musicians and spokenword artists.In spring 2007, students at theCollege of Staten Island formed aPeace Club and reached out to theirclassmates with outdoor displaysand bringing well-known speakersto the campus to discuss the economyand the war, Afghanistan, andthe effect of the wars on the U.S.military.Peace Action ofStaten Island TakesIt to the Streetsby Sally JonesJudgingPeace Action of Staten Island(PASI) believes it is. This yearmarks eight years its members haveplugged for peace in Iraq and Afghanistan,from the streets, beaches,offices and homes of StatenIsland. With some troops withdrawingfrom Iraq this year but moretroops heading to Afghanistan, withPresident Barack Obama talkingPeace Action volunteers laid out boots to memorializeNew York State soldiers who died in Iraq called theEyes Wide Open exhibit. This was set up onAugust 1, 2006 in Midland Beachby the number of earrings, watches, scarves, and t-shirtsemblazoned with peace symbols in stores and worn by teensthis year, does this mean that it’s now hip and current to be forpeace, not war, for justice, not empire?nuclear disarmament but his administrationincreasing the nuke budget,it is certainly a mixed bag forpeace activists these days. It lookslike teens today will still have a loton their plate tomorrow to combatwar and injustice. They are going tohave to take that proverbial fashionstatement, the peace symbol, out ofthe mall and into the streets.That’s what happened to a smallgroup of friends, including the writerof this article, in the spring of 2002.Dismayed that President George W.Bush was ordering the U.S. militaryto make plans to invade Iraq, wewere convinced that regular peoplespeaking out against the invasioncould stop it. One friend suggestedthat we become a chapter of PeaceAction (formerly SANE), an organizationthat has been around since1957. That made a lot of sense becausePeace Action has a nationaland state network of chapters whocould give us advice as we organizedon Staten Island. On June 12,2002, three of us went to a PeaceAction rally held at the Center forEthical Culture in Manhattan wherewe heard Ossie Davis and met theNew York director Ken Estey and- 23 -

www.citizensmagazine.com№ 3 March 2010chairwoman Carol Husten.They gave us their blessing andwe were launched. We drafted bylaws,opened a checking account,created a web-site, crafted lettersand hand-bills, ordered a banner,and, without much effort, signed updozens of people interested in beingmembers.The first meeting was held onJune 21, 2002 at the UnitarianChurch of Staten Island near SnugHarbor with over forty people present.We laid out a blueprint for agroup run by its members, foundedon the principle of promotingpeaceful alternatives to war and organizedto educate ourselves andreach out to others. Members setout to table at the Waterfront Festival,leaflet at the Greenmarket andthe Ferry terminal, plan forums andset up engagements for the homegrownSpeakers Bureau. We joinedthe Staten Island Action Coalitionto plan local rallies and marches.There was hope in the air that StatenIsland had its own peace group.When America attacked Iraqon March 19, 2003, it felt like failure.Staten Islanders had joineda million marchers in Manhattanon February 15, 2003. We hadtraveled to Washington DC andmarched in sub-freezing temperaturesto the Naval Yard. There hadbeen vigils, honk for peace rallies,teach-ins, letters to the editor, callsto Congressman Fossella and SenatorsSchumer and Clinton. Membershad appeared on Community TVprograms, spoke from pulpits, anddebated the war in classrooms.Finally, on March 5, 2003,British Member of Parliament PaulMarsden arrived in New York tospeak out against the war and tolda small group of us in the Collegeof Staten Island cafeteria that thewar machine was in motion and hedidn’t think it could be turned back.He was right. On Sunday evening,March 16th, over one hundredStaten Islanders lined up silentlyand solemnly in front of BoroughHall with candles mourning the impendingloss of lives, Iraqis andAmericans.Looking back on that momentwhen the bombs dropped onBaghdad and U.S. troops pushedup through the countryside to thecapital, peace activists felt disconnectedwith the celebration of warand glory of victory broadcast onTV. Where was the glory in invadinga country that had not attackedor threatened us?One military wife put this signoutside her home while shewaited for her National Guardhusband to return from IraqThe failure of the peace movementto stop the war in Iraq was awake-up call for members of PeaceAction of Staten Island. If therehad been more education betweenwars, about the failures of war andthe success of diplomacy and internationalcooperation, this invasioncould have been avoided. It turnsout that being a peace activist is notan emergency project but a life-timecommitment.So we buckled down for the longhaul here on Staten Island. Everyyear since the invasion, we mark theanniversary, commemorating thelives lost since March 19, 2003.Working with other groups,we brought an exhibit of soldiers’boots and civilian shoes from theAmerican Friends Service Committeeto the parks and beaches – tosymbolize the human costs of war.With another disaster unfolding inAfrica, we worked with the StatenIsland Liberian community to drawthe attention of the United Nationsand Congress to the plight of threemillion Monrovians starving andtrapped, caught in the middle of acivil war.For three years a weekly vigilwas held outside of Borough Hall.Marches continued in WashingtonDC and elsewhere. A group of PASImembers occupied CongressmanVito Fossella’s office because herefused to meet with the group todiscuss their concerns. The weeklyFirst Friday Film Series began at theUnitarian Parish Hall.Artists and musicians performedat the Peace and Freedom Festivalsin Tappen Park in Stapleton. TheSpeakers Bureau helped bring inveterans and experts on the PatriotAct, the Middle East, the domesticcost of war, and nuclear disarmament– to speak at Wagner Collegeand the College of Staten Island.Five survivors of the nuclear bombthat dropped on Hiroshima, Japanon August 6, 1945 came to StatenIsland in the summer of 2005 to telltheir story.These were efforts to start theconversation with our fellow StatenIslanders about this whole warbusiness. Meanwhile, casualtiesmounted in Iraq. Hurricane Katrinahit the Gulf Coast and the resourcesto help were overseas. The nextthing we knew, Staten Islanders hadhad enough of the war in Iraq, too.We started seeing peace symbolswrapped around necks, adorningshirts, and hanging from ear lobes.The case has been made – peace isback in fashion.- 24 -

№ 3 March 2010www.citizensmagazine.comSights to seeThe Jacques MarchaisMuseum of Tibetan Artwww.tibetanmuseum.org718-987-3500Escape to Tibet without leavingNew York City! Nestled into the sideof Lighthouse Hill on Staten Island,the Jacques Marchais Museum of TibetanArt offers insight into Tibetanand Himalayan culture. Founded in1945, the Museum features Tibetan-stylefieldstone buildings that resemblea Himalayan monastery. Infact, created by Jacques Marchais,an American woman, the Museumis home to one of the United States'most extensive collections of Himalayanartifacts. Inside, visitors canexperience a vast collection of rareand important Asian art. Terracedmeditation gardens, a lotus andfish pond add to the beautiful andserene atmosphere. The Museum isopen to the public every Wednesdaythrough Sunday from 1 to 5p.m. Directions from Manhattan:Take the Staten Island Ferry fromWhitehall Terminal. Once on theStaten Island side, take the S74 busto Lighthouse Avenue. Walk up thehill. The museum is 338 LighthouseAvenue. Admission: Members –Free, Adults – $5, Seniors (60 andover)/Students – $3, Children under6– Free– Did you know?– The museum was praisedfor its authenticity by the DalaiLama who visited in 1991?Firebird RussianRestaurantwww.firebirdrestaurant.com212-586-0244New York City has a large Russianpopulation and as a result thereis a great selection of Russian restaurantsto choose from. However,the Firebird Russian Restaurant hasremained in a league of its own foryears and is one of New York City’sbest tourist attractions and famousrestaurants. Here is the best place toget authentic Russian cuisine in NewYork City. You can enjoy fine diningin elegant and historic museum-likerooms with names such as The Ballroom,The Blue Room, The Libraryand The China Room. Somah Persaud,a reviewer, describes whythese rooms inevitably attract touristby saying, «The Ballroom has adramatic skylight framed by a strikingchandelier.The China Room is adorned withclassic antique china collection andwarm emerald walls. Perhaps moststunning is The Library. The largecollection of rare Russian books liningthe walls accompanied by familypictures lovingly placed on thewalls exude Russian history». Thename «Firebird» is representativeof Igor Stravinsky and his illustriousballet that debuted in 1910.Take a walk through the Firebird'slarge wrought iron gates and feeltransported into Russian culture.Accompanying the authentic pre-Revolutionary Russian food, thisfantastically decorated restaurantoffers everything from zakuska (assortedRussian hors d'oeuvres) tocaviar, honey-flavored vodka andtea-smoked duck. Located at 365West 46th Street in Manhattan'sHell's Kitchen, this is one restauranteveryone should visit because itrepresents Russian history in all itsgreat forms.The Noguchi Museumwww.noguchi.org718-204-7088Visit one of the best small museumsin New York City. The NoguchiMuseum, chartered as The IsamuNoguchi Foundation and GardenMuseum, is home to the art of IsamuNoguchi, a prominent modern artsculptor, renowned for stone work.It was designed and created by theJapanese-American sculptor IsamuNoguchi in 1985 to preserve anddisplay his sculptures, architecturalmodels, stage designs, drawings,and furniture designs. The museumis two stories and has an outdoorsculpture garden. Born in Los Angelesin 1904, Noguchi was one ofthe 20th century’s most celebratedand successful sculptors. Moreover,after visiting the museum you cancheck out some of his impressivepublic works. In front of 140 Broadway,at Liberty Street, in the financialdistrict, stands his «Red Cube»(1968). There is also his giganticHorace E. Dodge Fountain on thePhilip A. Hart Plaza in Detroit (completed1979). The museum is locatedon 33rd Road, between VernonBoulevard and 10th Street, LongIsland City, Queens. Its current exhibitionis “Noguchi Reinstalled” onview through October 24, 2010.– Did you know?– When the institution openedin 1985, it was the first suchmuseum to be established by aliving artist in America. Noguchidied three years later.- 25 -

www.citizensmagazine.com№ 3 March 2010Vancouver 2010American figure skater EvanLysacek took home the Gold Medalin the Men's Figure Skating FreeSkate, upsetting defending championEvgeni Plushenko of Russia, whohad come out of retirement just todefend his medal. But Evan dashedEvgeni’s dreams of two OlympicGold Medals after he performed hisnear-perfect skate, capped off witha beautiful double axle. This GoldMedal makes Evan the first Americanman to score first place in figureskating since 1988.Team USA had some huge success on the Women’s Half Pipe, withHannah Teter winning silver and Kelly Clark taking the bronze. But thereal story was Australia's Torah Bright, who came back strong afterfalling on her first run in the finals to win the Gold Medal.- 26 -

№ 3 March 2010www.citizensmagazine.comTeam USA's Women's Ice Hockey Team, featuring all-starfemale players like team captain Natalie Darwitz and leadingscorer Jenny Potter beat the Russian Federation's team by ahuge margin of 13-0 in the Women's Preliminary Round.Most viewed photo shows Canada's RickNash (61) checking USA's Jack Johnson (3) inthe second period of a preliminary round men'sice hockey game at the Vancouver 2010 Olympicsin Vancouver, British Columbia, Sunday,Feb. 21, 2010. The photo by AP PhotographerMatt Slocum remains one of the most popular.Jerry Lai/US PresswireLindsey Vonn lost control during themiddle portion of the Olympic giant slalom and crashed.GERO BRELOER/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.Bronze medalist Lindsey Vonn of the UnitedStates reacts during the flower ceremony forthe Women’s super-G at the Vancouver 2010Olympics in Whistler, British Columbia, Saturday.- 27 -

www.citizensmagazine.com№ 3 March 2010Becoming a New Citizen on a Winning TeamThe YMCA New Americans Welcome CenterTheir teacher Svetlana «Lana»Buxbaum has led this ESL Civics/Citizenship class for two years. Sheteaches the English language andAmerican culture by relating herown experiences as an immigrantto her students. Lana herself wentthrough the difficult task of becomingan American citizen, and by doingso has a wealth of informationthat she shares with her students.Lana ensures that her students understandvarious aspects of Ameri-by Lori WeintrobIn the basement of Calvary Church in Mariners Harbor, a cohort of women representing 11 countries and5 continents meet three times a week. They are part of an ESL («English as a Second language») Civics/Citizenship class at the YMCA’s New Americans Welcome Center. Recently, I had the opportunity to heartheir thoughts on what made Staten Island unique and what they’d most like to see changed about theborough, from transportation infrastructure to perceptions of our community’s diversity. Their dynamic exchanges,creative, thoughtful and articulate, and sense of teamwork made me curious about the program.can culture including community,housing, education, government,finance, and health access.The students share their own experiencesof living and adjusting tolife in New York City. They supporteach other not only in learning Englishbut also in studying for driver’spermits and licenses and collegeentrance exams. They go shoppingtogether, spend time with each other’sfamilies and share their dailylives, struggles and achievements.But they also love to share thestories of their home countries andcultures. As a culminating projectlast year, the students taught theirpeers about their native countries,based on research about demographics,currency, government,music and religion. Khon, a colorfulThai dance, was the subject of Nataya’spresentation. They then sharedin an international feast. BauchrmaRabie brought in «Mrouzia», alamb dish prepared in a sweet tag-Afaf Merhi of Syria teachingher peers at a Citizenship classat the YMCA New American CenterSvetlana «Lana» Buxbaum,who immigrated fromMoscow, now an ESLteacher at the YMCANew American Center- 28 -

№ 3 March 2010www.citizensmagazine.comNataya, a thai student,explains a recipe for her favorite dish,Chicken and Sacred Basil (top)Bauchra Robie treats herclassmates to Moroccanfood and tea (right)ine. «Lamb is most popular in the days following Eid»,she explained in a cookbook the students created. Asmaller version of this feast happens every week duringtheir break.Rachael Rinaldo, Program Coordinator of the NewAmericans Welcome Center, visits the class as oftenas she can: «It’s amazing tospend a day with that class…»She attributes their success inimproving their languageskills – most of the studentsbegan at level 1 and arenow at level 3 – both to theirown hard work and to Lana’scompassionate and energeticteaching. As Rachaelexplains: «Lana’s ability tocreate an all-inclusive classroomenables her students tolearn in an atmosphere that iswelcoming and exciting, andwhere creativity is encouraged…Lana encourages herstudents to listen, read and write by creating an atmospherethat is safe and non-judgmental. As a result, herstudents are motivated, enthusiastic and engaged».In Russian, Svetlana means «Star». And, as she hasguided her students to a critical goal, she has lived upto the meaning of her name.- 29 -

www.citizensmagazine.com№ 3 March 2010TEACHINGMOMENTSMoses T. Jensen, thepresident of the Immigrants’InformationCenterSTATEN ISLAND, N.Y. – Moses T. Jensenwould have us believe that he is a strictdisciplinarian – but his students’ faces revealthat there is more to the story.Liberian-born Moses T. Jensen is thepresident of the Immigrants’ InformationCenter, a nonprofit organization that ofbyThomas Good, Next Left Notesantiauthoritarian.net/NLN/Moses T. Jensen – and a few of his closest friends(Photo: Thomas Good / NLN)- 30 -

№ 3 March 2010www.citizensmagazine.comThe IIC offers local kidsaccess to the internet(Photo: Thomas Good / NLN)fers resources to West African andother refugees who are seeking tobecome U.S. citizens. I met Jensenrecently, at a meeting of the editorialboard of Citizens Magazine.After the meeting he invited me tovisit his new learning center in theClifton section of Staten Island. TheIIC facility is located on the groundfloor of the Park Hill projects, at 320Vanderbilt Avenue. It is a combinationafter school program for neighborhoodkids and an adult literacyprogram. Jensen said that the facilitywas started by and for Liberiansbut is open to all in need.I visited the center on Fridayand came away impressed – withthe facilities, the students, and theirtaskmaster.Inside the bright yellow centeris a computer room with a libraryin formation (donations accepted),tables for students looking to getsome reading and writing done, achalk board and what Jensen callsthe «internet wall» – ten brandnew computer workstations runningWindows 7, a couple of laser printersand a scanner. Each computerworkstation sits in its own cubicle,granting the user a degree of privacyand an opportunity to study. Ayoung student told me that «We doour school work on the computers –math and English».Outside the computer room is anarea where younger kids can play,use coloring books, and occasion-The Immigrants’ Information Center boasts an «internet wall»ally, hug Mr. Jensen.Jensen told me that he believesdiscipline is essential to learningand the kids are taught to be seriousabout their studies. And there is no- 31 -(Photo: Thomas Good / NLN)Learning is fun-damental at the IIC(Photo: Thomas Good / NLN)doubt he is determined to see thathis charges succeed in school. Buthe couldn’t hold back a grin whenthe kids grabbed him for a grouphug, their faces beaming.Our friend Moses T. Jensen of the Immigrants Information Center ( www.iicnewyork.org ) became a U.S. citizenin February 2010. Congratulations Moses!

www.citizensmagazine.com№ 3 March 2010The BostonTea Party, 1773by EyeWitness to History, www.eyewitnesstohistory.com (2002)Victory in the French and Indian War was costly for the British.At the war's conclusion in 1763, King George III andhis government looked to taxing the American colonies as away of recouping their war costs. They were also looking forways to reestablish control over the colonial governments that had becomeincreasingly independent while the Crown was distracted by the war. Royalineptitude compounded the problem. A series of actions including theStamp Act (1765), the Townsend Acts (1767) and the Boston Massacre(1770) agitated the colonists, straining relations with the mother country.But it was the Crown's attempt to tax tea that spurred the colonists to actionand laid the groundwork for the American Revolution.The colonies refused to pay thelevies required by the TownsendActs claiming they had no obligationto pay taxes imposed by a Parliamentin which they had no representation.In response, Parliamentretracted the taxes with the exceptionof a duty on tea – a demonstrationof Parliament's ability and rightto tax the colonies. In May of 1773Parliament concocted a clever plan.They gave the struggling East IndiaCompany a monopoly on theimportation of tea to America. Additionally,Parliament reduced theduty the colonies would have to payfor the imported tea. The Americanswould now get their tea at a cheaperprice than ever before. However,if the colonies paid the duty tax onthe imported tea they would be acknowledgingParliament's right totax them. Tea was a staple of coloniallife – it was assumed that thecolonists would rather pay the taxthan deny themselves the pleasureof a cup of tea.The colonists were not fooled byParliament's ploy. When the East IndiaCompany sent shipments of teato Philadelphia and New York theships were not allowed to land. InCharleston the tea-laden ships werepermitted to dock but their cargowas consigned to a warehousewhere it remained for three yearsuntil it was sold by patriots in orderto help finance the revolution.In Boston, the arrival of threetea ships ignited a furious reaction.The crisis came to a head on December16, 1773 when as manyas 7,000 agitated locals milledabout the wharf where the shipswere docked. A mass meeting atthe Old South Meeting House thatmorning resolved that the tea shipsshould leave the harbor withoutpayment of any duty. A committeewas selected to take this messageto the Customs House to force releaseof the ships out of the harbor.The Collector of Customs refusedto allow the ships to leave withoutpayment of the duty. Stalemate.The committee reported back to themass meeting and a howl eruptedfrom the meeting hall. It was nowearly evening and a group of about200 men, some disguised as Indians,assembled on a near-by hill.Whopping war chants, the crowdmarched two-by-two to the wharf,descended upon the three ships anddumped their offending cargos oftea into the harbor waters.Most colonists applauded theaction while the reaction in Londonwas swift and vehement. In March1774 Parliament passed the IntolerableActs which among othermeasures closed the Port of Boston.The fuse that led directly to the explosionof American independencewas lit.Take your tea and shove it.- 32 -

№ 3 March 2010www.citizensmagazine.comGeorge Hewes was a member ofthe band of «Indians» that boardedthe tea ships that evening. His recollectionof the event was publishedsome years later. We join his storyas the group makes its way to thetea-laden ships:«It was now evening, and I immediatelydressed myself in thecostume of an Indian, equippedwith a small hatchet, which I and myassociates denominated the tomahawk,with which, and a club, afterhaving painted my face and handswith coal dust in the shop of a blacksmith,I repaired to Griffin's wharf,where the ships lay that containedthe tea. When I first appeared in thestreet after being thus disguised, Ifell in with many who were dressed,equipped and painted as I was, andwho fell in with me and marched inorder to the place of our destination.When we arrived at the wharf,there were three of our numberwho assumed an authority to directour operations, to which we readilysubmitted. They divided us into threeparties, for the purpose of boardingthe three ships which contained thetea at the same time. The name ofhim who commanded the division towhich I was assigned was LeonardPitt. The names of the other commandersI never knew. We wereimmediately ordered by the respectivecommanders to board all theships at the same time, which wepromptly obeyed. The commanderof the division to which I belonged,as soon as we were on board theship, appointed me boatswain,and ordered me to go to the captainand demand of him the keys tothe hatches and a dozen candles. Imade the demand accordingly, andthe captain promptly replied, anddelivered the articles; but requestedme at the same time to do no damageto the ship or rigging. We thenwere ordered by our commanderto open the hatches and take outall the chests of tea and throw themoverboard, and we immediatelyproceeded to execute his orders,first cutting and splitting the chestswith our tomahawks, so as thoroughlyto expose them to the effectsof the water.In about three hours from thetime we went on board, we had thusbroken and thrown overboard everytea chest to be found in the ship,while those in the other ships weredisposing of the tea in the sameway, at the same time. We were surroundedby British armed ships, butno attempt was made to resist us....The next morning, after wehad cleared the ships of the tea, itwas discovered that very considerablequantities of it were floatingupon the surface of the water; andto prevent the possibility of any ofits being saved for use, a number ofsmall boats were manned by sailorsand citizens, who rowed them intothose parts of the harbor whereverthe tea was visible, and by beatingit with oars and paddles so thoroughlydrenched it as to render itsentire destruction inevitable».References:Hawkes, James A, Retrospect ofthe Boston Tea-Party, with a Memoirof George R. T. Hewes... (1834)reprinted in Commager, HenrySteele, Morris Richard B., The Spiritof 'Seventy-Six vol I (1958); Labaree,Benjamin Woods, The BostonTea Party (1964).- 33 -

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