Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

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The Many Faces of AnxietyPanic Disorder with or without agoraphobia• Recurrent unexpected panic attacks without an obvious trigger• Avoidance of situations where panic attacks have occurred(agoraphobia)Example: A person may have bouts of intense fear and avoid leavingthe house aloneSocial Anxiety Disorder• Excessive or unrealistic fear of social situations or performance• Intolerance of embarrassment or scrutiny by othersExample: A person is so shy that they cannot speak in a groupObsessive Compulsive Disorder• Presence of obsessions (intrusive thoughts, images, or urges thatcause anxiety)• Presence of compulsions (repetitive behaviours or mental acts that areperformed to reduce anxiety)Example: A person washes their hands repetitively until they are rawbecause they are afraid of germsSpecific Phobia• Unreasonable fear of a specific object or situation usually associatedwith avoidanceExample: A person is so afraid of flying that they cannot travel by planeGeneralized Anxiety Disorder• Uncontrollable and excessive worry occurring most days about ordinaryactivities• Intolerance of uncertaintyExample: A person worries a lot about harm coming to their familymembers on a routine trip to townPost Traumatic Stress Disorder• Occurs after a traumatic event to which the patient responds withintense fear, helplessness, or horror• Patients relive the event in memories or dreams; avoid reminders of theevent and experience symptoms of increased vigilanceExample: A person returns from war and relives the battlefield traumasin his nightmares and startles at the sound of loud noisesPatient Empowerment Anxiety Manual VIHA.March.2010 80

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