Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

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THE CIRCLE OF DEPRESSION (CONTINUED)For example, Jack has become depressed since losing his job. He spends most of theday in bed. In order to feel better Jack would have to change his negative behavioursor thoughts.Example 1: Changing behaviour firstBEHAVIOUR THOUGHTS FEELINGS BODYDEPRESSINGStays in bedall day.“I’m useless.”“What a loser.DepressedLow energy.HELPFULForces self toget up, have ashower, go fora walk.“At least I didsomething.”“Maybe I couldstart that smallproject.”More in control.More hopeful.More energy.We can see that when Jack changed his behaviour his thoughts and feelings also changed.Example 2: Changing thoughts firstTHOUGHTS BEHAVIOUR FEELINGS BODYDEPRESSINGWhy bother,there’s nouse, it’shopeless.”Doesn’t get up.Sleeps all day.Depressed,feels useless.FatiguedHELPFUL“I’m not sureit’s goingto make adifference,but I’m willingto at least getup and havea shower.”Gets up, hasa shower,decides to walkto the cornershop.Feels goodthat heaccomplishedhis goal. Isable to enjoythe outing.Moreenergy,alertJack was able to challenge his self-defeating thoughts with positive results. Whenhe successfully completed the goal he set for himself, he felt good about hisaccomplishment. This increased his self-esteem, which enabled him to walk to thecorner shop.• Whether the circle spirals down into depression or leads upwards towards wellness,depends on the nature of the behaviours, thoughts, and feelings you choose.CBIS MANUAL | MAY 2009COGNITION | 4654

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