Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

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Self-Assessment ProfileOver-Thinker: High scores on questions 15 – 20DESCRIPTION OF TYPEDOMINANT FEELINGSATTITUDETOWARD SELF• Ruminates• Predicts negativeoutcomes• Self-blame• Withdraws andsocially isolates• May be cynical• Constant analysisof self and ownperformance for aws• May blame others orthe system• Hopeless• Gloomy• Alienated• Depressed• May be angry• I am a failure• I am worthless• I never get a break• Nothing goes rightfor meSIMPLE STRATEGIES• Get out and have at least one socialcontact a day• Practice smiling at people• Counter negative thoughts with morerealistic and helpful thoughts• Volunteer• Play with a pet• Stop watching the news• Watch funny movies• Sing• Do an active sportCBIS MANUAL | MAY 2009 ASSESSMENT | 2735

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