Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

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Taking Wellness to Heart! Metabolic MonitoringWHO: All Mental <strong>Health</strong> andSubstance Use clientsWHEN: Face to face, when file is opened or at earliest opportunity (i.e., when it is therapeuticallyappropriate to do so), and prior to initiating psychotropic medication treatment.Screening / intakeFrontline MHSUClinician take baselinehealth and risk levelPrevention, intervention, and ongoing monitoring and maintenanceMHSU Clinician and <strong>Physician</strong> review baselinehealth and risk level and follow up as appropriateMHSU Clinician and <strong>Physician</strong> repeat screening andfollow up regularly1. At baseline, retrievevulnerabilitiesinformation.2. Take and/or recordbaseline measures:waist circumference,weight, blood pressureand recent lab work.3. Retrieve medicationinformation.4. Complete Diabetes-DKA checklist.5. If unable to retrieveinfo, look for alternativeways, flag for follow up,and document.6. Complete follow upsection of form: currentrisk, repeat measuresin X months, etc.MHSU Clinician follow up:1. Determine risk levels andmonitoring frequenciesand confirm with andnotify MHSU Psychiatrist/<strong>Physician</strong> of risk.2. Provide or reviewparticipation in healthylifestyle education.3. Provide smokingcessation education and/or brief intervention (ifrequired).4. Schedule next monitoringappointment.5. Share information withrelevant parties (e.g.,GP).MHSU Psychiatrist/<strong>Physician</strong> follow up:1. Determine/confirmrisk level andmonitoringfrequencies.2. Treat and/or referto GP/specialist,as required.3. Requests labtests.4. Consider riskbenefitofmedicationtherapy.5. Share informationwith relevantparties (e.g., GP).HIGH RISKMODERATERISKLOW RISKPhysicalmeasuresRepeat monthlyfor 3 months anduntil stable, then3-monthly.Repeat 3-monthly.Repeat annually.LabinvestigationsRepeat 3-monthlyfor 6 months anduntil stable, thenannually.Annually; if ≥ 5%weight increase,repeat 6-monthlyuntil stable.Repeat annually.1. Continue to treat and/or refer to GP/specialist, asrequired.2. Continue to provide or review participation in healthylifestyle education.3. Continue smoking cessation education and/ or briefintervention (if required).4. Continue to share information with relevant parties(e.g., GP).HEALTHY LIFESTYLE EDUCATION: At each stage/review point, clients should be referred to healthy lifestyleeducation and/or their participation in education should be reviewed for opportunities to be enhancedRevised April 11, 2011 Page 1 of 2 Mental <strong>Health</strong> and Substance Use

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