Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

Process - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

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SOLVING PROBLEMS EFFECTIVELYStep 1: Choose a problemThe first step in problem solving is to choose a problem.Sometimes, depressed individuals have difficulty identifyingspecific problems in their lives – they see everythingas one huge problem. For them, identifyingparticular problems worth tackling is quite helpful.It brings them closer to finding realistic answers.One way to identify problems is to pay close attentionto how your mood changes through the week. Noticewhat’s happening when your mood goes down: whatwere you thinking about; where were you; and whathappened just before your mood changed? Changes inyour mood can be a helpful guide to show you wherethe problems are.Some of your problems might be large ones (for example,“I have an eviction notice that comes up next week”)while some are small (“I’m going to need carrots if Iwant to make that salad tonight”). Other problems aresomewhere in between (“There’s a pile of mail on mydesk that I haven’t had the courage to look at in overa week”).Choose one of the smaller problems that is happeningnow. Later, you can move up to larger problems. Tryto be specific. For example, “My relationships are amess” isn’t specific: it’s not clear what the problem is.“My best friend hasn’t called me in a month” is morespecific and makes it clear what is going wrong andwhat you want to change.The problem you choose is:SELF-CARE DEPRESSION PROGRAM40 ANTIDEPRESSANT SKILLS WORKBOOK

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