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60 TIlt\VELS IN :RUROPE.poiuted:out to tbem a sepulchral inscription of toe time of the Visi.:goths, A. D. 648.It is said, a person was once curions and assiduoos,enough to count the antique columns extant here, and that theyamountto sixtY thousand; a proof what Sevil1e m,ys! have been in the time ofthe Romans.The environs here are divided, verdant, shaded, fertile, and (it neeclbard]y he added) heautiful.N othing caned for by humanlife can bewanting. The divorce effected between land and population by Mayorazgosand mortmain has càused the torpor of the upper, the disap.:.pearance of the middle, and the wretchedness ofthe lower classes; and,.but fol" the outlet the coloniesoffer, would long ere this have overthrowntl1e state.How casually applied the palliative" when Ïniatu-,atioll inflicted the disease L How this country has been the victim of'the fortunesshe worked for the rest·of mankind!How ·eveatful thereign of Ferdinand and Isabella!' The subjugation of the Moors leads·to the extinction of sciences, arts, and trades.The union of crOW!fls·leav@s the state ina situation of provincial repulsion, dctbarri!ngallhopes of national concentration. Theip~rsecutionof the Jews predudes.the aid a commuaity derives From the most useful.descri}!>tion of its 1nmates,the savers and accumulators: and as· a palliative for an this,what is presented?events.Colonization !-Such have been moral causes andSpain is to become industrious by a ltmslin.manufactory, becausésnch establishments are found in countries endowed with in'dustry.Sncb is the human rationale!The silks ofGrenada, which suppliedthe:Moors with materials for chef-d'œuvpes of manufacture, are to he puton the stlelf, for Spain to enter into competition withEngland in stuffsthe fabric of the cottons of America. This is the wise pl!oject of thepresent day; and Englishmen are found" it may weltbejudged at wllat

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