SDI-21 Scoring guidance S u m su b sca le sco re s S o cia l D istre ...

SDI-21 Scoring guidance S u m su b sca le sco re s S o cia l D istre ...

SDI-21 Scoring guidance S u m su b sca le sco re s S o cia l D istre ...


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<strong>SDI</strong>-<strong>21</strong> <strong>Scoring</strong> <strong>guidance</strong>The So<strong>cia</strong>l Difficulties Inventory (<strong>SDI</strong>-<strong>21</strong>) is a <strong>21</strong> item questionnai<strong>re</strong> developed for patient self<strong>re</strong>port via a touchsc<strong>re</strong>en in routine oncology practice(1). Responses to all items a<strong>re</strong> on a 4point <strong>sca</strong><strong>le</strong> ranging from “0” no difficulty to “3” very much difficulty.The <strong>SDI</strong>-<strong>21</strong> may be <strong>re</strong>ported in th<strong>re</strong>e ways:1. Individual item <strong>sco</strong><strong>re</strong>s2. So<strong>cia</strong>l Dist<strong>re</strong>ss (SD-16) <strong>sco</strong><strong>re</strong>(2)3. Th<strong>re</strong>e <strong>su</strong>b<strong>sca</strong><strong>le</strong> <strong>sco</strong><strong>re</strong>s (Everyday living, Money matters, Self and others)Serial assessment of SD, <strong>su</strong>b<strong>sca</strong><strong>le</strong>s and sing<strong>le</strong> itemsSo<strong>cia</strong>l Dist<strong>re</strong>ss(SD-16)Sub<strong>sca</strong><strong>le</strong>sItem 1: Independence (0,1, 2,3)Item 2: Domestic cho<strong>re</strong>s (0,1, 2,3)Item 3: Personal ca<strong>re</strong> * (0,1, 2,2)Item 4: Ca<strong>re</strong> of dependents * (0,1, 2,2)Item 17: Getting around (0,1, 2,3)Item 19: Rec<strong>re</strong>ation (0,1, 2,3)Item 6: Welfa<strong>re</strong> benefits (0,1, 2,3)Item 7: Finances (0,1, 2,3)Item 8: Finan<strong>cia</strong>l services * (0,1, 2,2)Item 9: Work * (0,1, 2,2)Item 10: Planning the futu<strong>re</strong> (0,1, 2,3)Item 5: Support for those close to you (0,1, 2,3)Item 11: Communicating with those close (0,1, 2,3)Item 12: Communicating with others (0,1, 2,3)Item 15: Body image (0,1, 2,3)Item 16: Isolation (0,1, 2,3)Sum <strong>su</strong>b<strong>sca</strong><strong>le</strong> <strong>sco</strong><strong>re</strong>sSo<strong>cia</strong>l Dist<strong>re</strong>ss (SD-16)(0-44)Sum itemvaluesEverydayliving(range 0–16)Sum itemvaluesMoneymatters(range 0–13)Sum itemvaluesSelf andothers(range 0–15)SINGLE ITEMSItem 13: Sexual matters (0,1, 2,3)Item 14: Plans to have a family (0,1, 1,1)Item 18: Whe<strong>re</strong> you live (0,1, 2,2)Item 20: Holidays (0,1, 2,3)Item <strong>21</strong>: Other (0,1, 2,3)* Key emboldened numbers indicate Rasch adjusted codingItem 5 Support for those close to you is included in the Self and others <strong>su</strong>b<strong>sca</strong><strong>le</strong> but mayalso be linked with the other two <strong>su</strong>b<strong>sca</strong><strong>le</strong>s.1

The output may be displayed as a “one off” or as a serial output. A cut point indicating <strong>le</strong>velsof so<strong>cia</strong>l dist<strong>re</strong>ss that may warrant further investigation has been calculated (cut point valueSD-16 ≥ 10)(3) and also the clinically meaningful diffe<strong>re</strong>nce in changes in <strong>sco</strong><strong>re</strong> over time forthe SD (SD-16 inc<strong>re</strong>ase of 3)(4) and <strong>su</strong>b<strong>sca</strong><strong>le</strong> (inc<strong>re</strong>ase of 2)(5) <strong>sco</strong><strong>re</strong>s derived.Bibliography1. Wright EP, Kiely M, Johnston C, Smith AB, Cull A, Selby PJ. Development andevaluation of an instrument to assess so<strong>cia</strong>l difficulties in routine oncology practice. Qual LifeRes. 2005 Mar;14(2):373-86.2. Smith AB, Wright P, Selby P, Velikova G. Mea<strong>su</strong>ring so<strong>cia</strong>l difficulties in routinepatient-cent<strong>re</strong>d assessment: a Rasch analysis of the so<strong>cia</strong>l difficulties inventory. Qual LifeRes. 2007 Jun;16(5):823-31.3. Wright P, Smith A, Roberts K, Selby P, Velikova G. Sc<strong>re</strong>ening for so<strong>cia</strong>l difficulties incancer patients: clinical utility of the So<strong>cia</strong>l Difficulties Inventory. Br J Cancer. 2007 Oct22;97(8):1063-70.4. Wright P, Marshall L, Smith AB, Velikova G, Selby P. Mea<strong>su</strong><strong>re</strong>ment and interp<strong>re</strong>tationof so<strong>cia</strong>l dist<strong>re</strong>ss using the so<strong>cia</strong>l difficulties inventory (<strong>SDI</strong>). Eur J Cancer. 2008Jul;44(11):1529-35.5. Wright P, Smith A, Keding A, Velikova G. The So<strong>cia</strong>l Difficulties Inventory (<strong>SDI</strong>):Development of <strong>su</strong>b<strong>sca</strong><strong>le</strong>s and <strong>sco</strong>ring <strong>guidance</strong> for staff. Psychooncology. In P<strong>re</strong>ss.2

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