Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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The anchor towers would be taller to accommodate the longer spans (1000m long) and wouldbe used to join the 400kV line on the land on either side of the river.One OPGW and the one standard earthwire would be installedDue to structure heights, air craft warning spheres would need to be installed on the earthwire2.3.6.3 Optical Fiber Cable48. A provision for laying of 10cm diameter duct with proper clamping system and in a firm body forcarrying out optical fiber cable by the side of the bridge at the first level of the superstructure.Provision for pulling and jointing of optical fiber cable and hand hole (1.5m x 1.00m) will be provided atan interval of each 2.00km.2.3.7 Resettlement Sites49. In order to resettle affected people and provide compensation to the direct <strong>Project</strong> AffectedPersons (PAP), different types of compensation packages have been designed. They are as follows:(a) housing plots and money for building houses in the resettlement areas; and (b) full monetarycompensation of the lands and structures affected from the project. Four resettlement sites (RS) willbe developed to resettle affected people (originally 5 RS were planned. Based on revised RTW optionRS1: Kabutorkhola Bazar is no longer affected by the <strong>Project</strong>. Since, RS development started inadvance, prior to other project components, a separate EA/IEE for RS is prepared. A generaldiscussion on RS is made in this Volume, for more detailed information of RS development andenvironmental assessment readers are encouraged to review Volume 1 of the EAP. In general thefollowing principles were adopted: Distance between two consecutive houses must have minimum 2m (1m from each plot)space to ensure proper lighting and ventilation (Minimum housing plot size should bemore than 65 m 2 and minimum frontage should be 4.5m); Ensure arsenic and manganese free water for drinking purpose for all households: Waterrequirement for rural areas is 50 lpcd (Bangladesh norms). Source of drinking water willbe groundwater from deeper aquifers at more than 300 m to supply arsenic free water. Inaddition to main water supply well, 3 additional hand tube wells are proposed for each RS.All borehole of the tubewell, will be filled at the top upto 0.6 meter around the top pipe withsanitary seal of concrete as per design accepted by the Engineer so that flood water doesnot penetrate through the boreholes and contaminate the groundwater aquifer. Hygienic sanitation facilities for all households, schools, mosques and health centers: Acommon septic tank system will be provided and connected to latrines of household,schools, mosques and health centers latrines through underground pipeline. The designwill consider filter media upto 4.5m depth, which is sufficient to absorb all pollutantsincluding microbial. Ensure good road communication: Minimum width for access to housing plots for publicmeans will be 6m. Ensure power facilities for all houses: Power requirement for 2.5, 5, and 7.5 decimalhousing plots is estimated to be 1.35kW, 1.5kW and 1.6kW, respectively. Source of powerwill be from 11 KV line of REB and will be supplied to houses through the sub-station andunderground distribution lines. Ensure adequate drainage facilities: For designing of adequate drainage, peak rainfallintensity and non-silting velocity are considered as more than 130mm/hour and more than0.6m/sec, respectively to facilitate flow in drains. Ensure well managed waste collection and disposal system: There will be system ofcollection and storing in separate container/bin/basket. Inorganic wastes will be sold(plastic can, glasses etc.) and will be used as fuel (tree leaf, waste paper, straw etc.).Organic waste will be collected for aerobic composting. Ensure health, safety and security for all: For health and safety, good quality drinkingwater, (e.g., As

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