Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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C. Planning Framework6. BBA will formulate a planning program to meet its policy and to address all possible identifiedenvironmental aspects of its organizational and project related activities. BBA will establish objectivesand targets for its operations and develop and implement necessary programs to achieve its objectivesand targets. A framework of the planning and clear work program that BBA will establish includes:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)(x)terms of reference for environmental assessment studies by giving special emphasis onecological resources and environmental pollutionreview of environmental impact assessment, EMMP, and detailed designs prepared bythe engaged design consultants and approved by the DOEchanges or modifications of the EMMP and detailed designsreview of environmental, health, safety and social management plan of the contractor’sproposalpreparation and incorporation of environmental management clauses in the constructioncontractsmonitoring and evaluation of contractor’s complaisance with EMMP requirements in thecontract during construction and operation stageaudit of environmental management compliance during the construction and operation ofthe projects and their associated facilities, and rectification of non compliance and partialcompliance; andmonitoring and evaluation of environmental activities (including environmental qualitymonitoring such as air, noise and water quality) as parts of routine operations of theprojects and their associated facilitiescoordination with DOE to keep updated on the recent requirements on environmentalmonitoring and inspection activitiesreporting BBA’s environmental performance7. BBA will carry out all these activities in compliance with financiers and government requirements(Environmental Conservation Act, 1995 and Environment Conservation Rules, 1997). BBA will getnecessary environmental approval for its projects from the DOE.D. Implementation and Operation Framework8. BBA will provide the following necessary requirements for the effective implementation andoperation of its Plan:(i) Provide the resources needed to establish, implement, maintain and improve the it’s EMS(ii) Establish environmental management roles, responsibilities and authorities to define,document and communicate its EMS.(iii) Deliver training and awareness programs to make sure that staff are competent toimplement the EMS.(iv) Establish, implement and maintain a procedures to control it’s internal and externalcommunications procedure(v) Document it’s environmental policy, environmental objectives, environmental targets,scope and main parts of EMS(vi) Control environmental management documents as required by the ISO 14001 2004standard and it’s EMS(vii) Identify environmentally significant operations and establish procedures to manage andcontrol operational situations that could have significant environmental impacts.(viii) Review emergency response plan prepared by the design consultant and test theprocedures(ix) Health and safety aspects of the operation of the project facilities9. Environmental specialists of proposed safeguard unit (Manager, Environmental Engineer, andEnvironment, Health and Safety Specialist) are responsible for development and implementation ofEMS.<strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Multipurpose</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> Design <strong>Project</strong>Final Report (Environmental Action Plan)Enviromental Assessment ReportJune 7, 2010A9-5-21

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