Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Annex 9-5: Outline Terms of Reference for Consulting Services For Capacity Building InEnvironmental Management And MonitoringA. Background1. A capacity building program in environmental impact assessment and management has beenproposed for ‘<strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Multipurpose</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> <strong>Project</strong>’ (PMBP). The program will (a) prepare trainingprograms and manuals in environmental management and monitoring and (b) conduct trainingprograms to improve the capability of ‘implementation staff’ in monitoring the implementation ofenvironmental management and monitoring plan (EMMP) of the <strong>Project</strong>. This will be done through aprogram of technical assistance and training over a period of 12 months.B. Objectives of the Services2. The objectives of the services are: (a) to make EU personnel familiar with environmentalissues and impacts related to PMBP and to improve their skills in management and monitoring andevaluation of the EMMP (b) to develop and deliver training programs on environmental managementand monitoring to all implementation agencies; and (c) to develop and deliver training onenvironmental monitoring, evaluation and reporting to all implementation agencies.C. Scope of WorkTask 1: Preparation of Training Modules on Environmental Management and Monitoring:3. The purpose of this task is to develop training modules and manuals on (i) environmental issuesrelated to PMBP, (ii) environmental impact assessment of PMBP, (iii) environmental management andmonitoring plan of PMBP, (iv) management and monitoring and evaluation of PMBP.4. Training in Module 1 on environmental issues related to PMBP will broadly include: Introduction to PMBP and detailed description of its components, viz. main bridge,River training works, approach road and rail, bridge end facilities, service areas,construction yards, resettlement sites, and associated activities. General environmental issues associated with large bridge projects with specialemphasis on Jamuna and Mukhterpur bridges. Environmental policy, legislation and standards Bangladesh, and environmentalguidelines of co-financers Development and implementation of environmental management system5. Training in Module 2 on environmental impact assessment of PMBP will broadly include: environmental impact assessment processes and the environmental studiesconducted for the PMBP Environmental baseline data of PMBP including physical, ecological and socialresources, and environmental quality. Environmental impacts of PMBP6. Training in Module 3 on environmental management and monitoring plan (EMMP) of PMBP willbroadly include: General concepts of EMMP and environmental planning Preparation of environmental action plans for various components based on EMMP Organizational responsibilities and implementation schedules7. Training in Module 4 on management and monitoring and evaluation of PMBP will broadlyinclude: Monitoring techniques and methods for various components of EMMP Collection and analysis of environmental quality data, and Interpretation of monitoringparameters Reporting of environmental monitoringTask 2: Deliver Training Programs on Environmental Management and Monitoring:8. The purpose of this task is to deliver a series of training programs for all the activities proposed inTask 1 to all the implementing agencies of the <strong>Project</strong>.<strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Multipurpose</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> Design <strong>Project</strong>Final Report (Environmental Action Plan)Enviromental Assessment ReportJune 7, 2010A9-5-15

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