Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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2. National EcologistResponsibilitiesThe Ecologist will be responsible for: Monitoring sections on ecological aspects in the documents pertaining to theEIA study of <strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong>; Reviewing the environmental management and monitoring plan (EMMP)including mitigation plan, enhancement plan and contingency plan pertaining toecological aspects;provide inputs to the quarterly and annual reports;Monitoring the impacts of <strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> on the flora and fauna using indicatorsselected in the EMMP and ecological report.3. National Environment, Health, and Safety SpecialistResponsibilitiesThe Environment, Health, and Safety Specialist will be responsible for: ensure worksite health and safety aspects of the contractors’ work as perEMMP and ECPs; assist international environmental specialist in creating awareness onHIV/AIDS among the construction workers and local community; provide inputs to the quarterly and annual reports; draft a leaflet in Bengali for distribution to local community on HIV/AIDS andSTD.4. National Community Environmental SpecialistResponsibilitiesThe Community Environmental Specialist will be responsible for: ensure that the construction methods in the Resettlement Sites (RS) asproposed by the contractor for carrying out the works are satisfactory, withparticular references to the technical requirements of sound environmentalstandards on the basis of the CEMP/IEE for RS; involve in community awareness for improved environmental conditions,community-based public hygiene program, rainwater harvesting, alternativeenergy for income generation, and compost from organic waste;provide inputs to the quarterly and annual reports;involve in various consultation programs with the affected communities andcoordinate with the contractors for the disclosure of various work activities.5. Field Surveyors (3)ResponsibilitiesThe Field Surveyors will be responsible for:Work under the guidance of the EIA team, especially the ecologist and collectdata and monitor ecological resources in bi-monthly basis as recommended inthe EIA through various defined methodologies such as RRA, PRA, technicalsampling, fisheries activities, fish culture and pond management, aquacultureextension service, etc.<strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Multipurpose</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> Design <strong>Project</strong>Final Report (Environmental Action Plan)Enviromental Assessment ReportJune 7, 2010A9-3-9

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