Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Annex 8-3Figure A8.2-1: ERT Management StructureDeputy DirectorSafeguardUnit-EnvironmentERT Management CommitteeChair-Executive Director BBAMember Secretary -Emergency Management CoordinatorRepresentatives of:-Bangladesh Army-Police Department-Fire Department-Disaster Management BureauMediaCommunicationsMangerEmergency Response Operational CommandERC• Police• Bangladesh Army• Fire Department• DisasterManagement BureauOperational NetworkResponse team• Controllers - DistrictCommissionersOperational ResourceManagement Team• DC, Madaripur• DC, Shariatpur• DC, MunshiganjO/M Contractor•••••Traffic ManagementAsset ManagementToll CollectionContractorMuseum OperatorMedical Clinic3. The ERCThe ERC is responsible for monitoring the safety of the <strong>Bridge</strong> and coordinating and responding to allemergency events. The ERC will be located in Service Areas on both ends of the bridge.i. OrganizationThe Bangladesh Army, Police Force and Fire Department will each have an office in the ERC with anadequate number of personnel from each respective agency. There will also be fully functionalmedical facilities located in the ERC to deal with injuries or any other type of medical emergencies. Inthe event there are a large number of medical emergencies and the ERC medical facilities areoverwhelmed, the ERC will contact the upazila, district and national Health facilities. The ERC willensure that the medical facilities and ambulances in all upazila Health Complex close to the projectsite are adequate and functional with a monthly visit. The project may consider procuring moreambulances for the health complex if the ambulances in the upazila Health Complex are inadequate.ii.Resourcesa. PersonnelEach agency will have a sufficient number of personnel present at the ERC. There will also be 2administration staff and 3 cleaning staff members who will be hired by the ERT Committee. The totalnumber of personnel will be 245. The Position and recommended number of personnel from eachagency is given below:Table A8.2- 1: Bangladesh ArmyPosition Rank No. Of PersonalBrigadier Commander 1Lt. Cornel Commanding Officer 1<strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Multipurpose</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> Design <strong>Project</strong>Final Report (Environmental Action Plan)Environmental Impact Assessment Report A8-37June 7, 2010

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