Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Annex 8-3Annex 8-3: Emergency Response PlanIIntroductionA. Importance of the ERPAn Emergency Response Plan (ERP) can be defined as a plan that encompasses organizing,coordinating and implementing a range of procedures to prevent, mitigate, respond to and recoverfrom the consequences of an emergency event.A well-constructed ERP will prevent a minor incident from becoming a disaster, save lives, preventinjuries and minimize damage to property and the environment. It facilitates a rapid and effectiveemergency response and recovery; provides assistance to emergency and security services;implements an effective evacuation plan if required and communicates vital information to all relevantpersons involved in the transport emergency (both internal personnel and external agencies) with aminimum of delay. It outlines the necessary resources, personnel, and logistics, which allow for aprompt, coordinated, and rational approach to a transport accident. The plan will contain sufficientdetail to enable those involved in the response to effectively carry out their duties.An effective ERP prepares for the unexpected by identifying response mechanisms to a variety ofpotential crises that may arise. Possible emergency events that have been identified for this projectare; flooding, traffic accidents (road and rail), leak/spill of hazardous materials, civil disturbance/riot,terrorist events/threats and gas leak/explosion. These emergency events are discussed further insection B of this plan.B. Purpose of the PlanThis ERP is intended to provide information, strategies and procedures relating to all aspects ofemergency management during operation, which comprise:a. Prevention of emergencies,b. Preparation for emergencies.c. Response to an emergency. andd. Recovery following an emergency.It includes emergency management procedures and administrative structures to be established andnominates functional roles and responsibilities for the management of emergencies across theinfrastructure developed.Prevention is one of the most important elements of the plan. Averting an emergency event from evertaking place is always the top priority. Effective prevention techniques such as preventativemaintenance of high pressure gas mains can greatly reduce the risk of a gas leak or explosion.Preparedness is ensuring that personnel are adequately trained and equipment is properly functioningfor an effective response and recovery to an emergency event. For unexpected and unpreventableevents like a terrorist attack, preparedness can be the deciding factor that prevents an isolatedincident from becoming a major disaster.Response is actions taken to minimize the effects of an emergency. An effective and quick responseis important in all cases of emergency events in order to minimize casualties and injuries.Recovery is defined as measures which are taken after an emergency event. Recovery measuresinclude but are not limited to; support of affected individuals, damage assessment, containment,clean-up and investigation.<strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Multipurpose</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> Design <strong>Project</strong>Final Report (Environmental Action Plan)Environmental Impact Assessment Report A8-35June 7, 2010

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