Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Annex 8-2poor household.5. If landless, the residencelosing households will get ahomestead plot of 2.5decimals at RS free of cost.6. An AP losing a shop will beentitled to purchase acommercial plot at RS at acost equivalent to CCL.7. Owner will be allowed to takeall salvageable materials freeof cost.structure to legal ownersand if CCL is less than RV,or there is no CCL (forsocially recognizedowners), BBA will pay thedifference or the RV directlywith assistance from INGO.5. BBA will provide otherresettlement benefitsdirectly with assistance fromINGO.6. AP, upon allocation of acommercial plot at RS, willpay the price of the plot toBBA at the rate of CCL ofthe land acquired for theRS.Implementation Issues1. Joint Verification identifies (records floor areas and category) structure for titled owners and Censusidentifies structure for non-titled owners.2. Replacement value (RV) of structure will be determined and approved as stated in LOSS ITEM 4.3. Compensation must be paid before EP dismantles and removes the structures as per civil worksrequirement.4. The cut-off dates for titled owners and socially recognized owners as stated in LOSS ITEM 4.5. The homestead losers will produce documentary evidence and the BBA through IVC will cross verify thelandlessness of the homestead losers for allocation of an RS plot for free.6. Residential sites plots in the settlement sites will be allocated to the landless households on a 99 yearslease basis in the name of both spouses. In case of single parent household, the household headirrespective of gender will get the allocation.Loss Item 7: LOSS OF TIMBER AND FRUIT BEARING TREES, BAMBOO AND BANANA GROVESUnit of Entitlement Entitlements ApplicationGuidelines1. Legal owner(s) asidentified by theDC in the processof CCL payment.2. Sociallyrecognized ownersof trees grown onpublic or otherland, as identifiedby Census andverified by IVC.1. Timber trees and bamboo: RVof trees and bamboo.2. Fruit-bearing trees withouttimber: if the tree is at or nearfruit-bearing stage, theestimated current market valueof the fruit.3. Fruit-bearing trees with timber:RV for the timber, andestimated current market valueof fruit.4. Banana groves: RV of all treesand estimated current value ofone-time crop of each fullgrowntree.5. Owners will be allowed to felltrees and take the timber, freeof cost after payment of CCLor RV as applicable.1. Applicable to alltrees and plantslocated on ROW atcut-off dates.2. DC will pay CCL asapplicable fortrees/plants.3. If CCL is less thanRV or there is noCCL (for sociallyrecognized owners),the difference or RVof different speciesof trees will directlybe paid by BBA withassistance fromINGO.4. PVAC willrecommend RV oftrees and fruits.Additional ServicesINGO to explain RAPpolicies regardingcompensation for thetrees of differentcategories and sizeand make the EPsaware that they couldtake the timber andfruits free of cost.Implementation Issues:1. Standard rates for trees of different species available with the Department of Forestry will beconsidered by PVAC in calculating the RV.2. The INGO will provide guidance in plantation and post-plantation care.<strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Multipurpose</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> Design <strong>Project</strong>Final Report (Environmental Action Plan)Environmental Impact Assessment Report A8-30June 7, 2010

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