Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Annex 8-2Implementation Issues:1. Affected persons (APs) will be informed of the details of the compensation policy, resettlement packageand payment procedure.2. RV will be determined and approved for the project following the procedure as stated under LOSS ITEM1.3. CCL for private and khas land will be determined by DC as stated under LOSS ITEM 1.4. Title updating for usufruct and other rights will be done before issuance of notice under Section 6 withassistance from the INGO.5. The INGO will encourage and motivate EPs to purchase homestead/ commercial/ community or industrialland or invest the compensation money in productive or income generating activities.6. The resettlement site plots will be allocated to the head of the deserving households on a 99 years leasebasis on payment at the rate of CCL of the land acquired for the RS.Loss Item 3:Unit ofEntitlementLegal owner(s)as identified byDC in theprocess of CCLpayment.LOSS OF WATER BODIES (PONDS, BOTH CULTIVATED AND NON-CULTIVATED)Entitlements Application Guidelines AdditionalServices1. PVAC will recommend RV of Legal owner orprivate land.lessees will be2. DC will pay CCL for the land. assisted by3. If RV is higher than CCL, the INGO/BBA todifference will be paid by BBA organize legalwith assistance from INGO. documentation in4. Other resettlement benefits support of theirwill be paid by BBA with ownership.assistance from INGO.1. RV of the water body(private land).2. Dislocation Allowance of Tk.100 (one hundred) perdecimal for perennial waterbodybut not exceeding Tk.20,000/- (twenty thousand).Implementation Issues:1. Owners or cultivators of land and water body will be informed of the details of the compensation policy,resettlement package and payment procedure.2. RV will be determined and approved for the project following the procedure as stated under LOSS ITEM 1.3. CCL of private and khas land will be determined by DC as stated under LOSS ITEM 1.4. Title updating for usufruct and other rights will be done before issuance of notice under section 6 withassistance from the INGO.5. The INGO shall encourage and motivate EPs to consider purchasing water body or investing thecompensation monies in productive or income generating activities.Loss Item 4: LOSS OF RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES WITH TITLE TO LANDUnit ofEntitlementLegal owner(s) asidentified by DC inthe process of CCLpayment.Entitlements Application Guidelines AdditionalServices1. RV of residential 1. Applicable to all structures located Assistance instructure.on the Right of Way (ROW) at relocation and2. Transfer Grant @ Tk. 7 cut-off dates.reconstruction.(seven) per sft of 2. PVAC will recommend the RV ofaffected structure.structures.3. Reconstruction Grant @ 3. Inventory Verification CommitteeTk. 10 (ten) per sft of (IVC) will verify and recordaffected structure.structures eligible for RV and4. Special Assistance of other assistance.one-time payment of Tk. 4. DC will pay CCL for structure and5,000/- (five thousand) if CCL is less than RV, BBA willfor each female,pay the difference directly withdisabled, elderly headed assistance from INGO.and very poor5. BBA will provide otherhousehold.resettlement benefits directly with5. Owner will be allowed to assistance from INGO.take away allsalvageable materialsfree of cost.<strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Multipurpose</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> Design <strong>Project</strong>Final Report (Environmental Action Plan)Environmental Impact Assessment Report A8-28June 7, 2010

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