Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Annex 8-1<strong>Project</strong> Activity/Impact SourceAccidentsConstructionCampsEnvironmental Impactsbe exposed to a number of (i)biophysical health risk factors,(e.g. noise, dust, chemicals,construction material, solid waste,waste water, vector transmitteddiseases etc), (ii) risk factorsresulting from human behavior(e.g. STD, HIV etc) and (iii) roadaccidents from construction traffic.Child and pregnant laborLack of first aid facilities andhealth care facilities in theimmediate vicinity will aggravatethe health conditions of thevictimsLack of proper infrastructurefacilities, such as housing, watersupply and sanitation facilities willincrease pressure on the localMitigation Measures/ Management Guidelines Provide the workers with a safe and healthy work environment, taking into accountinherent risks in its particular construction activity and specific classes of hazards in thework areas, Provide personal protection equipment (PPE) for workers, such as safety boots, helmets,masks, gloves, protective clothing, goggles, full-face eye shields, and ear protection.Maintain the PPE properly by cleaning dirty ones and replacing them with the damagedones. Safety procedures include provision of information, training and protective clothing toworkers involved in hazardous operations and proper performance of their job Appoint an environment, health and safety manager to look after the health and safety ofthe workers Inform the local authorities responsible for health, religious and security duly informedbefore commencement of civil works and establishment of construction camps so as tomaintain effective surveillance over public health, social and security mattersThe Contractor shall not hire children of less than 14 years of age and pregnant women or women whodelivered a child within 8 preceding weeks, in accordance with the Bangladesh LaborCode, 2006 Provide health care facilities and first aid facilities are readily available. Appropriatelyequipped first-aid stations should be easily accessible throughout the place of work Document and report occupational accidents, diseases, and incidents. Prevent accidents, injury, and disease arising from, associated with, or occurring in thecourse of work by minimizing, so far as reasonably practicable, the causes of hazards. In amanner consistent with good international industry practice. Identify potential hazards to workers, particularly those that may be life-threatening andprovide necessary preventive and protective measures. Provide awareness to the construction drivers to strictly follow the driving rules Provide adequate lighting in the construction area and along the roadsThe Contractor shall provide the following facilities in the campsites to improve health andhygienic conditions as mentioned in ECP 17 Construction Camp Management Adequate ventilation facilities Safe and reliable water supply. Water supply from deep tube wells that meets the national<strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Multipurpose</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> Design <strong>Project</strong>Final Report (Environmental Action Plan)Environmental Impact Assessment Report A8-24June 7, 2010

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