Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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3.5.10 Access to Energy 3-694 Scoping and Prioritization of Impacts/Risks 4-14.1 Scoping Framework 4-14.1.1 Methodology 4-14.1.2 <strong>Project</strong> Boundaries 4-24.2 Identification of Environmental Impacts 4-44.3 Prioritization of Environmental Impacts 4-44.4 Induced Environmental Impacts at Regional Level 4-125 Climate Change Considerations 5-15.1 Scoping 5-15.2 Data and Information Collection and Methods Followed 5-25.2.1 GHG Consideration 5-25.2.2 Impacts Consideration 5-25.3 Climate projections 5-35.3.1 Future Sea Level Rise 5-35.3.2 Temperature <strong>Project</strong>ion 5-55.3.3 Wind Forces 5-55.4 Analysis of Environmental Effects 5-55.4.1 GHG Considerations 5-55.4.2 Impact Consideration 5-65.5 Identification of Mitigation/Adaptive Measures 5-75.5.1 GHG Management Plan 5-75.5.2 Impacts Management/Adaptive Plan 5-85.6 Monitoring, Follow-up and Adaptive Management 5-86 Analysis of Alternatives 6-16.1 Framework for Assessment of Alternatives 6-16.1.1 Assessment Framework 6-16.2 Weighted Scores of Alternatives 6-26.3 Without the <strong>Project</strong> Alternative 6-36.4 Alternative Analysis during Feasibility Study 6-36.4.1 Location/Alignment of <strong>Bridge</strong> 6-36.4.2 Type of <strong>Bridge</strong> 6-106.5 Alternative Analysis during Detailed Design 6-106.5.1 Design of Main <strong>Bridge</strong> 6-106.5.2 Design of Transition Structures 6-186.5.3 Modifications of Feasibility Design: BEF & Navigation Clearance 6-186.6 River Training Works 6-196.6.1 Alternative 1 - Revetment on Bank of Southside Channel 6-196.6.2 Alternative 2 - : Guide Bund and Upstream Hard Points on South Bank 6-206.6.3 Alternative 2 Modified – Hard points in Char: 6-216.7 Preferred Options 6-296.8 Conclusion 6-307 Assessment of Impacts/Risks for Preferred Alternative 7-17.1 Preamble 7-17.2 <strong>Project</strong> Related Significant Impacts 7-1

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